Supreme Allure

Chapter 465 You Dare to Beat My Woman

Chapter 465 You Dare to Beat My Woman (1)
Qingcheng raised her eyes and looked at Chai Zixuan, it was really brother and sister.It's a pity that there is such a separation between yin and yang.

"Zixuan, the family competition is about to start in a month. Among the three of you, you are the most likely to win the family competition. You should prepare well. You can leave Zixi alone, and you will be the one who will be defeated by you again." Doting like this will ruin her." Chai Rongyu said earnestly.

It can be seen that Chai Rong has great expectations for Chai Zixuan, although he will put on a stinky father's stance in front of him, but he will never beat and scold at will like he did to Chai Zixi.

Chai Zihuai and Chai Ziheng gritted their teeth, their father always unabashedly showed his extreme trust in his elder brother, and always treated them both as nothing. Their magic power is considered outstanding among their peers, but it is not as good as that of his elder brother. So little, just not giving them the slightest chance, and always praising and praising elder brother in front of them, pinning all the hopes of the family on elder brother.

They have understood since they were young that if they want to get ahead, the only way to get ahead is to kill the big brother first, but the two of them are not big brother's opponents, so they had to join hands with Ziqing Zimin to trouble Zixi. Originally, they had already killed Zixi this time. , I wanted to use this to completely defeat my elder brother mentally, but who knew that this dead man could actually come back to life!It's really fucking evil!
"Father, if you want to punish Zixi, then the child will not participate in this family competition." Chai Zixuan protected Qingcheng with one hand, and said firmly.

Chai Zihuai Chai Ziheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, what he wanted was your words, it's best if you don't participate, then their chance to succeed will come.

"What? Zixuan, are you threatening to be a father?" Chai Ronghu opened his eyes wide and said, "You know that this family competition is extraordinary, and the winner can represent the family to participate in my Xixuan Kingdom's Magic Power Contest , This is such an honorable event, why are you saying no to participate now because of such a trivial matter?" Chai Rong was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Father, this is not a small matter. In my child's mind, the younger sister is the most important thing. Let the second and third brothers do the things that honor the ancestors." Can't tell, Chai Zixuan, who is as gentle as jade, would say Chai Rong was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he said such a MAN.

His eldest son is good at everything, he is tall and handsome, his magic power is superb, he is knowledgeable and reasonable, and he never commits any crimes. How many ladies from famous families come to propose marriage? As a father, he also feels honorable, but he treats his sister well. His feelings have almost reached the point where both humans and gods are angry. As long as Zixi is involved in anything, he is like a different person, and he will never compromise, even as a father, he can't do anything about it.It was okay before, Zixi was afraid of causing trouble for Zixuan, so he swallowed everything, and never dared to tell Zixuan, for fear of affecting Zixuan's cultivation, but now, his useless daughter has been missing for three years Tian actually fattened up his courage and dared to challenge him in public. If he doesn't cure her today, what majesty will he have in the future?

Thinking of this, Chai Rong pushed Chai Zixuan away on the spot, and attacked Qingcheng without saying a word.

Seeing this, Chai Zixuan was so nervous that he almost fainted. Although his father often punished his younger sister, he had never personally attacked his younger sister like today. The younger sister was weak and sick since she was a child. Not caring so much, he flew forward to block Chai Rong's full blow for Qingcheng.

Qingcheng shook her head speechlessly, pretended to be weak and fell into Chai Zixuan's arms, and followed the force of falling, avoiding Chai Rong's fatal blow with ease.

Hmph, compared to her magic power, this Chai Rong is still far behind.

For a long time, due to various reasons, Qingcheng has needed to hide her own strength, and beat people severely on the basis of her own strength not leaking out.

Chai Rong flew into the air, and felt his face was dull. After standing firm, he continued to attack Qingcheng. Qingcheng pretended to be panic-stricken, and hid behind Chai Zixuan trembling all over. Chai Zixuan saw this , patting Qingcheng's catkin with pity on his face and saying: "Sister, don't be afraid, brother will protect you."

Hearing the words, Qingcheng raised her eyes and pretended to be panicked, and said pitifully: "Yeah, brother, you must protect Zixi, Zixi is so scared."

All of a sudden, fists and legs were thrown in the noodle shop, and the surrounding tables and chairs had been smashed to pieces by magic power. Chai Zihuai and Chai Ziheng looked at each other and felt that their chance had come, so they asked their father to restrain their elder brother. Taking advantage of this opportunity to attack Zixi, Zixi has been a waste since she was a child and has no magic power, so it is easy to attack her.

Both of them made a move, exhausting all their breastfeeding strength to condense a phantom force that they thought was extremely powerful, and attacked Qingcheng with all their strength.

"Zixi be careful!" Chai Zixuan became anxious when he saw Zihuai and Ziheng joining the battle. He just wanted to prevent his father from hurting his sister, so why did he make things so complicated!Together, these two people are not his opponents, but they can easily succeed in dealing with Zixi like this.

The corner of Qingcheng's lips curled into a sneer, this is really getting more and more fun, two rookies who haven't even reached the Purple Illusion Realm actually want to sneak attack her, and they look arrogant like they are bound to win.

Qingcheng withdrew several silver needles with one hand, and was about to shoot secretly to teach these eyesless people a lesson, but who knew that before the silver needles could be shot, a calm and prestige voice suddenly sounded: "Stop!"

Qingcheng looked up, but saw that the person who came was wearing a black silk robe, outlining a long and muscular body, and the long golden hair like brocade was tied with a black hairband at the waist, elegant and not messy , with sword eyebrows drawn into the temples, eagle nose tall and straight, the corners of the plump lips slightly raised, a pair of golden eyes shone brightly, the skin was as fair as jade, and the temperament was pure and enchanting, like a banished fairy descending from the sky, instantly attracting everyone gaze.

"It's Prince Qingchuan!" All the nympho women in the noodle shop screamed in alarm!

This is really too shocking!You know, Prince Qingchuan seldom appears in Luojin City. At first, I heard that Prince Qingchuan practiced on a mysterious mountain. Later, I heard that Prince Qingchuan went to Caixuan to study medicine. Then I heard that Prince Qingchuan was fascinated by Qingcheng that night. He was so fascinated that he followed that night Qingcheng all day long, not even returning home.

(End of this chapter)

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