Supreme Allure

Chapter 474 The Hero Saves the Beauty

Chapter 474 The Hero Saves the Beauty (3)
Qingcheng nodded with an innocent face. It's really not easy for someone to stand up and speak justice these days.

"When did you ruin my innocence? Ouyang Luzhu, then you really don't understand the relationship between me and Qingcheng. How many times have I slept with her? Qingcheng, tell me about it yourself, my Have you touched all over your body?" Luoshui Qingchuan's handsome face turned redder than before.

"Ah..." Qingcheng didn't expect Luoshui Qingchuan to say such embarrassing words, and quickly covered Luoshui Qingchuan's plump lips and said, "Qingchuan, you are being talked about nonsense."

"Then you promised to be responsible to me?" Luoshui Qingchuan raised his eyes and stared at Qingcheng Road.

Qingcheng stared at Luoshui Qingchuan flickeringly, not knowing how to answer.God, why does she always have to face such embarrassing situations, and what should she do?If you tell the truth, you are afraid of hurting Qingchuan, but if you don't tell the truth, it is obvious that Qingchuan will not give up easily.

"I said Prince Qingchuan, you are too domineering. If you must ask for a marriage proposal, then I have also proposed marriage to Qingcheng. Should she also be responsible to me and agree to marry me?" Ouyang Luzhu asked She brushed her green algae-like hair alluringly, and her emerald-like eyes met Luoshui Qingchuan's golden eyes fearlessly.

"Ouyang Luzhu, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Luoshui Qingchuan roared angrily, why every time he and Qingcheng were in a relationship, some inexplicable people always appeared to make trouble.

"Qingchuan, it's impossible between us." Qingcheng said in a low voice with downcast eyes.

"Why?" Luoshui Qingchuan's heart shuddered. Hearing Qingcheng's tone, something must have happened.

"I'm already married." It's better to tell her what she has to face sooner or later, so that she can feel better in her heart. She really can't bear this heavy and deep love.

"What? Qingcheng, are you married? Are you referring to the marriage with Murong Zuixue when I woke up last time? That doesn't count. Didn't your bridal chamber wedding night be ruined by me?" Luoshui Qingchuan Hearing this, his intuitive reaction was the duel with Murong Zuixue when he woke up last time. Anyone with eyes knows that it was Murong Zuixue who was forcing Qingcheng. Besides, didn't he stop him in time? So of course that's not true.

"No, Qingchuan, it wasn't that time, I really got married." Qingcheng shook her head like a rattle, feeling an unspeakable sadness in her heart.

She is willing to marry Yin Jiyou, she never feels that she has been wronged, but when facing the person in front of her, she will always feel an inexplicable sense of guilt, which makes her breathless.

"What? Are you really married? Qingcheng, tell me clearly, what's going on? Who is that man? I'm going to tear him into pieces!" Once again confirmed from Qingcheng's mouth, Luoshui Qingchuan's heart There was a burst of panic, and Qingcheng's expression didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that Qingcheng was really married?

"Yin Jiyou." Qingcheng didn't intend to hide anything, she gritted her teeth, raised her eyes to Qingchuan's golden eyes in Luoshui, and replied in a low voice.

"It's him!" Luoshui Qingchuan's golden eyes flashed with pain. He had seen Yinjiyou before. In the Wuyue Forest, the powerful illusion was shocking. It is definitely not a realm that humans can achieve. It was reasonable for Qingcheng to choose him, but why did his heart ache so much that he could hardly breathe.

"Qingcheng, you chose him just because he is strong?" Luoshui Qingchuan's golden eyes were filled with heartbreak.

Qingcheng shook her head, her choice of Yinjiyou has nothing to do with being strong or not.

Luoshui Qingchuan heard the words, the light of hope was rekindled in his golden eyes, he grabbed Qingcheng's tenderness and said: "Qingcheng, you can leave even if you get married, you leave Yinjiyou, we must get married, we Can't live without you."

Seeing this, Ouyang Luzhu felt a pang of sadness in her heart. She didn't expect that so many excellent men went to Ye's house to propose marriage, and the winner in the end was someone who had never been to Ye's house to propose marriage. , was able to marry Qingcheng.Although Prince Qingchuan lost the opportunity, it is well known that he and Qingcheng are in love with each other. As long as Prince Qingchuan does not give up, there is always hope.The saddest thing is someone like him, who is obviously full of love in his heart, but doesn't even have a chance to express his love.The strong feelings are buried in my heart, and I don't know when they will be uncontrollable and explode. It can be counted as a moment if I can suppress it for a while. It makes Qingcheng feel that he is a confidant and good friend. It is also a kind of happiness to look at her from a distance.

When Leng Xingyue heard Luoshui Qingchuan's words, her eyes widened in shock, her mouth opened wide and she couldn't react.Oh my god, Prince Qingchuan is too awesome, a dignified prince, can he say such things?

After listening to Luoshui Qingchuan's words, Qingcheng felt even more uncomfortable. She held Luoshui Qingchuan's big palm with her backhand, and her beautiful eyes were full of guilt: "Qingchuan, don't do this, I am a married woman now, even if I If you really left Yin Jiyou, how can you marry a woman who has been married to someone else, your dignified prince?"

"I don't care, Qingcheng, even if all the people in the world make fun of me, I don't care, I only want you, even if you have been married before!" Luoshui Qingchuan said firmly.

"Qingchuan, it's impossible for me to leave Yinjiyou, you..." Qingcheng replied with the same determination.Although she couldn't bear it in her heart, but now, she can only persevere to the end.

When Luoshui Qingchuan heard this, his suppressed emotions finally burst out. His golden eyes were bloodshot, and he stood up abruptly. He didn't care about the two super big light bulbs Ouyang Luzhu and Leng Xingyue. Hugging Qingcheng tightly, he said: "You don't want to leave Yinjiyou, do you? Well, then I can only follow Murong Zuixue's example and use force on you. I'll take you away right now, cook raw rice and cook it, forever Imprisoned by my side."

As soon as the words fell, he picked up Qingcheng and walked out the door.

Ouyang Luzhu and Leng Xingyue were shocked when they saw this, and they didn't care about the crown prince becoming a prince, so they hurried forward to intercept Luoshui Qingchuan.

However, Luoshui Qingchuan's skills were superior to those of the two, he picked up Qingcheng and turned around to avoid the interception of the two.

When the matter came to this point, Qingcheng calmed down instead, and his brain was running rapidly. Taking advantage of the moment when Ouyang Luzhu and Leng Xingyue intercepted Luoshui Qingchuan, he threw a jasper axis and a portrait from the space ring, facing Ouyang Lu Zhu said in a voice transmission: "This is the portrait of Gu Hongshu, you go to him quickly, he is in Luojin City, and now he is the only one who can save me."

(End of this chapter)

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