Supreme Allure

Chapter 534

Chapter 534
Now, their summoning jade tokens can no longer be used. Qingcheng originally relied on the jasper shaft, but now that he thinks about it, since the summoning jade tokens can no longer be used, the jasper shaft is also likely to be damaged.There are so many people, where can we find them?Not to mention whether they are alive or dead, even if they are alive, they may not be in the world.Or use your energy to improve your own strength.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, all things are revived, and the snow that has been silent for a winter turns into clear spring water under the sunshine of spring, flowing out from the mountain stream along the stream.

The mountain wind blows down the cherry blossoms, as if there are bursts of cherry blossom rain, floating on the small stream, drifting to an unknown distance.

A crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the night has gradually fallen.

These days, besides taking care of the medicinal herbs, Qingcheng has devoted almost all her energy to cultivation in the Medicine Valley.Even Ming Sha, who has never spoken much, took the initiative to ask her: "Are you trying so hard to surpass me? Is it a grievance to be a drug slave?"

The corners of Qingcheng's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he was too lazy to talk to this non-human being.Is it a great gift to be a drug slave without being wronged?
Seeing that it was getting late, Qingcheng planned to set up a barrier, continue to practice hard under the towering tree, and try to learn from Master Bodhidharma.

Just when Qingcheng was preparing to set up the enchantment, suddenly, Qingcheng's space ring was full of light, and Qingcheng took it out to see, it turned out that it was the light from her jade certificate.Qingcheng carefully looked at the coordinates on the jade ultimatum, and was shocked. The coordinates on the jaundice showed that the master was in the vicinity.How did Master know she was here?

Before she had time to think about it, Qingcheng hurriedly set off along the path of the coordinates to find Nalan Muye.It's easy for the master to be here. These days, she is a drug slave for Ming Sha for free, and she is always being ridiculed and bullied for her poor magic power?Now it's all right, her rescuer is here, I'm so stupid, I should have summoned my master to teach Ming Sha a lesson.

Holding the coordinate device in hand, Qingcheng ran all the way to find the trace of Nalan Muye.Suddenly, a huge lake appeared in front of it, directly blocking Qingcheng's pace.

According to the coordinate position display, it is near here, why didn't I see a single figure?

At this time, the night had gradually darkened, and Qingcheng quickly took out a huge night pearl from the space ring, and pointed it at the lake, and the whole lake was bright and bright in an instant.

"Hahahahaha! Baby apprentice, you're here! The lake is warm and comfortable, so hurry up and swim a few laps with me as a teacher." A voice as clear and jade-like as jade sounded, and the sound made people think it was One must be a modest and beautiful young man, but the content of the words is really childish and naughty, like a naughty boy who hasn't grown up yet.

Qingcheng followed the sound and saw Nalan Muye happily swimming in the bright jasper lake on the brightly shining lake. Waves of dazzling luster.

What shocked Qingcheng the most was that at this moment, Nalan Muye was flicking his dazzling tail. Under the reflection of the luminous pearl and the sky full of stars, it exuded a dazzling light. In the emerald green lake, You can spot him at a glance.The reason why Qingcheng didn't notice it before was probably because he lurked under the water just now.With his ostentatious appearance, Ye Mingzhu can definitely find him immediately.

"Master, the spring is cold, how can this water be warm? Stop playing, come up quickly." Standing under a peach tree, Qingcheng reminded loudly worriedly.

Although it is already spring, most of the water on the mountain is formed by melting snow, which is almost icy cold. The water of this kind of lake located in the mountains is even colder. How can it be warm?Master is really becoming more and more like a child. How dare you tell such a lie?

"It's really warm, I didn't lie to you, you'll know when you come down and swim with me a few laps." Nalan Muye urged loudly.

Qingcheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and seeing Master's expression, it didn't seem like he was lying, so he quickly got up and walked to the shore port, stretched out his hand to feel the temperature of the lake water, a conflicting feeling of warmth in the coolness suddenly hit his heart, Qingcheng Her beautiful eyes were startled, and she hurriedly said: "Master, get up quickly, the water is poisonous."

"What?" Nalan Muye was taken aback when he heard the words, and he came to Qingcheng in an instant, and stood up from the water without saying a word.

"Ah..." Qingcheng exclaimed loudly, "Master, where are your clothes?"

"Clothes?" Nalan Muye's blue eyes were full of doubts, and he asked in bewilderment, "Do you need to wear clothes for swimming? You humans are so strange."

Qingcheng's face was full of black lines, and he lowered his eyes helplessly to remind him, "Master, you are already ashore now!"

"Qingcheng, what are you doing with your head down? Don't you miss Master after not seeing you for such a long time? As a teacher, I worked hard to refine those twenty high-level illusion weapons before I regained my freedom. Yuecheng came to look for you, are you moved?" Nalan Muye saw Qingcheng's blushing face and lowered his head, quickly took out a long robe from the space ring and put it on, and said in frustration, "it's ugly not to wear clothes for a teacher Is it? Qingcheng, you don’t even look at me as a teacher.”

"Master, don't you understand that men and women can't kiss each other?" Qingcheng stroked her forehead helplessly.

"What do you mean? Does it mean that men and women cannot be together? Then you are still so intimate with Yin Jiyou?" Nalan Muye retorted.

"Yin Jiyou and I are husband and wife." Qingcheng had to explain patiently.

"Then you and Gu Hongshu are also very affectionate." Nalan Muye continued to refute.

"Hongshu and I, I..." Qingcheng no longer had the confidence she had just now, and said in a low voice, "We are also husband and wife."

"Qingcheng, I understand. We are masters and apprentices, so we can't be too affectionate. You and them are husband and wife, so we can be very affectionate, right?" Huangtian paid off, Nalan Muye finally figured it out.

Qingcheng nodded in relief, and it was not in vain for her to explain patiently, Master finally figured it out.

"Then I've decided, we don't want to be masters and apprentices anymore, we also want to be husband and wife." Nalan Muye said surprisingly, Qingcheng, who had finally breathed a sigh of relief, once again suspended his heart high.

(End of this chapter)

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