Supreme Allure

Chapter 322 Asking for others is better than asking for oneself

Chapter 322 Asking for others is better than asking for oneself (2)
Thus, the two people who looked at each other disliked each other, and in the blink of an eye, they wrestled with each other.

Luoshui Qingchuan's plump lips raised lightly, the so-called praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles are behind, it's best if they can keep fighting like this, then no one will come to fight him for Qingcheng.

Seeing this, Qingcheng shook his head, and didn't go over to persuade the fight, but summoned Chipeng from the purple jade bracelet, and waved to Luoshui Qingchuan and Lin Huanzhi, who were watching the show. Seeing this, they both teleported and sat down On Chi Peng's wings, the corners of Qing Cheng's mouth twitched, saying why these people's strength is so unfathomable, teleporting is as easy as walking.

As soon as the three of them got on Chipeng's wings, Qingcheng drove Chipeng straight up to the sky. Hua Qingyu saw Qingcheng fly away, and was anxious to run to catch up with Qingcheng, but was intercepted by Mo Yao's flying, and said coldly : "If you lose, just tell me, you are running away like those people who have no quality? Hua Qingyu, are you still shameless?"

"You idiot, Qingcheng is gone, why should we fight?" Hua Qingyu was entangled by Mo Yao and couldn't walk with Qingcheng. He was extremely anxious and shouted fiercely.His elegant image is always completely destroyed every time he sees Mo Yao.

"Qingcheng is gone and I can find it again, but I don't want to wait any longer for the competition between us. Today we must decide the winner, lest you keep pestering my wife when you have nothing to do." Mo Yao's voice fell, Waved one after another of phantom power casually, and attacked Hua Qingyu head-on and face-to-face.

Hua Qingyu sneered, his hands were filled with phantom power, colliding with the phantom power from Mo Yao's attack in the air, bursting out bursts of flames.

In this way, the two continued to fight back and forth, no longer interested in playing tricks, but put all their strength into the fight.

And Qingcheng and his party of three returned to the hall of the medical union not long after.

In the hall, Lin Qingshan and the fat and thin elders were studying the portraits of women. Seeing Qingcheng coming in, Lin Qingshan quickly took out a portrait and put it in front of Qingcheng, and asked with a smile: "Qingcheng, look at the women in this painting. how?"

Qingcheng looked at Lin Qingshan with a puzzled expression and said, "Uncle Lin, shouldn't you ask me if the peaches were picked?"

"Haha, Qingcheng, seeing that all of you are proud of yourself, after thinking about it, I know that you should have got the Burning Peach." The fat elder explained on the side.

Qingcheng shook her head helplessly, all of them are human spirits, at least they gave them an excited expression to show their encouragement when they got the burning peaches, are they so sure that they can come back with burning peaches?
"Father, I'm going back to my room first." Every time Lin Huanzhi saw his father, it seemed that he would always say this line.

"Stop for me." Lin Qingshan sternly stopped his son, took a stack of portraits and strode towards his son and said, "Choose one and go back to the room."

"Father, if you do this again, I won't heal the scar on this face." Lin Huanzhi said coldly.

"You, you unfilial son, your mother passed away early, and I was both a father and a mother to bring you up with great difficulty. I only hope that you will spread the branches and leaves for our Lin family, but you are good. You refused to get married again and again, before you had a reason to say that you were disfigured for fear of scaring other girls, but now, seeing that you can restore your appearance, why don't you choose one?" Lin Qingshan said earnestly.

"Father!" Lin Huanzhi raised his eyes to meet Lin Qingshan's when he heard the words, with a serious expression on his face, pursed his lips and said quietly, "I think father also knows that before I was disfigured, I was very handsome. Every day, there is an endless stream of people seeking relatives, almost trampling the threshold of our house. However, since I was disfigured, Dad, you have worked hard to find a good marriage for me, but those people are so unreasonable. A toad who laughed at his father's whimsy and wished to eat swan meat, father, the human relationship is so cold and warm, why are you obsessed with Zhi'er's marriage? Rather than marrying those snobbish women who are delicate and swaying like willows in the wind, Zhi'er would rather not marry for life. Marry." As soon as Lin Huanzhi finished speaking, he turned and left the hall coldly without looking back.

"Brother Qingshan, I told you not to be so impatient and you just didn't listen. The most urgent thing is to get rid of the scar on Huan Zhi's face. You have to make such an oolong incident out of nowhere, what do you think we should do now?" Shaking his head approvingly, he knew that Huan Zhi would be angry, as expected.

"Hao Qing, I also have a purpose in doing this. I hope that Zhi'er will be more active in cooperating with the treatment when seeing these beautiful girls. In fact, the main reason is to motivate him. Who would have thought that it would be counterproductive." Lin Qingshan was dumbfounded. Coptidis has indescribable helplessness.

"Uncle Lin, let Brother Lin be quiet for a while, let's seize the time to refine the elixir, I believe that Brother Lin is a sensible person, and he will not disappoint Uncle Lin's hard work." Qingcheng said from the space Remove the roasted peaches from the ring.

"Qingcheng, you're right, let's go to the pharmacy and concentrate on refining medicine." As a generation of genius doctors, when he saw the magic medicine of burning peaches, he regained his energy, grabbed some burning peaches, and beckoned to everyone. He walked towards the refining pharmacy.

Seeing this, Qingcheng and the others quickly took some burning peaches, and followed Lin Qingshan to the pharmacy.

After several days of hard work refining the medicine, the red pills were finally refined. In view of the misunderstanding between Lin Qingshan and Lin Huanzhi, the job of delivering the pills naturally fell on Qingcheng.

Originally, these pills were so light that it was enough to send Qingcheng to transport them alone, but someone was worried, saying what if Qingcheng was robbed halfway?For such a precious pill, someone had to escort it, so it was logical that he and Qingcheng took on the great task of delivering the medicine.

"Brother Lin, are you alright?" Lin Huanzhi's door was ajar and unlocked, Qingcheng knocked on the door for a while and saw no response, so he pushed the door and walked in.

"It's okay." Lin Huanzhi put down the wine pot in his hand when he saw Qingcheng, with desolation in his eyes, and laughed at himself, "Actually, what does it matter if you don't remove the scars on your face? I am me, If a woman is willing to marry me because my face is healed, then maybe one day I encounter bad luck again, and she will still abandon me and leave. Such a woman, what is the use of me? Why do I, Lin Huanzhi? Are you wasting your time on people like that?"

(End of this chapter)

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