Supreme Allure

Chapter 417 An Unexpected Big Wedding

Chapter 417 An Unexpected Big Wedding (6)
Why are there so many people?
Why are all of them dressed in red and green and beaming?

The first thing Qingcheng saw was a pair of tall and bright red candles.There are two clusters of bright red flames burning on the tip of the candle, and one can tell that this is by no means an ordinary candle, but a wedding candle refined from countless precious mineral materials.It is exclusively for dignitaries and nobles to get married, and this pair of wedding candles is more expensive than the ones Qingcheng saw before, what is going on?

"Qingcheng, wake up, it's time for us to pray to heaven and earth!" A tender voice sounded, Qingcheng shook his head fiercely, trying to widen his beautiful eyes that were half asleep and half awake.

"Ah..." After fully waking up, Qingcheng was frightened by everything in front of her eyes.At this moment, a magnified handsome face was placed in front of her with zero distance.

The red hair on his head was tied up neatly and high, and he wore a delicate red hair crown, and a bright red brocade robe was worn on his body obediently, setting off his tall and muscular body, which made people laugh Surprisingly, that brocade robe was embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water and lotus flowers with twin stalks. Such tacky patterns embroidered on it did not damage the man's natural masculinity at all, but instead added infinite tenderness and sweetness. Red high boots.A bright red suit set off the man's crystal-clear jade-like white skin, like a banished fairy who descended from the sky, magnificent and extraordinary.

The person in front of him is none other than Nanling Prince Murong Zuixue.

"What's going on here?" Qingcheng couldn't react for a moment, and asked Murong Zuixue in confusion.

"Qingcheng, today is a day of great joy for you and me. Look, the candles are burning brightly. On the high hall, sit your parents and my parents. In the whole hall, there are all your relatives and friends, ministers of civil and military affairs... ..." Murong Zuixue said proudly.

"Big wedding? Didn't you say that you got married on the seventh day of July? Why are you getting married now? It seems like it's only the sixth day of June today, right?" Qingcheng became more and more confused as she listened. Looking at Murong Zuixue, the wedding candles reflected her stunning delicate face, as charming as she could be.

"Qingcheng, you are so beautiful..." Murong Zuixue's bloodshot eyes were about to overflow with blood, she wished she didn't hold any ceremony now, and just packed up and entered the bridal chamber.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Murong Xingjun coughed repeatedly, saying that his son is really, he has already reached the step of worshiping heaven and earth, and he thinks that time is not passing fast enough, so he wants to enter the bridal chamber directly?All civil and military officials in the dynasty are watching!
Those present were all high-ranking officials, who were naturally the best at observing words and expressions. When they heard His Majesty's fake cough, they all looked away, trying to convey a meaning: I didn't see anything, I didn't see...

Murong Zuixue came back to her senses, her handsome face was flushed, she didn't know if it was reflected by the wedding robes and candles, or it was caused by her shyness, she cleared her throat, collected her thoughts, and said softly: "Qingcheng, originally I am planning to get married on the seventh day of July, but the words of Rosemary Kajia and Bo Linfeng reminded me that I really have to wait until that day. I am afraid that we will not be able to get married smoothly, do you know? Now the other three countries are rehearsing because of the news of our marriage Soldiers, they will send troops to invade Nanling at any time to snatch you away, so for now, the only way to do it is to kill first and play later, and get married in secret."

Qingcheng suddenly realized and nodded, that's fine, once the wedding is over, no matter how unwilling the other three kingdoms are, everything is a foregone conclusion, and there will be no more fighting.

Seeing Qingcheng nodding, Murong Zuixue hugged Qingcheng tightly in surprise, wishing to rub her into her body.

"Miss, Uncle, it's time to pray to heaven and earth, and Miaozheng has to dress up for the lady." Seeing that the auspicious time is getting closer, Miaozheng reminded bravely.

Hearing this, Murong Zuixue let go of Qingcheng with great reluctance, staring at Qingcheng obsessively in her blood eyes and said: "Hurry up and come back."

Qingcheng nodded, followed Miaozheng to a wing room, took a rose bath first, and then began to dress up.

After about an hour, Qingcheng once again appeared in front of everyone.

There were gasps one after another, and everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the newlyweds who appeared in front of them.

Her beautiful hair is pulled up high like a cloud, she wears a phoenix crown on her head, and she wears a xiapei. Bright pearls and jade hang all over her body. The bright red phoenix robe is also embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water and lotus flowers on two stalks. The vulgarity, on the contrary, brought infinite charm to Qingcheng, with picturesque black eyebrows, beautiful eyes like jade, and charming and enchanting in the clear and beautiful.An invisible halo shrouded his whole body, captivating people's hearts and souls.

Everyone in the audience was lost in this peerless elegance.

Looking at the dumbfounded faces of the crowd, Murong Zuixue regretted it, why didn't she just go to church just now, what are you dressing up for?

"Miaozheng, where is Qingcheng's red hijab?" Murong Zuixue snatched Qingcheng from Miaozheng's hand and asked in a low voice.

For the current plan, we can only count on the red hijab.

"Here it is." Miaozheng took off the red hijab from Qingcheng's phoenix crown, and covered Qingcheng carefully.

Who knew that once the red hijab was put on, the sound of gasping at the scene became louder.

Although the red hijab covered Qingcheng's stunning face, it added an infinite mysterious demeanor, making the whole person more graceful and immortal.Murong Zuixue started to regret again, but this worship hall must not tear off the red hijab.I can only grit my teeth, finish the worship quickly, and enter the bridal chamber early.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Happy husband and wife!"

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

The minister of ceremonies had long understood His Highness the Crown Prince's impatience at this time, so the ceremony could be saved as much as possible, and after a while, he was sent to the bridal chamber.

After Murong Zuixue welcomed Qingcheng into the bridal chamber, she returned to the hall, accompanied by all the relatives and friends, as well as civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty...drinking!
Qingcheng in the bridal chamber naturally couldn't obediently put on a red hijab and wait for the groom to come back. In her mind, everything was over.This day, the world also prayed, the bridal chamber, it was said earlier that it was her own bridal chamber, so without hesitation, she tore off the red hijab, and stared at the delicious food in the bridal chamber with bright eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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