Supreme Allure

Chapter 380 I must expose your true colors

Chapter 380 I must expose your true colors (2)
Murong Zuixue heard the words, lowered her eyes and pursed her lips, and laughed softly at herself: "It seems that I am used to being followed, and suddenly no one came to harass me. I am not used to it for a while, and I thought this Hua Hanxiang is a fake. You are right, it is the best thing for me if she doesn't come to harass me. "

In the flower hall of Xiangfu, cups and cups were intertwined, full of joy, although people left the table one after another, but because of the large number of people, leaving so few would not affect the lively atmosphere of the entire flower hall at all.The most talked about in the flower hall are naturally all kinds of rumors about the fragrance of flowers.However, because there was an example of Dongmu Guoye's transformation from a waste that could not be cultivated into a world-class genius in front of the world, Hua Hanxiang's sudden proficiency in medical skills did not arouse people's suspicion. Everyone was very stupid and naive. She believed the idiotic reason compiled by Qingcheng: she met an expert who taught her these skills.The so-called three people become a tiger, and a few suspicious people, under such a huge amount of public opinion, also foolishly and naively believed it.

So, after Dongmu Country's Ye Qingcheng, Nanling Country also produced a legendary figure... Hua Hanxiang, who transformed from a nympho girl into a miracle doctor whose medical skills are better than dancing.

The ticks in Xiangguo Temple were strangled very hard. At the beginning, those ticks were hiding. Later, Wu Jinqiong consulted with Qingcheng, and Qingcheng refined a special medicine powder to attract ticks, and sprinkled it on the grounds of Xiangguo Temple. In the corners, sure enough, as soon as the ticks smelled the smell of the medicinal powder, they couldn't hide anymore, they rushed out one after another, and were strangled by the soldiers one after another.

Those who had been to Xiangguo Temple before were also recalled for inspection one by one, and took the pills refined by Qingcheng, and were not allowed to go home until the incubation period passed.

For Qingcheng, these things were all done in secret.Except for Murong Zuixue, Wu Jinqiong, Zhan Jingyun and Wu Zhiming, no one knew about it. After all, everyone was used to the image of Hua Hanxiang, a flower idiot, and suddenly became a savior. Are more people suspicious?Speaking of which, the few people who knew the truth had actually become suspicious a long time ago, but there was no conflict of interest between them, so they just doubted and did not do anything against Qingcheng. How are you skeptical.

Although it took a long time to eliminate the ticks, it didn't have much impact on Qingcheng. She just provided some medicine to Wu Jinqiong. In the hands of others.

These days, apart from rummaging through boxes and cabinets at home to find jasper scrolls, Qingcheng wandered the streets with her kite to see if she could lure the woman in blue out to avenge the real Hua Hanxiang.

On this day, Qingcheng was wandering on the street as usual, and suddenly heard passers-by on the road whispering a message: Recently, the mercenary union has launched a new special task, picking soul-gathering flowers.

In this other world, soul sleep is a very common thing, especially in some big families, someone will always fall into soul sleep for one reason or another.Therefore, Soul Gathering Flower has always been a very popular medicinal material, but this flower is extremely rare. Recently, I heard that this flower appeared in Zhelan Forest in Nanling Country. Therefore, the mercenary union immediately issued a special task. Dangling on Qingcheng, upon hearing the news, he immediately walked in the direction of the mercenary union.

It has been some time since I came to Nanling Country, in order to lure the woman in blue out, and also to find the Jasper Axis.These days of swaying, Qingcheng is already very familiar with Tianyu City, the mercenary union, Qingcheng can find it with his eyes closed.

As soon as Qingcheng and Miaozheng walked into the mercenary union, countless eyes shot at them. Immediately afterwards, the voices of discussions one after another continuously penetrated into Qingcheng's ears.

"It seems that Hua Hanxiang has really gone crazy since she was annulled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. You see, she has come to the mercenary union. There are almost no women in this mercenary union, let alone someone like Hua Hanxiang. It's such a delicate lady."

"That's right. Could it be that you are crazy about men, and you went to the mercenary union to find a man?"

"It's very possible. After I heard that Hua Hanxiang was divorced by His Royal Highness, he aimed at the dancer. The dancer just arrived at the mercenary union, and Hua Hanxiang followed. The Jasper Axis is really powerful, I think Follow whoever you follow..."

It has to be said that the imagination of the gossipers is beyond the imagination of the person concerned. Qingcheng has not even seen the shadow of the jasper axe, so she is crowned with a big hat of relying on the jasper axe for tracking.Qingcheng really wanted to shout out: Please, everyone, tell me where the legendary jasper scroll is, I only need to use it once, and I will give it to you after I use it up, follow whoever you like.

"Miss Hua, why are you here?" A clear voice sounded, Qingcheng followed the voice and looked up, only to see Wu Jinqiong looking at her curiously.

Today's Wu Jinqiong wore a relatively casual moon-white spring robe, with a circle of golden silk thread rolled around the corners. On the robe, several clusters of elegant chrysanthemums were embroidered with golden silk thread of the same color. Bundled, under the blowing of the spring breeze, it looks more elegant and free from dust, like a banished fairy descending from the mortal world, so I dare not look directly at it.

Seeing the dancer, he took the initiative to say hello to Hua Hanxiang, and the discussion became even louder. It turns out that gossip is not exclusive to women, men gossip more imaginatively than women.At this time, the eyes of everyone looking at Qingcheng and Wu Jinqiong can be described as suddenly enlightened, and there is an answer engraved on everyone's face, that is: So you two really have love.

"I heard that the mercenary union has launched a new special task, the task of Gathering Soul Flower. I don't know if it's true or not. I'll come over to confirm." Qingcheng didn't hide it, after all, Wu Jinqiong knew she was a fake , there is no need to act in front of him. As for the others, they think she is crazy anyway, so they just continue to think she is crazy.

Wu Jinqiong nodded, and asked curiously: "Are you looking for Soul Gathering Flower?"

Qingcheng nodded, and politely asked casually: "I don't know why Wu Xiang came here?"

(End of this chapter)

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