Supreme Allure

Chapter 493

Chapter 493
Qingcheng stood indifferently on the competition stage, completely ignoring Chai Zimiao in front of him, without even shaking his fingers, holding a Yemo scimitar. The knife is naturally a good knife, and the audience can tell at a glance .But the so-called one inch is longer and one inch is stronger, no matter how good this night devil scimitar is, it shouldn't be taken out at this time.Has anyone ever seen a dagger in a martial arts contest?Look at Chai Zimiao, what he is holding is an extended version of the nine-ring knife, which can cut off a person's head with just one slash. This is the weapon you should choose for a martial arts competition.Sure enough, he is a layman, and he doesn't even understand this principle, so he actually came to participate in the family competition.

Chai Ziqing and Chai Zimin looked like they were enjoying the show, staring intently at the extended version of the nine-ring knife in Chai Zimiao's hand, no matter if it is a long knife or a short knife, as long as it can cut off her Chai Zixi's head is good knife.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone's anticipation, the game began.

Chai Zimiao held up the extended version of the Nine-ring Knife in his hand. His strength was incredible. Carrying such a big knife was as effortless as a woman waving her cloud sleeves. Seeing that Qingcheng's head was about to He was cut off in an instant, and the competition field was full of excitement. There were people with all kinds of expressions, and there were also people who said anything.Some hoped that her head would be cut off immediately, some felt sorry, some despised, and some smiled dotingly.

It seems that not only the silver-haired and silver-eyed man in pink is laughing, but Prince Qingchuan and Master Luzhu are also laughing?What kind of situation is this? Just now, I was looking at him affectionately, and I longed for his head to be moved away in the blink of an eye?This world is so unpredictable!

However, just when Chai Zimiao's extended version of Jiuhuan Dao was about to kiss Qingcheng's head, Qingcheng's real person disappeared in an instant, and Chai Zimiao was so shocked that he almost couldn't react. He was worried that if his strength was too strong, he would really kill the opponent. After all, he was the sweetheart of His Royal Highness. Forget about going to the martial arts arena, but it turns out that the opponent can't even run away, and even ignores his attack. At that time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be able to make some sense, so it is better not to destroy him.But no matter how much I thought about it, I didn't expect that the other party disappeared completely in an instant!


Even he, who has reached the realm of purple fantasy, does not have such perfect teleportation skills, how did she do it?A person with no phantom fluctuations in his body can perform teleportation so perfectly.Is this still a person?

Just when Chai Zimiao was so shocked that his jaw was about to drop, a cold dagger was aimed at his neck. When he looked up, it turned out to be the Night Demon Scimitar. My God, this world doesn’t have such crazy people, that Chai Zimiao Not only can Zixi control the perfect teleportation, but he can also defeat him in one move. He still uses a short weapon, which is in ironic contrast to his extended version of the nine-ring knife.

Now the entire arena fell into madness. Everyone opened their eyes wide and wide, and twisted their own thighs over and over again. Of course, there were also those who twisted the thighs of their companions. The screams resounded throughout the arena.

"Oh my god, my god, I'm not dreaming. Is this Chai Zixi possessed by a ghost? He suddenly disappeared!"

"You're not dreaming, and I'm not dreaming either. Look, didn't she appear? She even put the night demon scimitar on Chai Zimiao's neck."

"Wow, really, really, please screw me again, I suspect that I'm dreaming even more, really, how could I have such a ridiculous dream."

"Let's make your spring and autumn dreams come true, all of you are really hopeless. Wow, that Chai Zixi is so cool, I have decided to replace my number one idol with her, wow!"

"I feel more and more that Chai Zixi is as beautiful as a fairy. Why haven't I noticed it before? No wonder Prince Qingchuan, Master Luzhu, and the handsome silver-haired guy are all fascinated by her. Even I plan to start pursuing her. gone."

"Just save yourself, there are so many super handsome guys around her, how can she have time to see you?"

"The so-called beauty is in everyone's eyes, what if she accidentally takes a fancy to me? You have to try it, don't you?"

"It makes sense, then I will go after her with you."

"Okay, everyone is together, the chance of success will be greater, remember to share your experience then."

"Yes, everyone will work together to break through the Chai family's threshold."

On the judging table, Chai Rong looked at everything in front of him calmly. In fact, he was shocked in his heart. Although he knew that this counterfeit was very powerful, he did not expect to be a first-class master. Putting the opponent in a desperate situation in an instant, there is no redundant move at all.

This is the real master. Those complicated moves and embroidered legs look enjoyable, but in fact they can't stand the blow of the master at all. The more concise and capable the master, the simpler the moves. That's the best of the best.

"This round, Chai Zixi wins!" The referee finally woke up from the shock, and read out the judges' judgment results aloud. In fact, no judge can judge who lost who without the suspenseful victory under the eyes of everyone. If you win, the judges will judge, it's just a passing scene.

As soon as she heard the verdict, Qingcheng withdrew her Yemo scimitar from Chai Zimiao's neck, leaped off the competition stage, and sat back beside Chai Zixuan.

"Sister, you did a great job!" Chai Zixuan praised without hesitation, and poured a cup of sweet-scented osmanthus tea for Qingcheng, "Have a sip of tea first, the finals will be held soon."

Qingcheng took the sweet-scented osmanthus tea from Chai Zixuan, drank it with his neck up, and then took out a bunch of delicious food from the interspatial ring with a satisfied face, handed it to Chai Zixuan, and enjoyed it slowly.

"You don't mind if I sit here?" While Qingcheng was enjoying the food with a satisfied face, a voice as gentle as jade sounded in his ear, and Qingcheng raised his eyes to see that it was Chai Ziqi.

Qingcheng nodded casually, turned her eyes and continued to fight with the pile of delicious food in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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