Supreme Allure

Chapter 426 Reunion after a long absence

Chapter 426 Reunion after a long absence (2)
After a period of silence, the voices of discussion came one after another like mountains and seas.

"Wow! How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world, who is this?"

"It's really shockingly beautiful. I think the legendary Ye Qingcheng might be compared to the woman in front of me."

"Yes, yes, but after you remind me like this, I feel strange. Look at her, she is really well dressed."

"Pfft! What does it mean to be dressed up like a night girl? No matter how strange you sound."

"Look at her, there is a seven-color flower petal between her eyebrows, and a purple jade bracelet on her wrist. Isn't this a typical Ye Qingcheng style?"

"I guess, maybe she is Ye Qingcheng?"

"is it possible?"

"Beauties are the most taboo to dress up. If it wasn't for Ye Qingcheng, she would never imitate Ye Qingcheng's dress based on her looks. So, maybe it is Ye Qingcheng's real self."

"That makes sense! But if it's really Ye Qingcheng, what are you doing here?"

Zi Li and Gu Hongshu looked at the four people who suddenly appeared in front of them in shock. They thought their looks were already magnificent, but the four people in front of them were not inferior to them!Especially that woman, they dare to say with 100% certainty that there is no more beautiful woman than her in this world.Moreover, the most deadly thing was that they actually felt a sense of familiarity from the depths of their blood.

"You are..." Gu Hongshu's enchanting silver eyes were filled with shock, and his slender fingers trembled slightly. Why, why did he feel a strong inexplicable impulse the moment he saw her, just want to He hugged her tightly into his arms and never separated again.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere?" Zi Li's clear purple eyes were blurred, and there was an inexplicable pain in her heart.Why?Why does he have a feeling of wanting to cry.

"My name is Ye Qingcheng." Qingcheng's beautiful eyes drooped slightly, not daring to face up to the inquiry in their eyes.

"Ye Qingcheng, this name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere. Where is it?" Gu Hongshu's silver eyes narrowed slightly, thinking with all his strength, "Obviously it feels very familiar, but I just can't remember it... "

"Ye Qingcheng, this name should be very important to me, it can't be a stranger." Zi Li also had doubts on her face, and her heart was turbulent.

"Brother Shu, Big Brother is worried about you." Seeing that Zili and Gu Hongshu were all focused on Qingcheng, and the three handsome men were completely ignored by their gorgeousness, Gu Hongyu's heart surged. Inexplicable emotions, can it be said that family affection can never overcome love?Although I know that my mood of eating taste is very unreasonable, but it's okay for brothers to meet and not know each other, and they are directly ignored. This kind of feeling, I am afraid that any big brother in the world can't bear it.

"Brother?" Gu Hongshu heard the words, finally shifted his attention away from Qingcheng, turned his eyes to look at Gu Hongyu, and murmured in disbelief.

"Li still has a big brother?" Zi Li was also surprised, and then turned her eyes to look at Gu Hongyu.

When the two of them looked at each other, they were horrified, like, really like, how could they be so similar.Apart from temperament, there is nothing alike from facial features to body shape. As long as the two stand together, anyone with eyes can tell that they are a pair of brothers.

The people who were originally bewildered by Qingcheng's stunning appearance were also aroused with curiosity one after another, and they all looked at Gu Hongyu in unison, and found that this person and the ancient island master looked like the same carved figure. After coming out, immediately, one after another, discussions filled the entire arena.

"Did you see that? That person also has silver hair and silver eyes."

"Yeah, just now I was too busy looking at the beauties, and I didn't pay attention to the three beautiful men beside me. Now that I take a closer look, I can really scare people to death. How come they look so similar to the ancient island master? They want to say Not brothers, I am the first to not believe it."

"Didn't you hear clearly? That man claims to be the elder brother of the ancient island owner."

"But the ancient island owner seems to be shocked, why does he look so weird, is he really the big brother?"

"I think they should have been separated for many years and only reunited today. It's normal for the ancient island owner to be shocked."

"It makes sense, it makes sense, it's not normal to look so much like a brother."

"Then you said the stunning woman next to him, could she be the sister-in-law of the ancient island owner?"

"What? You said that fairy-like woman is the sister-in-law of the ancient island owner?"

"I think it's very possible. You see they are so well-matched, they look like a husband and wife."

"What? You have seen the husband and wife? Admiration!"

"Then, are you my sister-in-law?" At the moment when Gu Hongyu was excited and was about to meet brothers, Gu Hongshu turned his face to Qingcheng again, and asked such a sentence out of surprise.

"What? Sister-in-law?" Qingcheng was taken aback when she heard the words, her whole delicate body froze.

And everyone, because of Gu Hongshu's words, looked at Qingcheng in unison, as if after a century, Qingcheng nodded slowly like a puppet.

"Qingcheng..." Gu Hongyu stared at Qingcheng in shock and shouted in a low voice.What kind of medicine is sold in Qingcheng's gourd?Why did you admit it so inexplicably?

"Impossible!" Zi Li retorted loudly, "If you are really Hongshu's sister-in-law, why don't you even have the courage to look at us directly? Moreover, the atmosphere between you and Brother Hongshu is not like that between husband and wife. Some intimacy."

"Li's analysis makes sense." Gu Hongshu's silver eyes stared at Qingcheng Road, "If you were really my sister-in-law, you wouldn't show such a dazed look in your eyes, just like you, you are better than my elder brother." Excited. How could it be my sister-in-law? I think you are my wife, right?"

"No, no, no! How could I be your wife?" Qingcheng repeatedly denied.

"What are you so excited about? Are you trying to cover up? If it's really my sister-in-law, my elder brother should be the most excited to hear this sentence, but look at my elder brother's expression, it's like there is no silver 300 taels here!" Gu Hongshu Aggressive and authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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