Supreme Allure

Chapter 483

Chapter 483
"Xingyue, this way!" Qingcheng shouted hastily.

Leng Xingyue, who was confused, followed the voice and saw that Qingcheng was calling him excitedly.

Hey, why is Qingcheng here?I didn't date her today!Why does she seem to be waiting for me?

No matter, let's go and have a look first.

When Qingcheng saw Leng Xingyue approaching her, he let out a big breath in his heart.

"Xingyue, I ordered your favorite boiled fish for you, the gluttonous bullfrog, you can try it." Seeing Leng Xingyue sitting down, Qingcheng hurriedly helped Leng Xingyue pick up a bowl full of vegetables, "Xingyue, after I ordered the dishes for you, I tasted them out of curiosity. The taste is so spicy that it kills me." Qingcheng deliberately pretended to be unbearable.

Seeing this, Leng Xingyue quickly cooperated with acting.

"If you don't like it, don't eat it. Look at you, you have made yourself so hot." Leng Xingyue said while handing Qingcheng a clean handkerchief.

Qingcheng took the handkerchief and wiped her lips hard.

"Xiaoer, let me have another plate of mushrooms and vegetables, stir-fried cauliflower, tomato and egg soup." Chai Zixuan waved to Xiaoer suddenly, and said loudly.

Xiao Er agreed and hurriedly prepared to go.

After a while, all the dishes came out, Qingcheng gritted her teeth, forced herself not to look at the fragrant gluttonous bullfrog, and worked hard to eat the mushrooms, vegetables and tomato egg soup in front of her.

"Sister, isn't it delicious?" Chai Zixuan asked with concern while holding the food with great effort.

"It's delicious, of course it's delicious, how could it not be delicious?" Qingcheng smiled awkwardly, and ate all the food that Chai Zixuan gave her with "relish", feeling aggrieved in her heart.

Jin Lianshan

Time passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days, Qingcheng lived in fear.Since Man Jianghong was arrested last time, she always felt that her excuses were full of loopholes. However, she had already been arrested at that time, and she couldn't find a perfect excuse to make it seamless.It can only be like that.

But what puzzled Qingcheng was that Chai Zixuan didn't ask her anything, which made her heart flutter even more.Today was even more strange, Chai Zixuan showed up at her door early in the morning, saying that he wanted to take her to play in Jinlian Mountain.

The family competition is imminent, Chai Zixuan is not working hard in the martial arts training ground, but he took her to Jinlian Mountain to play?

It's so weird!
She tried to refuse in various ways, but was rejected by Chai Zixuan. Now, she can only bite the bullet and go to Jin Lianshan.Otherwise, it would be bad to arouse his suspicion.

"Sister, look, that flower is so beautiful, I picked it and gave it to you." Chai Zixuan pointed to the edge of the cliff with a joyful expression on his face.

"Brother, don't go. The color of the flower is so bright, it must be poisonous, and the smell of the flower is the most attractive to vipers, it is very dangerous." Qingcheng quickly grabbed Chai Zixuan and dissuaded him.

"It's okay, how can such a beautiful flower be poisonous?" Chai Zixuan said stubbornly, "I'll come as soon as I go, soon." After speaking, he broke free from Qingcheng's catkin and jumped onto the cliff.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Chai Zixuan picked those delicate and beautiful flowers with excitement, and shouted happily while picking flowers: "Sister, look, nothing is wrong."

"Brother, be careful!" Just as Chai Zixuan was smugly waving to Qingcheng, suddenly, a viper flew out from the bushes, Qingcheng screamed loudly, hurriedly took out a few silver needles from the space ring, and shot It struck towards the viper like electricity.

The Viper fell to the ground, and Chai Zixuan flew down the cliff with a cold face.

Qingcheng raised her eyes to look at Chai Zixuan, and instantly understood everything.

Chai Zixuan's magic power is so high, how could he not even be able to deal with a little Viper?The reason why he didn't do anything just now and deliberately approached Viper was to test her.

She could stand by and watch, but she knew very well that Chai Zixuan really didn't intend to make a move by herself. If she didn't, there was only one way to do it, and that was to watch Chai Zixuan fall in front of her.Of course, he could be saved after he fell down, but just now, in a hurry, she shot without even thinking about it.Perhaps, it was because Chai Zixuan's true love for his sister moved her, and she couldn't bear to see him suffer those hardships again.Since he wants to play a trick, then she will fall for it.

"Who the hell are you? Where's my sister?" Chai Zixuan's clear eyes were icy cold.

Qingcheng sneered and said, "Do you think I killed your sister and then pretended to be her?" If Chai Zixuan really thought so, it would be too disappointing to her. After being siblings for so many days, he would act so arbitrarily. Convicted of her, there was nothing left to say.

Chai Zixuan shook his head, and suddenly, he pressed Qingcheng's shoulders tightly with both hands, his cold eyes were filled with sadness, and he shouted loudly: "I just want to know, where is my sister? Tell me where she is ah!"

In fact, he had already felt that something was wrong, but he kept telling himself that he was too nervous about his sister, and he was overthinking, until that day when he saw his sister eating the gluttonous bullfrog obsessively. You can't keep lying to yourself like this.He suppressed the heart that was about to collapse and forced himself to calm down. Maybe, his sister just changed her taste.

After repeated suffering, he designed this bureau.

The truth, why is it so cruel!

Where are you, sister?
Qingcheng sighed helplessly, unexpectedly, before the family competition started, she was exposed.

"The sun is too strong here, shall we talk about it when we go home?" Qingcheng grabbed Chai Zixuan's hand with his backhand, looked straight at him with beautiful eyes, and continued, "If I told you that I didn't kill your sister, would you believe it? "

Chai Zixuan looked at Qingcheng sadly, saw the clarity in her eyes, was infected by the magnanimity in her eyes, nodded involuntarily and said: "I believe in you, but, don't hide it from me anymore , I want to know the truth of the whole thing."

Qingcheng lowered her eyes and nodded: "Shall we go home first?"

(End of this chapter)

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