Supreme Allure

Chapter 394 You Can Live Even After Retiring the Engagement

Chapter 394 You Can Live Even After Retiring the Engagement (2)
"Ah, so love is poison." Nalan Muye and Chi Peng suddenly realized.

Qingcheng was so tortured by the two non-human beings that she completely lost the strength to speak, and turned around to pick peach blossoms by herself.

"But, Qingcheng, don't you worry about poison? Poison is like flour to you, and you are afraid of the poison of love?" Nalan Muye continued to ask curiously.

"Yes, in this world there is such a poison that you are afraid of, I really want to see it." Chi Peng also said curiously, "But why do those women have completely different expressions from yours when they mention love? , they all talk shyly and stammeringly, but why do you, Qingcheng, gnash your teeth so fiercely when you mention love?"

Qingcheng didn't even bother to say a word, but communicating with non-human beings was not ordinary tiredness.

Suddenly, the messenger jade tablet in the interspatial ring shone brightly, and Qingcheng took it out to see that the light came from the flower-scented messenger jade tablet.

Qingcheng took the jade card and checked the contents carefully. It turned out that it was Hua Qixuan who urgently summoned Hua Hanxiang to return home.

Hua Qixuan and Murong Qingxi are very good parents, they gave Hua Hanxiang warm affection, and at the same time they never restricted Hua Hanxiang's freedom.Summoning Hua Hanxiang so urgently today must be something urgent at home.You have to hurry back.

During these days in Huafu, Qingcheng has gradually fallen in love with the parents who lost their daughter, thinking in her heart: no matter when her true identity is revealed, as long as she is still fragrant for a day, she will be a daughter. I should do my duty to comfort the real Hua Hanxiang's soul in heaven, and at the same time hope to ease the pain of the parents' bereavement.

"Pengpeng, master, Hua Qixuan summoned me urgently, let's hurry back to Huafu." Qingcheng shouted to Chipeng and Nalan Muye who were picking peach blossoms not far away.

"But Qingcheng, didn't we say that we can eat barbecue after picking the peach blossoms? You don't mean what you say." Nalan Muye protested.

Qingcheng wailed in her heart, what kind of master did she find, no matter how you look at it, she found a son for herself.Woohoo!
"Let's go back first, deal with the matter and then give you barbecue, okay? Master." Qingcheng coaxed Nalan Muye patiently.

Nalan Muye nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then I'll sleep with you tonight." He doesn't care whether a couple is married or not?This human being is troublesome, there are so many rules when sleeping together.

Qingcheng was completely speechless, nodded stiffly and said: "Go back first."

Hearing the words, Chipeng showed his original shape, Qingcheng and Nalan Muye sat on Chipeng, and flew towards Huafu.

When they were approaching the hidden place of Huafu, Qingcheng and Nalan Muye jumped off Chipeng's body, Chipeng returned to human form again, and the three of them galloped all the way back to Huafu.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, the servant who guarded the gate saw Qingcheng, and said happily: "Miss, you are back. His Majesty the Emperor, Empress, and His Royal Highness are waiting for you in the flower hall."

"Ah?" Qingcheng was completely taken aback, "Aren't His Majesty the Emperor and Empress Empress traveling in the mountains and rivers? Why did they come here suddenly?"

"I don't know about this either. Miss, go in quickly." The gatekeeper scratched his head and said embarrassedly, and then nervously urged Qingcheng to go in quickly. After all, it was Nan Ling who was waiting for the lady in the flower hall. The top figure in the country.

Qingcheng nodded, turned to Chipeng and Nalan Muye and said, "Go back to your room to rest, and I'll go to the flower hall first." After speaking, he ran towards the flower hall.

Chi Peng and Nalan Muye glanced at each other, lamenting their own barbecue in their hearts, and calmly walked to their room.

Huafu Flower Hall.

In the flower hall, there were five people sitting in total.

There are two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, sitting on the main seat. The man has piercing eyes and is not angry.The temperament of the woman is like orchid, and she is full of nobility.Although both of them were wearing casual clothes, Qingcheng guessed at first sight that this man and a woman were the emperor Murong Xingjun and queen Wu Xueyin of Nanling Kingdom.

There were three people seated one by one below.In addition to Hua Qixuan and Murong Qingxi, there is another one is Murong Zuixue.

Today's Murong Zuixue is wearing a crimson brocade robe, with dark patterns embroidered with gold thread on the brocade robe, her red hair is tied high and tied high, and she wears a delicate and small gold crown on her hair. The crimson red high boots, the appearance of the instrument, the clear eyes, the tall and straight body is rarely seen sitting upright, and the ruby-like eyes are staring unblinkingly at Qingcheng who just opened the door and entered.

"Xiang'er, you're finally back. We've been waiting for you for a long time." When Murong Qingxi saw Qingcheng, she quickly got up and walked to the edge of Qingcheng, took Qingcheng's hand and walked slowly in front of Murong Xingjun and Wu Xueyin. , "I'll see His Majesty the Emperor, Empress Empress, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince soon."

Qingcheng was about to get up to worship, but was stopped by Murong Xingjun, but he smiled lightly and said: "They are all from our own family, what are you doing seeing outsiders like this? Sister, you are really serious, why do you call Xiang'er such a savage name?" ...Xiang'er, don't listen to your mother, you can just call her uncle and aunt. It's much more kind that way. And your unbelievable cousin." When Murong Xingjun mentioned Murong Zuixue, his tiger eyes disapproved. He glared at Murong Zuixue, then turned his eyes and said to Qingcheng with a smile on his face, "You can sit next to your cousin. If he dares to bully you, uncle will help you out."

"Xiang'er listens to uncle." Qingcheng blessed Fushen with a cute face, walked to Murong Zuixue's side gracefully, and sat down slowly.

Murong Zuixue at this time is very different from before.He completely restrained the domineering and arrogance on his face, like a child who did something wrong, let the adults decide with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye.

"Xiang'er, my uncle has been away for a while. I didn't expect that your disappointing cousin would divorce you again. As soon as my uncle got the news, he rushed back day and night. As the saying goes, marriage is a big event, and parents' orders According to the matchmaker, if your cousin writes a letter of divorce at will, there are too many things to do, so don’t worry about it." Murong Xingjun said straight to the point, while talking, he still gave Murong Zuixue a look from time to time, which made people feel strange What's more, Murong Zuixue actually had an expression of doing something wrong, as obedient as she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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