Supreme Allure

Chapter 454 You want him!Allure Heart

Chapter 454 You want him!Allure Heart (2)
I don't know who organized this medicine refining competition, it was such a big deal.

Gu Hongshu lowered his eyes and pondered deeply. In the competition of refining medicine, he and his elder brother teamed up. It is estimated that there will not be many people who can beat them. If they can win the championship in one fell swoop and give this lightning protection pill to Qingcheng, she will be very happy.Qingcheng, she thinks about flying up every day.

Qingcheng really wanted to ascend every day, and she also studied the refining of lightning protection pills all day long, but in this other world, she had never refined a single lightning protection pill. If Hongshu could give her one, she would be fine. what will happen?The answer is simple, she will definitely not accept it!

For Hongshu, Qingcheng has always felt guilty. How could Qingcheng accept such a magic medicine as the Thunder Avoidance Pill?But from Hongshu’s point of view, it’s different. His idea is very simple. If there are any good things, they should be left to Qingcheng. .

"Brother, let's go to Xixuan Kingdom today." Gu Hongshu was very cooperative.

Gu Hongyu was overjoyed when he heard the words, but Gu Hongshu finally figured it out, and was going to try to forget Qingcheng.

"Brother Shu, I'm going back to my room to tidy things up. It's still early. Please explain the affairs on the island. Let's go after lunch." Gu Hongyu said as he walked towards the room.

"Okay, brother." Gu Hongshu nodded, full of energy, as long as he had a little relationship with Qingcheng in anything, he felt particularly energetic in doing it, and his life seemed to be full of meaning again.

A pair of brothers, each with their own concerns, began busy preparing to go to Xixuan Kingdom to participate in the refining competition.

Inside the small bamboo house in Wandu Forest.

Qingcheng was also busy arranging things, Yinjiyou came back, and immediately said that she would go to the Merman Race to hold a make-up wedding.Although Qingcheng has repeatedly emphasized that it is better to get married simply, she really finds it troublesome to hold a large and luxurious wedding, and she would rather spend that time on cultivation.But Yin Jiyou couldn't make any sense, saying that no matter what, she must not be wronged.

Are you wronged?Qingcheng asked herself, she really didn't feel wronged at all.In this non-controversial poisonous forest, everything is so peaceful, this is exactly the life she wants, of course, if the gloomy night can calm down, she will be more satisfied.Whenever she woke up with sleepy eyes, she always found that Yin Jiyou was gnawing and biting on her body, and he would not let her go even in his sleep.

"Miss, it's getting late, we should go, Nuo has almost finished the preparations for the wedding, and we can enter the bridal chamber at night." Yin Jiyou said while gently licking and biting Qingcheng's earlobe.It made Qingcheng's delicate body tremble slightly, and he chuckled in satisfaction.

"Stop making trouble, let's go." Although it's been a while since they got married, Qingcheng still can't get used to Yin Jiyou's behavior of being intimate with her every now and then.

"Pengpeng..." Qingcheng was about to summon Chipeng, but was stopped by Yinjiyou.

"My lady, today is your wedding day, so you have to go on the flower bridge no matter what." As soon as Yin Jiyou finished speaking, a bright red luxury sedan chair appeared in the room instantly.

Yinjiyou picked up Qingcheng in her arms in satisfaction, walked into the sedan chair, and put down the crystal curtain.After sitting firmly in the sedan chair, he put Qingcheng across his lap and chanted the incantation, and the big red sedan chair flew up into the air and headed straight for the sea of ​​fertile flounder.

The sedan chair was flying steadily in the air, its speed was actually many times faster than the Chipeng bird in Qingcheng, and in a blink of an eye it had already arrived at Qiyue City.

I remember that the first time I came to Qiyue City, I came as Nalan Muye's apprentice. Who knew that this time, I became the bride of Qiyue City.

The big red sedan chair circled around in the mid-air of Qiyue City, and finally landed gracefully among a group of beaming crowds.

"Congratulations, master! Congratulations, madam!" Congratulations came and went, Qingcheng was slowly carried out of the red sedan chair by Yin Jiyou, the corners of her mouth could not be provoked slightly raised, this mermaid really has a half-knowledge of human etiquette, remember to talk to Nalan When Makino met, the apprenticeship ceremony was like worshiping the heaven and the earth. Now, the gloomy and lonely scene is also superb, as the groom, he actually sits with her in the bridal sedan chair.

"Well! Nuo, have the banquet and the new house been arranged properly?" Yin Jiyou looked at Nalan Nuo and said, "Have you ordered the wedding dress?"

Nalannuo nodded and said: "Everything is ready, the temples on Dongping Mountain have been cleaned and arranged inside and out, and all the wedding supplies are also ready."

"Okay, Patriarch Nuo, you've worked hard!" Yin Jiyou hugged Qingcheng and continued to sit back in the sedan chair, and the sedan chair flew up into the air again, heading towards Dongping Mountain.

The bridal sedan does not fly high, and the speed is not as fast as when it came, but slowly, like a sightseeing trip.

Ten miles of red brocade is spread all over the whole street, red lanterns are hung high on the left and right branches, and the whole Qiyue City is immersed in joy.

On the street, there are bustling people, blowing and beating, gongs and drums, and fireworks. Through the curtain, Qingcheng was shocked to find that after a while, the people in the entire Qiyue City had all changed into red clothes. Looking from the top down, it seemed like The entire Qiyue City was on fire.

The corners of Qingcheng's mouth twitched, isn't this too exaggerated?On the wedding day, it is enough for the bride and groom to wear bright red wedding dresses. What are the guests doing wearing such red clothes?Want to steal the limelight from the bride and groom?

"Oh my god, you, look!" Suddenly, Qingcheng looked at the bustling crowd on the street with a face of shock, "Tail tail! Everyone's tail is out!"

Yin Jiyou heard the words, laughed again and again, hugged Qingcheng and said: "Lady, why do you keep staring at outsiders? Don't you care about your husband?"

"Ah..." Qingcheng, who was originally lying on the entrance of the sedan chair to enjoy the infinite scenery of Qiyue City, was hugged by Yin Jiyou to her "legs", and screamed loudly in shock, "You, you, you, your tail ..."

Looking at the light coming in through the gaps in the curtain, Qingcheng was shocked to find that she was sitting on a tail covered with white scales. The white scales were gorgeous and charming, shimmering under the faint sunlight. Dazzling light.

(End of this chapter)

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