Supreme Allure

Chapter 350 Paper Man Corps, Evil Man

Chapter 350 Paper Man Corps, Evil Man (5)
Seeing Qingcheng's desperate expression, everyone looked sideways and thought to themselves: What happened to make Qingcheng so excited and indignant?

An unbelievable scene happened. I saw that the corner that was empty just now, under the sudden cover of the alluring tulle, slowly revealed a bewitching man. The bewitching man has white hair, white eyes and white clothes. Contrary to Yin Jiyou's feeling, Yin Jiyou is extremely cold, but the man in front of him is full of demons and evil spirits.

"Hahahahaha! I can't see that you still have this ability at such a young age." The evil man gave Qingcheng a bewitching sideways look, and laughed loudly. in the eyes.

Qingcheng didn't speak, just clenched the Dragon Control Sword in his hand, flipped it several times in the air, and the Dragon Control Sword stabbed straight at the evil man.

The evil and charming man did not avoid or retreat, stepped on strange steps, and gently danced the leaf fan in his hand. In just a split second, several paper figurines appeared in front of him out of thin air.When Qingcheng's dragon-controlling sword stabbed at the evil man, those paper figurines happened to block in front of him and became scapegoats.

Seeing this sudden change, Qingcheng flew across a graceful arc in the air as lightly as a swallow, flew away from the evil man, and returned to her own camp.

"Hahaha! You kid is not only smart, but also so agile. You are really a rare talent. I wonder if you are interested in being my apprentice?" The evil and charming man was obviously very satisfied with Qingcheng, it can be seen Appreciating talent is not only the monopoly of good people. Faced with a talent like Qingcheng, even the enemy has a feeling of cherishing talent.

"Stop daydreaming, Qingcheng has already worshiped me as a teacher, you should die." Gu Hongyu pulled Qingcheng behind her, and stared directly at the bewitching man with silver eyes.

"I'm curious, how did you find me?" The evil man thought he was perfectly invisible, so how could he be discovered by the little furry boy in front of him?

"You think you've hidden it perfectly, but it's full of loopholes." Qingcheng's lips curled up in a sarcastic arc, and he continued confidently, "The whole space is full of violent winds and snowflakes, only yours In the corner, the wind blows extremely slowly, and the snowflakes are scattered sparsely. As the saying goes, it is dark under the lamp, and the corner where the wind and rain stop is your hiding place."

The art of invisibility is only invisible visually. The invisible entity still exists. Snowflakes sprinkled on the invisible person cannot penetrate the entity. Therefore, the snowflakes blowing obliquely from the side can only be used to fill the gap. Vacancy, therefore, snowflakes will be sparse there.

The violent wind in the ice spell space is caused by the waving of the leaf fan. The back of the leaf fan is where the evil man is, and it is the origin of the wind. At this position, the wind will naturally stop.

"Hahahahaha! Not bad! He is such a rare talent in a millennium. I really can't do anything. How about this, I will kill your master first, and then you can join me openly and honestly." The evil spirit The man raised his long and narrow red phoenix eyes, and danced the leaf fan in his hand enchantingly, and the paper figurines rushed towards Gu Hongyu one by one.

Gu Hongyu's slender figure spun several times in the air, waving his hands towards the paper figurines wildly, and the paper figurines swept towards the bewitching man one after another.

Seeing this, the bewitching man in white danced lightly with the leaf fan in his hand, and those paper figurines disappeared one after another.The leaf fan can not only control the wind and snow, but also control the paper figurines.

After the bewitching man took back the paper figurines, he continued to wave the leaf fan in his hand without stopping for a moment, and paper figurines appeared one after another. At dizzying speed, it attacked the students who were struggling to fight the original paper figurines.

All the changes came too fast, and by the time everyone reacted, several students had already fallen into the ice and snow, and those plain white paper figurines became more rosy and fuller under the nourishment of blood.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, they didn't care to speak any more, and tried their best to attack the evil man.The evil man raised his leaf fan lightly, and more paper figurines joined the battle. For a moment, there was a bloodbath, ghosts crying and wolves howling, and lives fell one after another in the ice and snow.

"These paper figurines are endless. If we don't find a way to break his Wraith Curse and Ice Curse, we can only be trapped here alive in the end." Seeing the young and fresh lives fall, Nalan Muchen His heart is like being cut by a steel knife, but what else can he do besides find a way to protect the safety of the students?If you don't break these two damn spells, you won't be able to get out at all.

Qingcheng's brain is running fast, Sanweizhenhuo, I don't know if the blood dragon can spit out Sanweizhenhuo?Why don't you try summoning the blood dragon?Although she doesn't want to rely on the blood dragon, but when so many lives are falling, she can no longer care about whether to rely on it or not. In this case, the young life of the blood dragon will also perish along with her.

Just when Qingcheng was about to concentrate on summoning the blood dragon, in a piece of pure white ice and snow, a ball of fiery red suddenly flew over. The ball of fiery red whirled rapidly while madly attacking the paper figurines. Those brave and invincible paper figurines , Under the attack of those small fireballs, they were all turned into ashes one after another.

The evil man was startled when he saw this, his leaf fan danced wildly, and hastily recalled the paper figurines that hadn't been burned to ashes.

At the same time, the fiery red ball finally flew in front of everyone.

A red brocade robe is as gorgeous as the scorching sun, red hair dancing in the wind is like a raging flame, a pair of red eyes are as bright as rubies, the eyebrows are raised slightly, and the corners of the lips curl up in an arrogant and domineering arc, as if looking at the world The king is coming.Her fair skin was like the ice and snow in front of her eyes, as white as jade, crystal clear.It's just that the powerful aura of the king made this delicate face directly ignored by others, and more people were infected by his powerful aura of domineering, and couldn't help wanting to worship it.

In a sheet of ice and snow, two beautiful and enchanting men, one red and one white, faced the wind, and the surroundings instantly became quiet, and even the sound of snowflakes falling on the ground could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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