Supreme Allure

Chapter 447 The wild and quiet

Chapter 447 The wild and quiet (6)
"What? Are you married?" Yelu Sada stopped all movements in shock, and suddenly raised the sleeves of Gao Qingcheng, her white arms were covered with snow, and Shou Gongsha, who could see clearly last time, did not Wing and fly.

Yelu Sada's blood eyes were ashen, as if she had received a fatal blow, and she sat on the ground slumped, no longer as strong as before.

"I didn't lie to you, did I? Just let me go." Qingcheng's pretty face was stained with a blush.

What kind of world is this? She just got married openly, without stealing or snatching, making it as if she owed people all over the world, and she always wanted to show her arms to others. After seeing Shou Gongsha, everyone was so excited as if she had climbed the wall. She got married openly, okay, she didn't do anything wrong to anyone, but looking at their desperate expressions, she was really...inexplicable Guilty……

"Who? Which bastard ruined your innocence, I'm going to kill him right away." Suddenly, Yelu Sada stood up, with a cold expression on her face, she wanted to find someone desperately.

"Yelu Sada, you are the bastard. I am the husband of Qingcheng. Her innocence naturally belongs to me. There is no such thing as destroying or not destroying. But you, what right do you have to take care of our husband and wife's affairs?" Suddenly , an icy voice sounded, and then, a snow-white gloom suddenly appeared in front of Qingcheng, and with one turn, he hugged Qingcheng tightly into his arms.

"Yin Jiyou, it's you!" Yelu Sada looked at Yin Jiyou who suddenly appeared, her face full of shock.

"Lady, let's go home." Yin Jiyou cast a sidelong glance at Yelu Sada, then turned her eyes and said to Qingcheng tenderly.

Nestled in Yin Jiyou's arms, Qingcheng turned around slowly, and a pair of wall men were about to leave quietly.

Suddenly, a phantom force like a gust of wind and waves came towards Yin Jiyou. Yin Jiyou hugged Qingcheng and flew away, put Qingcheng on a towering tree, and said softly: "Miss, you sit Rest on the tree for a while, and go to deal with Nayelu Sada for my husband."

"You, be careful." Qingcheng's beautiful eyes are full of worry, Yin Jiyou's body has not fully recovered yet, Yelu Sada's phantom power is unpredictable...

Yin Jiyou nodded gently, and flew towards Yelu Sada.

"Yin Jiyou, you are no match for me now, why bother to be brave." Yelu Sada said with a look of disdain.

"Brave? Hehe!" The corners of Yin Jiyou's lips raised a touch of sarcasm, "What should I do if I don't want to be brave? Will I give you my lady's hands as a gift?"

"Yin Jiyou, what a lady, you know it, she is my wife!" Yelu Sada swept away the previous cynicism, and stared at Yin Jiyou fiercely with a serious face.

"I really don't know anymore!" Yin Jiyou trembled when she heard the words, but she still said calmly.

"Don't you know?" Yelu Sada sneered, "It's been tens of thousands of years, you don't know me, except for my wife, have you ever seen me touch that woman?"

"People can change." Yin Jiyou blurted out.

"Yes, people will change, but don't forget, I'm not a human being, I'm a ten thousand-year python." Yelu Sada said, while suddenly leaping into the air, a snow-white giant python instantly Appearing in front of Yin Jiyou for a while, those blood-red eyes flashed bursts of red light under their eyes.

Sitting on the tree, Qingcheng screamed out in shock when she saw this scene. She was not afraid of any giant python. What she was worried about was whether Yin Jiyou could handle such a huge ten thousand-year-old python. .

"Are you the only one who can transform?" Yin Jiyou curled his lips in disdain, and also tumbling into the air for a while, a stunningly beautiful merman appeared in the midair.

The snow-like long hair gracefully hangs down to the ankles, a pair of icy eyes staring proudly at the snow-white giant python, and a white tail covered with scales as bright as diamonds, shining bursts of light in the sun. The dazzling light is so stunningly beautiful, so soul-stirringly beautiful, so beautiful that it turns all living beings upside down, so beautiful that it harms the country and the people...

Qingcheng looked at Yinjiyou's real body in shock, my God, this, isn't this too beautiful?It almost made her eyes dazzle.

"Miss, can my real body be in your eyes?" Yin Jiyou felt ecstasy when she saw Qingcheng's beautiful straight eyes.

Qingcheng's face turned red when she was asked, since she got married, she seemed to often fall into a nympho, always looking silly at Yin Jiyou.

Seeing the flirtatious glances between Qingcheng and Yin Jiyou, Yelu Sada felt furious. How could his real body be inferior to that of Yin Jiyou?It was all caused by Yin Jiyou, who seduced his wife, so that now his wife can no longer see him. He killed Yin Jiyou first, and when the time comes, he will make Qingcheng forget about Yin Jiyou. Lonely, only in his eyes and in his heart.

The huge body quickly attacked Yin Jiyou, and Yin Jiyou lightly turned around in the air, avoiding it easily.The phantom power in her body kept spinning and rushed towards Yelu Sada. Yelu Sada didn't dare to be careless.

Yelu Sada and Yin Jiyou, just waving their real bodies and fighting back and forth like this, Qingcheng sat on the tree and watched frightened, wanting to fly up to help deal with Yelu Sada, but worried that if he couldn't help, he would be hurt. Yin Jiyou wanted to be distracted from taking care of them, so she could only watch from the sidelines in fear.

The difference in strength is too great, rashly getting involved in the battle will only be a disservice.

As time passed slowly, Yin Jiyou gradually lost his physical strength. After all, his body was still in the process of recovery. Suddenly, a huge white python shadow came, and Yin Jiyou couldn't dodge it. He was about to be killed The python is under pressure.

Qingcheng was taken aback when she saw this, and flew towards Yin Jiyou with a teleportation. She knew that with her current strength, she couldn't resist the pressure of the giant python, but if she couldn't stop it, she had to stop it, and let her watch Yin Jiyou helplessly. You died tragically in front of her, she would rather die with her.

Then, the severe pain as imagined did not come as expected. When Qingcheng suddenly pounced on Yinjiyou's body, the giant python stopped all attacks in an instant, leaped in the air, and regained its black hair and red eyes. The evil and charming man looks like.

(End of this chapter)

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