Supreme Allure

Chapter 396 You Can Live Even After Retiring the Engagement

Chapter 396 You Can Live Even After Retiring the Engagement (4)
"You are not allowed to leave, you are not allowed to go anywhere without my consent." Murong Zuixue hugged Qingcheng tightly with an excited expression on her face, refusing to let go.

Qingcheng pushed hard for a long time but still couldn't push it away, her face was flushed with anger, when she was entangled, several chuckles sounded, Qingcheng followed the prestige, and it turned out to be the four people who were supposed to be in the flower hall.

"Sister, I told you that everything will be fine, but you just don't trust me and insisted on coming over to have a look. Aren't you beating mandarin ducks with a club? You see, this young couple is embarrassing." Murong Xingjun laughed loudly. .

"It's my sister who cares too much." Murong Qingxi said with a light smile, walking towards Qingcheng as she spoke, "Xiang'er, even if we are in love, we still have to be passionate and only polite. I miss you this time." If it’s the first offense, I’ll be punished lightly, and I’ll go back with my mother to copy the women’s ring.”

Hearing the words, Qingcheng quickly pushed Murong Zuixue away as if she had received an amnesty, but this time Murong Zuixue didn't make things difficult for her, so she pushed her away lightly, and after getting away, she hastily blessed everyone Courteously said: "Xiang'er will go back to the room and copy the female ring, Xiang'er will leave." After finishing speaking, she hurriedly followed Murong Qingxi to her room.

At this time, Murong Zuixue's fair face was already blushing to the point of bleeding, but seeing his eyes flickering and lowering his head, he said softly: "My son is going back to the palace first." and left.

"Haha, look at these two children, what are you going to do to cancel the engagement for me! I was so nervous that I rushed back without stopping. They obviously love each other very much, so let us worry about it." Murong Xingjun said with a look of relief, " You see, these two children are still shy. Haha, it’s really interesting, this kid Zui Xue, it’s the first time I’ve seen him shy when he’s grown up.”

Hua Qixuan pretended to say yes with a smile on his face, but his heart was full of anxiety. Ever since Xianger was with Chipeng, he looked radiant, energetic, and elegant. Deep down, he hoped that Xianger could be with Chipeng. Peng is together, although Chi Peng has no power or influence, but what does it matter?He, Hua Qixuan, is just such a precious daughter, all he wants is her happiness, it doesn't matter if he is in the same family or not.

With that posture just now, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Prince Zuixue was forcibly molesting Xiang'er, but the emperor said that he was in love with each other.Fortunately, his wife was smart and found a step for everyone to descend, otherwise I really don't know how to face this embarrassing scene.

The few people who had their own concerns chatted for a while, and Murong Xingjun and Wu Xueyin got up and went back to the palace.

After the emperor, empress and prince left, the people in the Huafu breathed a sigh of relief. Under normal circumstances, the emperor would call the ministers by order, and would not visit them with such a big fanfare. The empress and the crown prince, how big is this battle, and the people of Nanling Kingdom know it well. Could it be that Hua Hanxiang and that salted fish are about to turn around again?
"Xiang'er, this is a serious matter, what do you think we should do?" Murong Qingxi looked at Qingcheng worriedly. In her heart, she hoped that Chipeng would be her son-in-law, but the emperor personally brought his family to the door to apologize. , can they refuse?
"Mother, don't make things difficult. I'll talk to Pengpeng. Isn't it just to be a princess? It's okay. Cousin, he just doesn't blame me for finding a substitute for a while. When he gets over his anger, what's the matter?" It's all gone." Qingcheng comforted Murong Qingxi in a soft voice, Hua Hanxiang really deserved so much blessing in previous lives to get such parents.

After hearing what Qingcheng said, Murong Qingxi nodded in relief, chatted a few more homely words, and left Qingcheng's room.

As soon as Murong Qingxi walked away, Chi Peng immediately flew out from the purple jade bracelet.

"Pengpeng, did you hear that?" Qingcheng sighed softly, "Then Murong Zuixue has been suffering from brain convulsions recently, you can avoid him if you see him, we should not provoke him if there is nothing wrong, I found that he is not He is a rebellious person, keeping a distance from him is the greatest safety.”

Chipeng patted Qingcheng on the shoulder and said softly: "Qingcheng, don't worry, things will always pass. It doesn't matter what Pengpeng does, as long as Qingcheng is happy."

Qingcheng leaned on Chipeng's shoulder with a moved face, and said with relief: "Pengpeng, it's good to have you by my side. Are Lanshen and Bingpo still in seclusion?"

Because of a coincidence, Lan Sheath and Ice Amber took a rare mineral, and in order to digest those minerals, they entered a closed state, completely isolated from the outside world.Among the alluring monsters, Chipeng is the most reliable at this time.Long Ye was in the blood dragon clan far away, and Qingcheng would not summon him easily unless it was absolutely necessary.

Qingcheng tries to solve many things by herself, instead of relying on friends who are stronger than her to solve them.Because blindly relying on it will hinder her progress.

"Wow, you two lied to me again. You also said that you can only sleep together if you become a husband and wife. What do you say you are doing now?" Nalan Muye pushed the door open and saw Qingcheng leaning on Chipeng's shoulder, Angrily, he tore the two of them apart.

Xiao Xiao's heart was hit hard. These two people had told him eloquently before: Humans can only sleep in their arms after they become relatives, but how decent are they hugging each other like this now?
"Pengpeng, go back and rest first." Qingcheng told Chipeng to leave immediately after hearing Nalan Muye's nonsensical words, otherwise, the scene would only become more nonsensical.

Chi Peng heard the words, and left the room with a teleport.

"Baby apprentice, haven't you made it clear that you are bullying Master and don't understand the rules of the world?" Seeing that Chi Peng was driven away by himself, Nalan Muye's blocked heart finally eased a little. On Qingcheng's fragrant shoulders, she said with a matter of course, "I'm going to sleep here today."

Qingcheng's face was full of black lines when she heard the words, but she really didn't know how to explain it to this master who knew little about human relationships and the world. It is estimated that the more he explained, the more confused his thinking would be, so it's better not to explain.

"Master, the rules in the world are very complicated. You should stop learning them. In short, now that Pengpeng has gone back to his room to rest, you should also go back to rest earlier." To deal with people like Nalan Muye, directly express your position and Ideas are the most effective method, and going around in circles with him will only make it more and more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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