Supreme Allure

Chapter 390 Nalan Muye's real body

Chapter 390 Nalan Muye's real body (5)
"Don't get up for a few days?" Murong Zuixue said in a concerned tone that she didn't even realize, "Is she sick? Didn't she feel well yesterday?"

"It's not sick." Just when Miaozheng didn't know how to explain it, a clear voice sounded. Murong Zuixue saw that it was her substitute, and she frowned displeasedly and said, "The master is here." Now, shouldn't the substitute be more sensible and leave?"

Chi Peng didn't answer, but said softly: "Keep your voice down, anyway, don't talk about you these few days, we all won't see Miss Hua."

"Pengpeng, it doesn't matter if the apprentice is not here. We will go hunting in the mountains by ourselves. Aren't you working hard to learn cooking skills? Let's find a place to practice by ourselves." Nalan Muye walked over with a smile on his face.

Murong Zuixue was finally completely defeated by the few people in front of her, she covered her head and walked away without saying a word.

Chipeng and Nalan Muye saw that Murong Zuixue left Huafu with a strange expression on his face, and Jun's face was full of confusion. After a long time, they couldn't think of a reason, so they met to go hunting in the mountains on their own.

In the following days, besides hurrying up to practice, Qingcheng searched everywhere for the whereabouts of the Jasper Axis, or wandered around the downtown area, hoping that the woman in blue would take the bait.

Wandering casually outside, the woman in blue didn't come out, but heard a lot of gossip.

It is said that not only the dancing minister is offering rewards everywhere for the news about Ye Qingcheng, but even the general beheaded, together with the dancing minister, has joined the ranks of offering rewards for investigating Ye Qingcheng.

Qingcheng looks up to the sky and screams, dammit, Wu Jinqiong, you don't bring such things when you wrong people, when did I steal your things.It's fine if you offer a reward to catch me, but you also bring Zhan Jingyun to catch me?Now the entire Cosmo Continent, only the Nanling Country, allows me to live in peace, why don't you even give me such a little peace?
Fortunately, it's safe to wear a flowery face now, but the corner of Murong Zuixue's mouth is convulsed, and she comes here to eat meat if she has nothing to do. Could it be that the Nanling royal family is so poor that they can't open their mouths?Want to come and grab meat with her, a commoner?

On this day, Qingcheng got up early in the morning, drank a few sips of honey casually, and then seized the time to practice.After practicing for several hours, thinking about the purpose of coming here, none of them have been achieved, so I called Miaozheng and wandered in the street together.Chipeng and Nalan Muye went to play on the mountain early in the morning.

Walking on the street with people coming and going, Qingcheng's ears were raised high, and her beautiful eyes were closely watching the surrounding environment.

"Have you heard? The North Frame Kingdom sent envoys to the South Ling Kingdom."

"Yeah, I heard that two envoys have also come, they are the high-ranking Xiangguo and the general of the Northern Frame Kingdom."

"Wow, it's really unprecedented to send such an important figure to Nanling at once."

"That's right, the status of those two envoys in the northern frame is equivalent to that of our Nanling Kingdom's Wuxiang and General Zhan."

"Besides, I also heard that the two envoys are very handsome and handsome."

"Then do you know their names?"

"Name? It seems that one is called Rosemary Kaja and the other is called Bo Linfeng."

"Wow, I feel so handsome when I hear the name. I don't know what they are here for? If they are here to choose a wife, that would be great. I will sign up right away."

"Are you out of your mind? Are all the women in the northern frame country dead? They want to go to our Nanling country to choose a wife? It must be because of important things, otherwise the northern frame country would not dispatch such a high-ranking person." man."

Intermittent discussions came to Qingcheng's ears from time to time, and Qingcheng pondered inwardly, what happened in the north frame, and rosedikajia and bo linfeng's troops were dispatched.

Qingcheng was walking intently while listening. Suddenly, a figure appeared from the crowd and grabbed Qingcheng's hand. Qingcheng was about to strike back when a clear voice came in a low voice: "It's me."

Qingcheng raised her eyes and saw that it was Rosedikajia, and there was Bo Linfeng standing beside him.

"Why do you..." She is dressed in Hua Hanxiang now, these two people are too amazing, they can recognize her at a glance?

"I heard that the chef of Yingfeng Building in Tianyu City has good cooking skills. It's already noon, why don't we go over there to eat and talk." Rosemary Kaja said in a low voice.

Bo Linfeng on one side immediately raised his hands and feet for support.

Qingcheng, who has never had much resistance to food, naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

"Miaozheng, you go back first." Qingcheng turned around and told Miaozheng.

Miaozheng nodded, without asking any further questions, she turned around and headed back to Huafu.

"You girl is very obedient." Bo Linfeng looked at Miaozheng's back and smiled lightly.

Qingcheng nodded and said: "Miaozheng is a good maid, she never interferes with my private affairs."

A group of three walked while chatting, and arrived at Yingfeng Tower in a blink of an eye.

On the second floor of Yingfeng Building, I found an elegant seat by the window, and Qingcheng ordered a lot of Yingfeng Building's signature dishes, and then continued chatting with my two friends contentedly.

"Did you hear that? The whole city is talking about the reason why the prime minister and the general of the North frame country came to Nanling? Everyone is so curious." Qingcheng listened to the gossip in the whole Yingfeng Building, almost all talking about the things in front of her. The two of them teased in a low voice, "They never imagined that the original deities are sitting under their noses."

"You." Bo Linfeng couldn't help touching Qingcheng's head, and said helplessly, "Why are you still as naughty as before?"

Qingcheng sneered a few times, and said curiously in a low voice: "Actually, I'm also curious about what you guys are here for?"

"Linfeng and I are here to catch you." Rosedika Jia replied mysteriously.

"Pfft!" The sip of tea that Qingcheng had just drank immediately sprayed out.

What's the situation? Could it be that soldiers and thieves are sitting together?
"What law have I violated? To bother the two masters?" Qingcheng's eyes were sparkling and full of curiosity, and there was no expression of fear at all.

Seeing this, Rosemary Kaja and Bo Linfeng shook their heads helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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