Supreme Allure

Chapter 414 An Unexpected Big Wedding

Chapter 414 An Unexpected Big Wedding (3)
Looking at Wu Jinqiong affectionately, Wu Jinqiong immediately got goosebumps all over the ground, turned his back to Shi Lulu in disgust, and put his long arms on Qingcheng's fragrant shoulders affectionately.

Seeing this, Shi Lulu gritted her teeth with hatred, suppressing the anger in her heart.Keep cheering yourself up: Wu Jinqiong, you are mine, you can only be mine!
Holding the pro-tester in hand, Shi Lulu tested one after another. There was no suspense, no doubt, the results of the test were all correct.

"Is there any problem with this pro-tester?" After the test, Shi Lulu asked proudly.

"When did I say that I have a problem? Didn't I believe that your pro-testing device is real from the very beginning? It's you who want to go to the extra trouble to do the test. Could it be that you are a guilty conscience?" Qingcheng said lazily and authentically, but Every word, however, is sonorous and forceful, resounding.

"I don't have anything to be guilty of. This pro-testing device is the real thing." Shi Lulu's face froze when she was told what was on her mind, but then she immediately put on a smirk and walked to Wu Jinqiong's side with her waist twisted. She said shyly, "Then Lulu can test it on the dancer, right?"

"Wait a minute." Before Wu Jinqiong could speak, Qingcheng spoke out first.Wait a minute, Wu Jinqiong's infinite hope was ignited, Qingcheng, do you finally know that you care about me?

"What do you mean?" Shi Lulu's heart trembled when she heard the words, did Qingcheng regret this night?
"It's not interesting." Qingcheng said leisurely, "It's just that Wu Xiang is not someone you can slander at will. If the result of the pro-testing test comes out, Wu Xiang is innocent. Then you frame the imperial court for no reason. Punish." The matter of life and death, said from Qingcheng's mouth, is as common as vegetables and radishes.

"If the result of the relative test shows that the child is not Wuxiang, my mother and I are at your disposal." Shi Lulu said confidently, "But if it is found to be Wuxiang's child, then I want Wuxiang to marry me as Xiangguo lady."

Hearing this, Wu Jinqiong wanted to slap her away with his palm, but Yang Mou received the warning from Qing Cheng's beautiful eyes, he sighed helplessly, and continued to be an invisible person in silence.

"Hahahahahaha." Qingcheng laughed wildly when he heard the words, "Mrs. Xiangguo? You really dare to think." Then she said indifferently, "Isn't it Mrs. Xiangguo? It's very simple. But... if the relative tester shows That is not Lord Xiangguo's child, I will make it impossible for you to live or die." Qingcheng said coldly with his lips curled up.

"Facts speak louder than words. This child belongs to Mr. Xiangguo. How could he be wrong?" Shi Lulu was a little panicked when she was laughed at by Qingcheng, but after thinking about it, there would be absolutely no problem with the pro-testing device, so she was full of confidence Authentic, "That's what we agreed on."

"Okay. That's it." Qingcheng said firmly.

So, the test begins.

After Shi Lulu cleared all the information that was tested just now, she adjusted the relative test device to the gear of the new parent test task, and started her long-awaited test.

While testing, she fantasized that the pro-tester was waving to her with brilliance. However, after a long test time, the pro-tester never showed any brilliance.

Shi Lulu stared in horror at the devoid of any movement, feeling extremely anxious in her heart. The pro-tester can never be wrong, how could it be wrong?

As the test time passed bit by bit, public opinion became more and more in favor of Wu Jinqiong.

"Let me just say, Wu Xiang must have been wronged. You see, I really hit the spot. This woman is really vicious, so she slandered Wu Xiang's innocence."

"I thought she would cheat on the pro-testing device, but seeing that she has tested so many relatives just now, all of them are very accurate, and seeing the woman's swearing face, I was really fooled by her. I thought that child might really be the kind of dancer. But now it turns out, it’s a false alarm. If the dancer really has anything to do with such a disgusting woman, I won’t regard him as my idol.”

"How can a dancer be so blind? What do you think is wrong with this world? A woman, who somehow got a big belly, shouldn't she hide and live in secret? She shamelessly put out her big belly and pretended to be mighty." .Women these days, do they still feel ashamed?"

"That's right, these days, that's the era when JI women are rampant. It's not enough for the people to be angry if this woman is not caught and soaked in a pig cage."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could the pro-testing device go wrong? How could such a thing happen? I want to re-test, I must re-test!" Shi Lulu looked at the pro-testing device that had never been shining with horror. , screaming like crazy.

"Girl, there is absolutely no problem with this pro-testing device. We have already confirmed it just now, and, before that, didn't you test a lot of relatives for identification? How could there be a problem?" An intermediate refiner said passionately, "Don't rely on this tester just because you failed the test. We are intermediate refiners, so how could we not be able to tell if the tester is real or not?" Woolen cloth?"

"You... you... I don't care, anyway, I must retest." Shi Lulu roared loudly.

Those mid-level craftsmen were blown beards and stared at each other with anger. Only women and villains are hard to raise in the world. This is indeed a classic.

"You don't care? Who do you think you are?" Qingcheng's lazy voice sounded again, "Now that the truth is out, should you let me handle it?"

"Humph! How dare you slander the truth, it's not an exaggeration to divide a body into five horses." Wu Jinqiong said loudly with an angry face, and finally raised his eyebrows. The bad breath just now made him feel as uncomfortable as he wanted. Now, it's finally his turn It's time for him to show off.

"Impossible, there must be something wrong. The seniors said that this tester has three gears. The first gear is correct and there is no cheating. The second gear is no matter how you test it. The results are all brilliant, and the third gear is dim no matter how you measure it. I just switched to the second gear, and it is still in the second gear. How can I make a mistake? Yes, I have done countless experiments before." The woman seemed to be going crazy, mumbling endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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