Supreme Allure

Chapter 477 The Hero Saves the Beauty

Chapter 477 The Hero Saves the Beauty (7)
"So that's how it is." After hearing the whole thing, Murong Zuixue nodded suddenly, and at the same time felt ashamed for her recklessness just now.

"We have reached an agreement just now, that is to let go. Now that Qingcheng has found her own happiness, if we continue to entangle, it will only make Qingcheng a lot of pressure and pain. So, for Qingcheng, Murong Zuixue, you Let go too." Luoshui Qingchuan re-explained the agreement reached between him and Gu Hongshu just now, and hoped that Murong Zuixue would also let go.

Murong Zuixue didn't speak, and fell into deep thought.Just letting go like this, he really can't do it, but what if he doesn't let go, is it really necessary to force Qingcheng to death?
Just when the three of them fell into silence, a slender figure suddenly broke in. The three of them raised their eyes and saw a handsome and elegant man. Luoshui Qingchuan recognized him at a glance. Chai Zixuan who intercepted him.

Since his sister disappeared, he tried his best to find her everywhere, and finally he found out that her sister was in this inn. He had imagined countless situations, but he never thought that it would be like this, so many handsome and unparalleled What is the man doing around his sister?And it looks like his sister is unconscious, what is going on?
And one of the men in the middle, whom he knew, was Prince Qingchuan.

"Prince Qingchuan, what's wrong with my sister? Did you intend to mistreat her and drugged her?" When Chai Zixuan saw Qingcheng's closed eyes, he rushed to the side of the bed, picked up Qingcheng and was about to Go out the door.

"Chai Zixuan, do you have some brains, okay? How could I drug Qing...your sister, who do you think I am, Luoshui Qingchuan?" Luoshui Qingchuan was furious when he heard the words, and he dodged to stop Chai Zixuan. Qing... Where is your sister going? She is unconscious now and needs to recuperate, you put her down quickly." Luoshui Qingchuan said while stepping forward to take Qingcheng back.

Murong Zuixue snickered when she heard the words, Luoshui Qingchuan also has today, it's really interesting, the dignified prince is actually regarded as a disciple?Ha ha!The handsome man in front of him is really courageous. He dared to question the current crown prince in the capital of Xixuan. He is definitely a master who is not afraid of death.However, appreciation is appreciation, but if he wants to take Qingcheng away, that is absolutely impossible.Thinking of this, Murong Zuixue dodged and followed Luoshui Qingchuan to intercept Chai Zixuan.Although he and Luoshui Qingchuan are deadly enemies, at this moment, they are allies who share the same hatred.

When Chai Zixuan saw that he was surrounded, he felt anxious, seeing that the strength of the two people in front of him was definitely above him, but it was absolutely impossible for him to let go of his sister and leave alone.

Knowing that he couldn't do it, today, no matter what, he wanted to take his sister away from here.Regardless of the entanglements between his younger sister and these beautiful men, as a brother, he must trust his younger sister unreservedly and do his best to protect his younger sister.

"Don't stop them, let them leave!" Gu Hongshu who had been silent all this time suddenly said.

"What? Tell them to leave? I said Hongshu, are you insane?" Luoshui Qingchuan didn't expect Gu Hongshu to say such a thing. It's fine if he doesn't help grab Qingcheng, but he wants them to let Qingcheng leave?

"Otherwise, what should I do? Haven't you found out yet?" Gu Hongshu's voice contained deep forbearance, "Why hasn't she woke up yet? It's not a physical problem, but a psychological problem. She is using a coma Avoiding us, she is afraid of seeing us, if we stay by her side, she will just be in a coma forever." Gu Hongshu's silver eyes were filled with a faint sadness, very faint, but let the witness Couldn't help but mourn together.

Luoshui Qingchuan was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that Qingcheng would fall into a coma because of avoiding them, so he turned around slowly and sat down on the pear wood flower stool.

Murong Zuixue's heart was also shocked. So, is their so-called relationship such a heavy burden for Qingcheng?Turning around sadly, he walked to the edge of Luoshui Qingchuan with a helpless face, his eyes fell into deep thought.

"Thank you!" Chai Zixuan nodded gratefully towards Gu Hongshu, "May I know what your address is?" Chai Zixuan was shocked by the affection in the eyes of the man in front of him, and the sadness deduced from the deep emotion shocked him. , My sister actually met such a character?
"My name is Gu Hongshu." Gu Hongshu walked slowly in front of Chai Zixuan, staring at Qingcheng Road with reluctance, "I will leave her to you, please take good care of her." Gu Hongshu said , while taking out a few packs of herbs from the interspatial ring, and briefly explaining how to decoct the herbs, after explaining, before Chai Zixuan left the room, he left the room first.He didn't want to watch Qingcheng leave in front of him, so he left the room first, as if Qingcheng had never left.

Looking at the back of Gu Hongshu, Chai Zixuan was infected by the sadness emanating from his body, and stood there dumbfounded. After reacting, he found that he was the only one left in the room. The people in the middle, when did my sister provoke these people, not only Prince Qingchuan, but the other two are definitely not in the pool, especially the pure man with silver hair and silver eyes, whose strength is even more unpredictable , What happened between him and his sister?
The more Chai Zixuan thought about it, the more curious he became, and the more he blamed himself. He was really incompetent as an older brother. He didn't know anything about so many things happened to his younger sister. He only knew how to practice hard every day. He didn't care about his younger sister. After waking up, you must take some time to communicate with your sister.Mother passed away early, leaving two brothers and sisters to depend on each other for life. No matter how important cultivation is, it is not as important as the biological sister in my arms.

Chai Zixuan, who came to his senses, hugged the person in his arms tightly, and ran quickly on the way home.

After returning home, Chai Zixuan carefully put Qingcheng back on the bed, took out the herbal medicine given to him by Gu Hongshu from the interspatial ring, and took an exquisite small medicine cauldron from the kitchen, and concentrated on boiling the medicine juice .

(End of this chapter)

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