Supreme Allure

Chapter 410 Li and Hongshu wake up

Chapter 410 Li and Hongshu wake up (5)
"Are you okay? I know very well in my heart that you don't have to think about anything now, just be my concubine obediently." Murong Zuixue quickly interrupted Qingcheng's words. He was really, really afraid that Qingcheng would reject him, so he hardly gave Qingcheng any chance to speak.

"I said Zui'er, you are usually domineering and arrogant, so the father will let you go, dignified prince, domineering is necessary. But how can you be so fierce to Qingcheng? Look, she is almost crying because of you " Murong Xingjun gave Murong Zuixue a hard look with his tiger eyes, then immediately changed into a kind face and looked towards Qingcheng Road, "Qingcheng, don't be as knowledgeable as Zuier, he is used to domineering, just treat him as crazy. "

"Father..." Murong Zuixue said very dissatisfied, "Qingcheng was about to cry from my fright? How could it be possible that she could look straight at each other with a blank face when she scared a lot of pilgrims unconscious that day, and would be scared by me?" My words scared me to tears. I said Father, you must not be fooled by her, she is the best at acting."

"How can Fa Gui compare with you." Qingcheng protested in a low voice.

"What? How dare you say that I'm scarier than a ghost, I'm not that scary..." Murong Zuixue loudly defended herself and called out her grievances.

"I didn't say anything, you said it yourself." Qingcheng grabbed an apple on the table and gnawed it contentedly, until Murong Zuixue's eyes were full of anger.

"Sister, look at this young couple, they are getting more and more affectionate." Murong Xingjun Longyan Dayue said with a big laugh.

"Yes, yes, I never thought that one day, Zui'er would be emotional." Murong Qingxi nodded in agreement with a smile on her face.

"Royal father, aunt..." Murong Zuixue protested softly with thin-skinned blood in her eyes.

"Yo, I'm still shy. This is really the first time a big girl has gone to the flower bridge." Murong Qingxi continued to tease, and everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Laughter is laughter, everyone has not forgotten the purpose of today.

"Qingcheng, what we mean is to hold a big wedding for you on the seventh day of July. I don't know what you want?" Murong Xingjun expressed his meaning tactfully. As a generation of emperors, he can speak in such a deliberative tone , It can be seen that he attaches great importance to Qingcheng.

"Your Majesty, I pretended to be Miss Hua before, but now you all know that I am not the real Miss Hua. This big marriage is unreasonable." Now that His Majesty the Emperor has put down his face to negotiate with her, she You can't refute the other party's kindness too much.You can only express your wishes in the same tactful tone.

"From the moment the engagement banquet started, I knew clearly that you were not Hua Hanxiang. From the beginning to the end, what I wanted to marry was the real you, not your fake identity. So, at the beginning of July, Seven, you must marry me, otherwise, I will haunt you for the rest of my life. I will not rest until I die." Although Qingcheng's refusal was already very tactful, but a refusal is a refusal, no matter how tactful the refusal is, Murong Zuixue hears it It was extremely ear-piercing, so without thinking, Murong Zuixue blurted out that domineering threat.

"Zi'er, let me tell you, what's the matter with you child? Do you have such an attitude towards your sweetheart? Do you still want to get married? If this continues, I think you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life." Murong Xingjun's face was full He yelled at Murong Zuixue disapprovingly, and then put on a loving face and said to Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, don't argue with him, it's the first time he likes a girl, and he doesn't know how to coax a girl at all." , he was too nervous about you to yell so domineeringly and brutally."

Qingcheng shook her head nonchalantly, she had long been used to Murong Zuixue's yelling, if one day he suddenly became tender, it would really scare her.

"Murong Zuixue, I really have no plans to get married, I think my life is pretty good alone." Qingcheng tried to communicate patiently with Murong Zuixue.

Thinking that Murong Zuixue would growl and reason with her again, who knew, she stared at her silently for a long time, until the four elders couldn't stand such a cold scene, and pretended to compete with each other to cough, Murong Zuixue finally understood His voice moved slowly, with emotion and reason.

"Qingcheng, have you ever thought about why so many men are looking for your whereabouts?" Murong Zuixue asked casually after taking a sip of Tianshan Yunwu tea.

Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were full of doubts, and she shook her head.In other words, how could she waste precious time thinking about these oolong things?
"Actually, the root of the matter is that you are not married." Murong Zuixue said tirelessly, "Qingcheng, think about it carefully, if I married you, then you would be a married person. Let me ask, how could they marry me?" How dare I come to snatch it from you again? Can't you live freely?"

When Qingcheng heard the words, her long eyelashes like butterfly wings lowered slightly, covering her eyes full of heartbeat.What Murong Zuixue said seemed very reasonable.When she gets married, can't those men give up completely?
Seeing that Qingcheng was really moved, the four parents looked at Murong Zuixue with admiration on their faces, saying that this kid is really talented.

"Well, let's get married." After thinking for a while, Qingcheng suddenly raised his eyes to look at Murong Zuixue, and said frankly like a strong man cutting off his wrist.

Murong Zuixue and the four parents spewed out the tea at the same time.Shouldn't all the brides who are being courted shyly want to refuse or welcome?How come here in Qingcheng, it has turned into a kind of heroic spirit to go to the battlefield with high spirits?

Murong Zuixue, your love life has been bumpy...

Although Qingcheng's expression of agreeing to the marriage proposal did not meet the standard answer, but Qingcheng had already nodded in agreement, and this alone made everyone jump for joy.

However, before the joy and excitement in everyone's eyes faded away, Qingyue Qingyue's voice sounded again.

"But I have a request." Qingcheng put down the cup in her hand and continued to nibble on the apple.

"Qingcheng, as long as you promise to marry me, let alone one request, even if there are 1 requests, I will definitely agree to you." Murong Zuixue said generously, her ruby-like blood eyes full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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