Supreme Allure

Chapter 312: A Man Should Use His Fist to Talk

Chapter 312 Men Should Talk With Their Fists (2)
Seeing Leng Xingyue and Yu Wenmo nodding in agreement, Sima Jingfeng continued to drink the medicine in peace.

"Sigh, I don't know when Qingcheng will be free, these quack doctors..." Sima Jingfeng drank the bitter medicine with a sad face, sighing while drinking.

"Is this medicine so bad? It looks like a bitter woman." A clear voice came from outside the door, and then, a white figure appeared in front of the three of them.

"Qingcheng!" Sima Jingfeng stared at the visitor excitedly.

"Jingfeng, your mouth has been spoiled. You even pick and choose when you drink a potion. Do you understand the truth that good medicine tastes bitter?" Qingcheng teased Sima Jingfeng with a smile on her face as soon as she entered the door.

"I used to believe in the saying that good medicine tastes bitter, but Qingcheng, it was you who overturned this sentence, and made me believe that good medicine can also be delicious." Disappeared without a trace, laughing from the corners of the eyes to the tip of the eyebrows.

"Qingcheng, I think you are Jingfeng's best medicine. Look at his face full of spring, he doesn't look like a sick person. He is already cured without taking medicine." Leng Xingyue teased with a smile.

"That's right, Qingcheng, come here and sit here, just sit beside him for a while, and make sure that Jingfeng will become lively immediately." Yu Wenmo also teased.

"You guys, just feel free to laugh at me one or two. Qingcheng has this ability. Seeing 'him', my confidence soars, and I feel an unprecedented sense of security. I am not afraid of any poisonous poison." Sima Jingfeng graciously let his friends tease him. With Qingcheng around, his mood became clearer than ever. No matter how serious the poison was, he was not worried at all. This kind of complete trust not only depends on Qingcheng His peerless medical skills depend on an invisible force in Qingcheng, maybe it is the power of self-confidence. It seems that no matter how difficult things are, when they come to Qingcheng, everything becomes a piece of cake.

"Jingfeng, take these pills first." Qingcheng said while taking out a small porcelain bottle from the interspatial ring and handing it to Sima Jingfeng, then turned to look at Yu Wenmo and Leng Xingyue, and asked softly asked, "Whose other room in this suite belongs to?"

"It's mine." Although Yu Wenmo felt that this question was a bit strange, he still answered it without hesitation. Since Qingcheng asked this question, there must always be 'his' reasons.

"Then please lend it to me." After Qingcheng finished speaking, she walked to the next room.

Yu Wenmo nodded blankly, what did Qingcheng borrow his room for?
"Don't come in until I come out, I will set up an enchantment in the room." Qingcheng said as she walked, and before the three of them could react, the person had disappeared, as if the appearance just now was just Everyone's hallucinations are average.

"Jingfeng, 'he' neither took your pulse nor gave you needles, just casually threw you a small bottle of medicine, does this count as treating you?" Leng Xingyue Zhang Da With his mouth pursed, his clear eyes stared at the place where Qingcheng disappeared, and asked Sima Jingfeng in disbelief.

"Xingyue, you don't understand this. The more serious the poison, the less pills Qingcheng gives. The concentrated ones are the essence." Sima Jingfeng explained very patiently, taking the pills from the small porcelain bottle while talking. He took out a few pills and swallowed them with a raised neck.

"Jingfeng, I think Qingcheng's poison in you is not as deep as usual. Even if 'he' gave you poison, I guess you would swallow it without hesitation." Leng Xingyue finally recovered from the shock just now. After realizing it, he turned his eyes to see Sima Jingfeng continue to tease.

"Of course, even if 'he' gives me poison, it will definitely be poison that can detoxify. Why don't I swallow it?" Sima Jingfeng didn't think there was anything wrong with his total trust in Qingcheng, he was more curious Yes, why did Qingcheng borrow Mo's room?He also told everyone not to disturb.

"This Qingcheng is also quite strange. I borrowed Mo's room and planned to set up an enchantment. I don't know what I want to do?" Leng Xingyue asked curiously, "I don't think 'he' has even a trace of magic power on him, 'he' really Can he set up a barrier? Even if 'he' knows how to set up a barrier, can the barrier set by 'him' be used? We can walk in casually, so what's the difference between setting it up and not setting it up?" Leng Xingyue didn't look down on Qingcheng, but was full of curiosity about Qingcheng. A person without a trace of magical power asked to set up a barrier, which completely aroused his curiosity.

"Hahaha!" Sima Jingfeng laughed loudly, "Xingyue, you can enter the enchantment set up by Qingcheng casually? Hahahahaha!" Sima Jingfeng seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. Lie down on the bed with a big smile, "I said Xingyue, why don't you go around now and see if the enchantment set up by Qingcheng is really as you said, and you can enter it casually."

Leng Xingyue looked at Sima Jingfeng suspiciously, did he say something wrong?Isn't that so?Although there were a lot of questions in their hearts, anyway, since Qingcheng told them not to disturb them, they would naturally not rashly break into Qingcheng's enchantment just to satisfy their curiosity.In case Qingcheng has something important to deal with, it will definitely affect Qingcheng.

In fact, Qingcheng in the next room is not dealing with any particularly important matters. He just domesticated the black tiger that was stolen from Sang Naxi earlier. The reason why he set up a barrier to tell them not to disturb is because She wants to focus on getting out of here quickly after domestication.Ever since Qingcheng returned to the academy, she has been so busy that she really has no time to stay here.She is not afraid of being disturbed by others, her mental power has long surpassed anyone's interference, but the interference of others will affect her domestication progress to some extent, thus wasting her precious time.

In an environment where no one was disturbing, Qingcheng domesticated quickly, and within a short time, the black tiger had been domesticated successfully.Qingcheng didn't put the domesticated black tiger back into the purple jade bracelet, but led it back to Sima Jingfeng's room.

"Jingfeng, I have already domesticated this black tiger. You were hunted down so badly last time. I guess your monsters were also seriously injured. I think this black tiger can still be used. You can take it to the contract." Alright." Qingcheng led the black tiger to Sima Jingfeng's bed, and handed the black tiger directly into Sima Jingfeng's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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