Supreme Allure

Chapter 457 You want him!Allure Heart

Chapter 457 You want him!Allure Heart (5)
When Nalannuo heard the words, his face was full of black lines, listen, what kind of bastard words are these talking about!

"Makino, do you understand whether a man and a woman can kiss each other?" Nalannuo said with a headache on his face.

His son, besides forging tools, usually practiced. He never bothered to learn the etiquette in the world. He also said that those etiquettes were neither reasonable nor creative.Originally, he didn't care too much about it. Anyway, for so many years, the kid Muye hasn't made any big troubles, but now, look, what's the matter!
"Do men and women kiss each other?" Nalan Muye tilted his head and blinked his eyes seriously when he heard this.

Taking advantage of Nalan Muye's concentrating on thinking, Yin Jiyou leaned forward and snatched Qingcheng away.

"Hey, Yinjiyou, why did you snatch my precious apprentice away?" Nalan Muye suddenly felt empty in his arms, and rushed to snatch it away.

"Muye!" Yin Jiyou said with a serious face, "Among men and women, only husband and wife can love each other. Between master and apprentice, hugging is not allowed!"

"Ah?" Nalan Muye said with an innocent face, "Qingcheng and I have always hugged each other. What's the relationship? I feel very happy holding Qingcheng, and Qingcheng also likes being hugged by me..."

"Muye, I don't care about the previous ones, but from now on, you must keep a distance from Qingcheng, and you must never touch anything again." Yin Jiyou hugged Qingcheng tightly, what did she say? So many people robbed him of his wife, even the chaotic boy who has never been enlightened for thousands of years, knows how happy it is to hold his wife?
"Baby apprentice, I think you should stop getting married. Marriage is not fun at all. Even being hugged by a teacher is opposed by so many people..." Upon hearing this, Nalan Muye lobbied his apprentice on the spot.

"Nalan Muye, if you mess around again, I'll tear your skin off!" Nalan Nuo couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled loudly.

"Father, why are you so excited?" Nalan Muye saw his father blowing his beard and staring with anger, and hurriedly fled to the flower hall.

I have to say that Nalan Muye is really smart, and he is a complete idiot in terms of human relations, but his IQ when dealing with his father is absolutely top-notch. At this moment, the flower hall is full of people, beaming, No matter how angry Dad was, he would never do anything in the flower hall.

These days, Nalan Muye has been playing around outside all the time. A few days ago, he received a message from his father, saying that the master is getting married. He tilted his head and thought for a long time before replying: What's none of my business?Then, he turned around and continued to sleep soundly on a towering tree. He fell into a drowsy sleep, and found that the messenger jade tablet was shining again. He didn't even bother to look at it. Isn't it the master's marriage?Dad was so excited to do what, the message was sent over and over again.

Nalan Muye turned around and continued to worry about his deep sleep.Until he inadvertently saw that the summons jade plaque said: The bride is Ye Qingcheng!Nalan Muye turned over excitedly, rubbed his eyes, and found that he was not blind, and rushed to Qiyue City at his fastest speed.Like a headless fly, he looked for his precious apprentice everywhere, and when he inquired, he said that the bride and groom were changing new clothes in the wing room, so they rushed over in a hurry.

The first time he arrived, he saw Yin Jiyou was hugging his precious apprentice obsessively. He didn't know why he felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw that scene, and he didn't even think about it. He snatched Qingcheng into his arms.In his heart, the precious apprentice is his, and it's normal to cuddle, but it's gloomy, how can he hug his precious apprentice so sweetly?That beautiful picture just stings his eyes!
Nalan Muye, who fled to the flower hall, felt very uncomfortable, what kind of relationship did he become, and he didn't even give him a hug.

Looking at the leaving figures of Nalan Muye and Nalannuo, Qingcheng nestled in Yin Jiyou's arms and said softly: "You, why are you angry with my master, he is just a child."

"Child? He is thousands of years old! Besides, look at his body, even according to the standards of our mermaid race, he is completely an adult." Yin Jiyou rubbed Qingcheng's neck affectionately, With a helpless face, he said, "Lady, can you stop attracting bees and butterflies like this..."

"You, why are you jealous of my master? Unfortunately, I always thought you were the least jealous." Qingcheng said with a funny face.

"What's wrong with Master? Isn't Master a man anymore?" Yin Jiyou's face was full of righteousness.

"Yes yes yes! Let's go to the flower hall." Qingcheng shook her head helplessly, why everyone looked like a child.

Hearing the words, Yin Jiyou burst into a charming smile in her icy eyes, and suddenly hugged Qingcheng and said, "Go to the church!"

"You, let me down quickly..." Qingcheng's bell-like laughter was heard along the road.

After laughing and laughing, I finally came to the flower hall.

The guests are like a cloud, the happy candles are shining brightly, and the high hall is empty.

There is no way, no one in the mermaid tribe has a higher seniority than Yin Jiyou, and Qingcheng dare not tell her parents the fact that she is married.After all, her marriage is the most troublesome.Just the big group of people who came to her house to propose marriage, she was one head and two big when she thought about it. If her parents knew that she was getting married here, then she would never want to live a peaceful life from now on. kill her.

In the small bamboo hut in the Ten Thousand Poison Forest, at least there is Gu Hongyu sitting in the high hall, at this time there is no one sitting in the high hall.

"Why is the high hall empty? That won't work, it's so ugly, I have to sit on it alone, I think this is the most suitable place for me to sit on the high hall." Suddenly, Nalan Muye strode up to the high hall , took it for granted, and waved to Nalan Muchen, "Brother, you are the dean, and you can be regarded as a master of Qingcheng. Isn't it what humans often say, a teacher for a day, a teacher for a lifetime?" Father, there are just two seats here, and we sit on one side. Come quickly!"

Amid Nalan Muye's yelling, Nalan Muchen brushed off his bright red robe, and actually walked towards the high hall. The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. This pair of living treasure brothers is really arrogant. In front of so many elders, at the master's wedding banquet, how dare to sit on the high hall so swaggeringly?Do they dare to be a little more arrogant!
(End of this chapter)

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