Supreme Allure

Chapter 468 You Dare to Beat My Woman

Chapter 468 You Dare to Beat My Woman (4)
Chai Ziqing, Chai Zimin, Chai Zihuai, Chai Ziheng, the four brothers and sisters were unhappy no matter how unhappy they were, they could only hold back at this time, and said with flattering smiles that from now on, they would absolutely treat sister Zixi as a treasure in their hands.

Hearing this, Chai Rong nodded in satisfaction, turned around and left the noodle shop.

Gu Xinlian, Yue Hong, Chai Ziqing, Chai Zimin, Chai Zihuai, and Chai Ziheng all followed, and the family went home in a mighty way.

chai fu
After Qingcheng was brought back to Chai Mansion by Chai Zixuan, she excused Chai Zixuan by saying she wanted to take a nap.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After opening Chai Zixuan, Qingcheng poured himself a cup of jasmine tea, and said while drinking the tea, looking up at the transparent woman who followed her all the way.

The transparent woman sat down on the edge of Qingcheng, and said sadly: "My name is Chai Zixi, and I was killed by the so-called family members you saw in the noodle shop just now."

"Without vengeance, what did they do to you?" Qingcheng asked curiously.

Although those people just now were not good people, no matter how bad they are, there must be a motive for killing people. After all, killing people also requires labor. If there is no benefit, why do you work so hard to kill people?

"They killed me for two reasons. One is because my brother will participate in the family competition in one month. They know that as long as my brother is around, Dad will definitely not let the second and third brothers participate in the competition on behalf of the family. They couldn't kill my brother, so they had to start with me, kill me, and let my brother break down and give up the family competition, so that they can hope to take his place." Chai Zixi explained angrily.

Qingcheng nodded understandingly. According to Chai Zixuan's feelings for Chai Zixi, if he knew that Chai Zixi was dead, it would be inevitable to collapse in a short period of time. If there is no external force to help him, maybe he will always collapse like this down.

After Qingcheng drank a cup of jasmine tea and filled it up for herself, she raised the teapot and asked, "Do you want a cup too?"

The transparent woman shook her head and said, "The soul body doesn't want these things."

"Then you won't be hungry and drink?" Qingcheng propped his chin with his hands, tilted his head slightly, his beautiful eyes were shining, and seemed to be radiant, and his charming and sweet appearance was simply extremely cute.

"Ye Qingcheng, if I were a man, seeing you like this, I would throw you down desperately." The transparent woman teased, "You must not provoke my brother, my brother is completely One scripture, if he falls in love with you, it will be over, and I guess he will not be able to turn the corner in this life."

"Your brother, he thinks I am you, will he have evil thoughts about his own sister? Or, the relationship between you and your brother has surpassed the relationship between brother and sister? Could it be that your brother has a sister-in-law complex?" Qingcheng replied with a funny face .

"Don't worry, Qingcheng, my brother and I have a brother-sister relationship that cannot be purer." The transparent woman reassured repeatedly, "But now that you are pretending to be me, it's hard to say if it's a pure brother-sister relationship." .”

"Don't worry about this, as long as you and your brother have a pure brother-sister relationship, then I will carry the purity to the end!" Qingcheng nodded reassuringly, and continued, "Then you won't have any fiancé? I don't want to mess with anything Trouble, if there is, I will return the marriage for you earlier, right?"

"No, no." The transparent woman quickly shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I don't have a fiancé, and I don't have any childhood sweethearts for life."

Qingcheng nodded in satisfaction, raised his eyes and continued to ask: "You just said that there are two major reasons, and what is the other reason?"

"There is another very important reason, and that is the lightning protection beads!" As soon as the transparent woman said this, Qingcheng suddenly stood up in shock.

"What? Is the Lightning Orb really in your hands? How is it possible?" Although the transparent woman used the Lightning Orb as a bait to make Qingcheng pretend to be herself at the beginning, Qingcheng was only half-believing at the time, and now she heard the transparent woman so serious again. Mentioning the lightning protection beads affirmatively, he couldn't help screaming in shock.

The transparent woman didn't explain much, flicked her fingertips, and a crystal clear bead appeared in midair in an instant.

Qingcheng jumped up, grabbed the crystal clear bead and concentrated on studying it.Although she had never seen a lightning protection bead, there were records in many ancient weapons refining books that Nalan Muye gave her, so she could tell the authenticity at a glance.

"Sure enough, it's the real thing." Qingcheng held the lightning-absorbing orb with a look of surprise, "Although this lightning-absorbing orb is a family heirloom of your Chai family, based on your status in the Chai family, you can tell it's a family heirloom at a glance. How did you get this lightning protection orb? Stealing? Robbing? Cheating? These don’t seem to be your style, do they?”

"About this lightning protection bead, this is a long story." The transparent woman sighed softly and said quietly.

"It's a long story, it's okay, you tell it slowly, I'm very curious about it." Qingcheng took a sip of jasmine tea, the light in her beautiful eyes flickered, and she kept flipping the lightning protection beads in her hands, thinking Can this lightning protection bead be refined using some similar materials?
The transparent woman raised one hand, and the lightning protection ball in Qingcheng's hand disappeared instantly.

"Where's the lightning protection ball? Where did you get it?" Qingcheng looked at the empty hands, startled, then turned to look at the transparent woman and asked, "Why did the lightning protection ball disappear out of thin air?"

"I hid this lightning protection ball in a safe place. Don't worry, as long as you do me a big favor, I will definitely give you the lightning protection ball." The transparent woman said sincerely.

"How do you want me to help you?" Qingcheng asked puzzledly, "If you want to make your brother not sad, it's useless. I can't pretend to be you all my life. He will know the truth sooner or later. Sadness is inevitable.”

"In another month, the family illusion competition will be held. After the family illusion competition, it will be the illusion competition of the entire Xixuan Nation family. I hope that my brother can win the Illusion Competition among the major families of Xixuan Kingdom. "The transparent woman said with a look of yearning, "With my brother's strength, I can definitely do it, as long as the news of my death is concealed during this period of time. Now almost no one knows that I am dead, so as long as the two of us cooperate, My brother won't find out."

(End of this chapter)

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