Supreme Allure

Chapter 481

Chapter 481
"That day I went to the inn to look for you. If it wasn't for him, I would never have been able to bring you back." Chai Zixuan then briefly recounted what happened in the inn that day.

"Ah, brother, did you say there was a person with red hair and red eyes present?" Qingcheng was shocked.

Chai Zixuan nodded and asked puzzledly: "Who is that? You are so nervous."

Qingcheng shook her head and said: "I'm not nervous, it's just that that person is more domineering, didn't he cause any trouble?"

"Originally, he and Prince Qingchuan wanted to stop you, but he was awakened by Gu Hongshu's words, so he asked me to bring you back." Chai Zixuan recalled.

"Hongshu's words? What words?" Qingcheng asked curiously, what words were so powerful that Murong Zuixue let him go obediently?
"He said, you hypnotized yourself not to wake up because you didn't want to see them." Chai Zixuan whispered, "Sister, is that really the case?"

Qingcheng was taken aback when she heard the words, Hongshu really knew her so well that she even thought of this.

Looking at Chai Zixuan's probing eyes, Qingcheng nodded slightly.

"Sister, I can tell that Gu Hongshu loves you as deeply as the sea, and you never forget him, why don't you stay together?" Chai Zixuan took the opportunity to teach his sister a lesson. Talked so intimately with my sister like today.

"Brother, Hong Shu has sacrificed too much for me, you know that if there is a difference, his soul will fly away? I don't want to drag him down anymore. Only by leaving me can he be happy." Little by little, Qingcheng's heart is full of guilt, because of her, Hong Shu almost lost his soul, if he is with Hong Shu again, maybe one day Hong Shu will really lose his soul, she really She was so scared, she would rather lose her soul than Hong Shu sacrificed for her.

Hearing this, Chai Zixuan's heart was shocked. He saw the affection accumulated in Gu Hongshu's silver eyes, but he really didn't expect that Gu Hongshu would sacrifice himself here for his sister.

For a while, the two fell into silence.

After a long time, Chai Zixuan broke the silence.

"Sister, you forcibly pushed Gu Hongshu away because you were afraid of losing Gu Hongshu, but have you ever thought about Gu Hongshu's feelings? You just think about the problem from your own perspective. Have you ever thought about it from a different angle?" Chai Zixuan patted Qingcheng's catkin lightly, and said earnestly, "For Gu Hongshu, your blind avoidance and escape is the most fatal pain. So what if you lose your soul? If you can protect your beloved woman because of this, he will die well and without regret. That is also a kind of happiness. I think, if it were you, you would also choose to die in a critical moment in order to protect Gu Hongshu ,Right?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Qingcheng was shocked when she heard the words. Chai Zixuan was right. She had been resisting this feeling all along, fearing that she would hurt Hongshu again, but she had never thought about this from Hongshu's point of view. Feelings, such a simple truth, have to wait until now to realize it. She, is she wrong?

Seeing Qingcheng's dejected look, Chai Zixuan poured another glass of water for Qingcheng. After feeding her to drink, he raised his eyes and said, "Sister, now I understand, everything is still in time. Big brother is really fine. After sleeping, I feel The whole person feels refreshed. Go find Hongshu and have a good talk."

"Brother, it's too late, it's too late." Qingcheng choked up and said, "Hongshu and I, by accident, will always separate and reunite for various reasons. Things have reached this point today. , there is only division but no cooperation.”

"Silly girl." Chai Zixuan touched Qingcheng's beautiful hair gently, and said firmly, "Brother, no matter what happened between you and Gu Hongshu, you can find Gu Hongshu for me right now, don't be depressed here .”

Qingcheng was infected by Chai Zixuan's unhesitating arrogance, raised her eyes to stare at Chai Zixuan's eyes, and returned the same firm look.

The streets of Luojin City are bustling with people. Gu Hongshu and Ouyang Luzhu, two stunning men, walked side by side in the bustling crowd, like standing out from the crowd, attracting the eyes of countless young girls. one hundred percent.

A seemingly innocent woman came towards the two of them. Suddenly, the woman seemed to trip over something under her feet, and she flew towards Gu Hongshu, and pedestrians on the street stopped one after another.The men all looked at Gu Hongshu enviously. They were handsome, but they were treated differently. In broad daylight, there were beauties throwing themselves into their arms. Unlike them, chasing an ordinary-looking woman was picked and picked.The women are all envious of the woman who threw herself into her arms, oh my god, this move is good, why didn't I think of it just now, I will do the same in a while, to be hugged by such a beautiful man How happy it would be to hold her tightly in your arms.

However, when the passers-by stopped and waited to see the handsome man and the beautiful woman embracing each other, a certain beautiful man did not cooperate with the performance. Lily fell to the ground.

The people who stopped on the street all looked at Gu Hongshu in disbelief, and they didn't want to throw themselves into the arms of a beautiful woman. Did this person have his head caught between the cracks in the door?

The men looked at Gu Hongshu with hatred on their faces, while the women aroused their fighting power even more.In order to prove her proud charm, no matter what, she must throw herself at this man!

Hearing a loud noise from behind, Gu Hong continued to walk forward without turning his head, completely ignoring the seemingly innocent woman.

"Oh, it hurts, young master, my foot is sprained, can you come and help me?" The woman's delicate voice came from behind Gu Hongshu, and Gu Hongshu turned a deaf ear and continued to stride forward.

"Hahahahahaha! She deserves it! Just like her, she still wants to hook up with handsome guys like others? You don't even use a mirror to look at your face! Look at me!" A charming and charming woman whispered to her companion.

(End of this chapter)

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