Supreme Allure

Chapter 529 Seize the House, Goodbye Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 529 Seize the House, Goodbye Thunder Tribulation (6)
all right!Ming Sha picked up the test questions and looked at them. She was surprised that she answered all the test questions correctly in such a short period of time!Not bad, really good!

"It's a fact that you trespassed on my medicine valley. You shouldn't have been spared. I think you are a talent. I can spare you from death. I am interested, and the herb garden here lacks a medicine slave, so you will be the medicine slave of this medicine garden, and I will not pursue the herbs you picked before."

"What? Let me be a drug slave?" Qingcheng's voice suddenly rose, "You have so many subordinates, you can just send someone at random. Why do you let me be a drug slave? I'm very busy and don't have time!"

Although she knew that the man in front of her could not be provoked, Qingcheng decided to resist without fear and become a drug slave?Thankfully he figured it out!

"The medicinal herbs here are different, and you must be able to see that, where ordinary people manage well, I usually come here to take care of these medicinal herbs occasionally. I have long wanted to find a satisfactory drug slave for these medicinal herbs. "Ming Sha said lightly, "You should feel honored! You know, in my Asura Sect, how many people aspire to be medicine slaves in this Medicine Valley, but I have rejected them all."

"It's other people's business what other people think. I will never be a drug slave here. I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't accompany you." Forced to start the teleportation, now I can only fight.

However, in front of an absolutely strong person, it is obvious that Qingcheng's fight will not work.

The teleportation failed, Qingcheng bit her pink lips, and had to take a step back to find a way out.

"I can come and take care of these herbs occasionally, but I can't be locked up in this medicine valley. I like freedom, and I still have a lot of things to do. If you insist on forcing me to spend my life here, then you Just use my corpse as medicine and fatten up." Qingcheng thought about it and started negotiating with Mingsha.

Qingcheng's negotiation was very effective. Mingsha lowered his eyes to think for a while, then looked at Qingcheng suspiciously, saw the perseverance and unyielding written in her beautiful eyes, and nodded in compromise.

"You all go down." Mingsha waved one arm, and the large shrimp soldiers and crab generals disappeared from Qingcheng's eyes in an instant. I'll check back in a few days." After finishing speaking, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Qingcheng shouted hastily.

Hearing the words, Mingsha stopped, turned around and looked at Qingcheng in bewilderment.

"I have something urgent to do in a few days and I have to go back to Qingfeng Mountain. I will take good care of these herbs in the next few days. Don't worry, I am also a person who cherishes herbs. I will go back to Medicine Valley to take care of herbs when I have time." So, I hope you don't set up formations or anything here, and give me the freedom to come and go? I think, as powerful as you, I don't need to use these methods to subdue a small drug slave, right?" Qingcheng straightened her back Straightforwardly, he said loudly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that boring." Hearing this, Ming Sha turned around and continued walking with a charming arc on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the back of Mingsha leaving, Qingcheng sighed in resignation, the drug slave is the drug slave, hurry up and sort out these herbs, and return to Qingfeng Mountain as soon as possible.

After sending a message to Yun Luoyan to report her safety, Qingcheng began to concentrate on arranging these herbs.

Take out a delicate small medicine hoe from the space ring, after clearing the weeds around the herbs, cultivate a layer of fresh soil for the herbs, and make a waterwheel to draw water from the stream to the herbs, After these things were done, night fell and the sky was full of stars.Qingcheng randomly found a big tree, and after setting up an enchantment around the tree, she sat cross-legged under the tree and meditated.It has the character of Master Bodhidharma who practiced under the bodhi tree.

Accompanied by the sky full of stars, the whole night, Qingcheng quietly passed by in the practice.

Days like this went on for several days. During these few days, Ming Sha would occasionally come over to check secretly, and found that she was working hard to take care of the herbs alone without supervision, and spent the rest of the time cultivating desperately. He didn't show up to disturb her.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the day for Luoyan to participate in the competition.Seeing how the Yao Valley became full of vitality under her care, Qingcheng's lips curled into a charming smile.It's time to go back to Qingfeng Mountain.

According to the news from Luoyan, the competition was held in the Valley of Heroes.

Luoyan once took her to the Valley of Heroes. Qingcheng walked towards the direction in memory while recalling the route of the Valley of Heroes.

The genius was bright, and with the sunlight penetrating through the branches, Qingcheng groped for the direction of the Valley of Heroes. After walking for about an hour, he heard deafening shouts from the valley not far away, and the corners of Qingcheng's lips twitched slightly. finally found it.

Quickly came to the Valley of Heroes. At this time, the Valley of Heroes was already crowded with people. Qingcheng casually found a secluded place to sit down and began to watch the competition on the platform.

The competition has already started, and the list of the competition is as follows: Candidates for Lingxiao Palace: Young Palace Master Yun Luoyan, Left Guardian Yun Tianhai, Right Guardian Yun Tianxing.

Candidates for the Asura Sect: Deputy Sect Master Mingyu, Left Dharma Guardian Mingyue, Right Dharma Guardian Mingsun.

The first round is the duel between the left guards of both sides: Yun Tianhai and Mingyue, the second round is the duel between the right guards of both sides: Yun Tianxing and Ming Ri. Lord Mingyu duels.

At this time, it was the left protectors Yun Tianhai and Ming Yue who were fighting in full swing on the martial arts arena.

Looking up at Qingcheng, Yun Tianhai's zhenqi has already appeared exhausted, while Mingyue's zhenqi is still very full, and the victory or defeat is very obvious. It will not take long for Mingyue to defeat Yun Tianhai and serve them as a disciple of the Luo Sect. Won the first battle victory.

Sure enough, within a short period of time, as Qingcheng expected, Yun Tianhai's defense showed a flaw, and Mingyue turned around and kicked him off the competition stage.

The disciples of Lingxiao Palace sighed, while the disciples of Shuramen cheered loudly, the scene was very hot.

Qingcheng looked at all this indifferently, and now it depends on whether Yuntianxing can defeat Mingri. If he also fails in the second round, then Luoyan doesn't even have to perform bitter tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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