Supreme Allure

Chapter 507 The Lover's Curse

Chapter 507 The Lover's Curse (5)
"Hongshu, what's going on? Didn't you ask me to come over and pick the dragon fruit together? Why did you fight with someone? Why is this dragon fruit poisonous?" Qingcheng was confused and looked at Gu Hong in mid-air asked the book aloud.

"Qingcheng, I know that you are immune to all poisons, but the poison on the dragon fruit is not poison, but a curse. You must not touch it, and leave quickly." Gu Hongshu saw that Qingcheng was still standing beside the dragon fruit Come on, screaming anxiously at the moment.

Hearing the words, Qingcheng quickly flew away from the dragon fruit, found a safer place and said, "Hongshu, let me help you!" As soon as he finished speaking, he flew towards the fiery red woman.

"Qingcheng, you go quickly, we are not her opponents, I can't stand the time, you leave quickly!" Seeing Qingcheng flying over, Gu Hongshu hurriedly stopped loudly.

"Hahahahaha! Gu Hongshu, it turns out that you rejected me again and again because of her. She is quite pretty, but unfortunately, she is a human being and cannot escape the pain of reincarnation. What future do you have when you are with her? You Obediently obey me, maybe I can consider letting her go." The enchanting woman looked Qingcheng up and down, with a look of disdain.

"You're dreaming, I won't let Hongshu go with you even if I die." Qingcheng flew to Gu Hongshu's side without fear, and said with a firm face, "Hongshu, we must go together, we must stay together. "

Gu Hongshu looked at the resolute light in Qingcheng's beautiful eyes, his heart moved, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Hongshu, what's wrong with you?" Qingcheng was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward to support Gu Hongshu, her beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Gu Hongshu's originally snow-white skin was instantly flushed, as if bleeding could drip, and his hot lips couldn't help rubbing against Qingcheng's neck, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Hongshu?" Qingcheng was completely dumbfounded, what is the situation?
"Hahahahaha! Gu Hongshu, I advise you not to give up. If you obey me, I promise to let your sweetheart go. If you don't obey, then this lover's curse is not waiting for anyone. I really can't bear it. Seeing you suppress yourself so much makes my heart ache, I really feel sorry for you." Just when Qingcheng didn't know what to do, the woman in red suddenly started yelling loudly again.

"What lover's curse?" Qingcheng was startled when she heard this, and quickly raised her eyes and asked.

"Qingcheng, the Lover's Curse is a kind of spell, similar to the mortal eyebrow medicine, because for the demon world, the mortal eyebrow medicine has no effect at all, so many demons with high levels of cultivation usually practice the Lover's Curse in order to Attack the person you like." Gu Hongshu explained, while sticking out the tip of his fiery tongue, and lightly licked Qingcheng's earlobe.

"Ah? Do something to the person you like? What's the difference between this and Qin Shou?" Qingcheng raised his eyes and looked at the woman in red, roaring angrily.

"I'm a Qin Shou, why should I be different from Qin Shou? Also, the person in your arms is also a Qin Shou, and his lover's curse is no worse than mine." The woman in red smiled instead of anger. , as if being a bird is something worth showing off.

"What? Hongshu, you, you know the lover's curse?" Hearing this, Qingcheng felt sad for a while, Hongshu also knew the lover's curse, who did he fancy, and who did he want to cast a curse on?Otherwise, what are you doing learning the Lover's Curse?
Hearing this, Gu Hongshu's skin was even redder like a pomegranate in June, he snorted and said, "I have learned the Lover's Curse, and if I learn more skills, it won't rot, maybe I can use it one day. "While speaking, he looked at Qingcheng cautiously.

In the world of demons, the Lover's Curse is a very common spell. All demons who have a sweetheart will work hard to learn this spell.There are many monsters who were originally desperate, but because of this lover's curse, their destiny has been changed.

Faced with Qingcheng pushing him away again and again, he felt extremely uncomfortable, so he imitated those monsters and worked hard to practice the Lover's Curse. Whether it works or not, it's good to learn it in case of emergency.Maybe one day, he can also usher in his own spring because of the lover's curse.

"Qingcheng, I just learned to play around like this, but I have never cast a lover's curse on you. You must not be angry with me." Gu Hongshu saw that Qingcheng's face suddenly became ugly, and hugged her tightly. Qingcheng explained.

Qingcheng was hugged by his hot body for a while, it turned out that Hong Shu learned the Lover's Curse to cast a spell on her.For some reason, after hearing Hongshu's explanation, Qingcheng's mood improved inexplicably.

"Gu Hongshu, you are really worthless. You can't even deal with a small human being. You dare not even use the Lover's Curse on her. Hahahahaha! But I just like you like this. If you kill me, then I will kill your sweetheart and let you follow me willingly." The woman in red laughed wildly.While talking, he violently attacked Qingcheng.

"Qingcheng, hurry up!" Gu Hongshu shouted anxiously, pushed Gu Hongshu away, flew up and picked up a sword flower, and with a bang, the blood coagulation sword flew towards the woman in red.

The woman in red turned around to avoid the blood coagulation sword. Gu Hongshu took advantage of the gap and turned over to retract the blood coagulation sword, then jumped back to Qingcheng's side.

"Hongshu, your body is getting hotter and hotter. Get into my purple jade bracelet. There is a frozen lake in it. You can cool down there first. After I have cleaned up this woman, go to the frozen lake." I'm looking for you." Qingcheng stuffed a few pills into Gu Hongshu's mouth as he spoke, "Hold on, I'll help you after I teach this woman a lesson." After saying the last sentence, Qingcheng's pretty face was also flushed , seeing Gu Hongshu's body temperature soaring upwards.

"Qingcheng, this woman is a fire fox who has cultivated for more than 8000 years. Even I am no match for her. How are you going to deal with her? Listen to me and run away." Waiting for her in the frozen lake, his heart was full of longing, but it was not the time for him to dream of wild things in the face of a strong enemy. Right now, the most important thing was Qingcheng's safety.

When Qingcheng heard the words, her beautiful eyes were filled with shock.No wonder Hong Shuhui fell under her spell. It turns out that she has practiced for more than 8000 years. By the way, why are those female demons who fell in love with Hong Shu so powerful and perverted?I can only summon the ice amber to resist for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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