Supreme Allure

Chapter 392 Nalan Muye's real body

Chapter 392 Nalan Muye's real body (7)
"Wow, Piaoxue, look quickly, big brother is there." Suddenly, a pleasantly surprised voice sounded, Qingcheng followed the sound and looked secretly, it was Murong Tuoxue and Murong Piaoxue.

It's over, this Murong Tuoxue is the most incomprehensible of the world, let alone look at people's faces, what if he finds the purple jade bracelet and rainbow petals on his body, and shouts "surprised" loudly?At that moment, he used his sleeve to hide the purple jade bracelet casually, casually took out a hairpin from the interspatial ring and put it on his forehead, and while standing up, he covered his stomach and said, "I ate too many hairy crabs just now. , I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, Hanxiang will go ahead." After speaking, she left in a hurry without looking back.

The remaining three people looked at each other in blank dismay, wasn't it just fine?How do you say it's uncomfortable?
"Brother, what a coincidence." At the stairs on the second floor, Qingcheng and Murong Tuoxue passed shoulder to shoulder.

"Tuoxue, Piaoxue, why are you here?" As soon as Murong Zuixue saw Murong Tuoxue, she looked at Qingcheng who was leaving in a hurry.I thought to myself: Could it be that these two people have something to do with each other?
It's really not that he is careless, for this counterfeit, there are only things he can't think of, and there is nothing he can't do.

"Brother, I went to Ye's family to propose a marriage very well this time. On the way to practice with Qingying, I met Piaoxue, so we came back together." Murong Tuoxue sat down at Qingcheng's position just now, and looked at the big girl on the seat. There are piles of hairy crab shells, and he said with a light smile, "There are still people who love hairy crabs so much."

"Also?" Murong Zuixue heard the implication, and frowned slightly with her beautiful eyebrows, "Is there anyone else who loves hairy crabs so much?"

Are the counterfeit and Tuo Xue really old acquaintances?

"His Royal Highness, there are so many people in the world who love to eat hairy crabs. What's so strange? Even Linfeng and I have a soft spot for hairy crabs." When Qingcheng left in a hurry, Rosemary Kajia thought of it, Qingcheng and that Murong Tuoxue must be old times, I think Murong Tuoxue went to Ye's house to propose marriage back then.Qingcheng left in such a hurry because she was afraid that Murong Tuoxue would recognize her.

"That's true. In fact, I like to eat it myself. It's a pity that there are not many left. Why don't you order another plate." Murong Tuoxue is still a child at heart. If I had to say anything, my whole mind was on the hairy crabs.

"Xiaoer, two more plates of hairy crabs." Bo Linfeng immediately called out to Xiaoer.

Murong Zuixue looked at Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng suspiciously, and didn't say much, but she was more curious about the identity of this impostor in her heart.

As a result, several people who had their own concerns talked and laughed and enjoyed the food on the table.

Qingcheng hurried back to her room, Miaozheng saw her pale face and said worriedly: "Miss, why is her face so pale, what happened?"

Qingcheng sighed heavily, fell helplessly on the bed, and said faintly: "Tuoxue and Piaoxue are back, they are very familiar with my purple jade bracelet and rainbow petals, they must be able to tell the authenticity at a glance. Nothing to hide."

What to do? What to do? What to do!
Miaozheng looked at Qingcheng's anxious face, and followed her around the room.

"Yes." Qingcheng suddenly had an idea, and said with a smile in her beautiful eyes, "I asked them out for a meal, confessed myself first, and asked them to keep it a secret for me, so that I would not be unable to step down in public."

"Miss, that's a good idea." Miaozheng applauded by clapping her hands.

In the next few days, Qingcheng secretly went to Murong Tuoxue and Murong Piaoxue to tell the whole story. After talking for a long time, the Murong brothers and sisters finally understood what happened.

"Qingcheng, I have already given the betrothal gift to my father-in-law and mother-in-law. After this matter is over, we will get married, okay?" Even the father-in-law and mother-in-law are so fluent, it's really no use in the Ye family.

Sitting at a small noodle stall facing the street, Qingcheng was thinking about the lovely Murong Tuoxue that day, while watching with beautiful eyes what fish would take the bait.

Suddenly, in an alley diagonally opposite, a blue figure flashed past. It was the woman in blue. She finally appeared. Because there were so many people on the street, it was inconvenient for her to start, so she hid in the shadows and searched for her. Opportunity to start.

"Miaozheng, I'm full, let's go home." Qingcheng pretended to be full, stood up and walked towards the dark alley.

Damn, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, if I don't kill you today, I won't be called Ye Qingcheng.

Miaozheng next to her reacted immediately, and her heart was already surging with excitement, but she suppressed the grief and excitement in her heart, and supported Qingcheng and said: "Miss has recently contracted a cold, so you should be careful." Yes, don’t eat these roadside stalls anymore, what if you eat it and ruin your stomach?”

"Miaozheng, don't tell me I haven't noticed that my stomach is getting more and more uncomfortable." Qingcheng said while clutching his stomach and turning into the dark alley, weakly said, "Let's rest here first Let's go."

Miaozheng nodded her head again and again.

"Hahahahaha! I was thinking about how to lead you to this deserted alley, but I didn't expect you two idiots to come to my door on my own initiative." The woman in blue, Lan Sixian, appeared triumphantly. In front of Qingcheng, holding a red whip in his hand, he continued domineeringly, "Hurry up and hand over the jasper axe, and I will let you die happily, otherwise, you will not be able to survive or die."

"Jasper Axis, right? I also want to know where it is? Why don't you tell me." Qingcheng said jokingly.

"Hmph, don't toast, don't eat fine wine." As soon as Lan Sixian finished speaking, the bright red whip waved towards Qingcheng.

Qingcheng dodged at will to avoid the attack of the whip, and danced wildly at Lan Sixian with her hands, Lan Sixian couldn't dodge, and fell heavily to the ground.

"You're not Hua Hanxiang, you're that counterfeit." Lan Sixian finally came to his senses and screamed when he was about to die.

"Hahahahahaha! Miss, did you see it in Tianyouling? Miaozheng avenged you." After Miaozheng finished speaking, she tightly held the dagger in her hand, and pointed at Lan Sixian's heart with all her strength. Stab everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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