Supreme Allure

Chapter 539 The Artifact Appears, The Fire Phoenix Appears

Chapter 539 The Artifact Appears, The Fire Phoenix Appears (5)
It shines brilliantly without taking it out of its sheath, this is the unique elegance of a divine weapon!
However, when everyone watched this scene with bated breath, a flash of brilliance suddenly flew out of the scabbard, and with the same lightning speed, it cut off the flesh of the man who was holding it tightly. head.

As the head fell, Xuanyuan Sword sucked up the burly man's blood in an instant, and his dry body slowly followed the head.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and retreated one after another.

After the Xuanyuan Sword drained the man's blood, he put the sword back into its sheath, and regained the noble image of looking down on all sentient beings, as if everything just now was just people's own fantasy.

Human beings are always forgetful. When everyone saw that Xuanyuan Sword had regained its former nobility and holiness, they began to move around again. They all rushed to compete for the divine weapon in front of them.

Just when everyone flew towards Xuanyuanjian again, a raging fire suddenly burst out from Xuanyuanjian's body. The fire was so strong that it burned several humans who flew towards it in an instant, and the creaking burning corpses Falling down like meteors, as fragile as human life.

The people fled in all directions again.

The arbor where Qingcheng and his group drank tea had already been splashed by sparks, and the six of them flew out long ago, finding a relatively safe place to wait and see what happened.

"Sure enough, it's divine fire, let's go." Qingcheng stared at the sky-filled flames emanating from Xuanyuan Sword, and sighed helplessly. Such a bright divine fire is not something they can control at all. It is better to give up the divine weapon in front of them than to die in vain. No matter how good the artifact is, it is not as important as these people in front of you.

In many cases, it takes more courage to give up than to persist, because to give up is to admit one's failure, and human beings often would rather die than admit that they have failed.

The five beauties all nodded when they heard the words. No matter how good the artifact is, it is not as precious as life. They have not yet possessed the ability to control the artifact, and there is no need to stay here anymore.

When everyone turned around and was about to leave, Xuanyuanjian suddenly let out bursts of screams, and then a terrifying scene happened, and Xuanyuanjian was seen wrapped in a ball of divine fire, attacking Qingcheng.When everyone had no time to react, Xuanyuanjian actually wrapped up Qingcheng under the eyes of the five beauties.

The giant Xuanyuan Sword was wrapped in fire, and there was a person standing on the sword. His magnificent appearance was surrounded by fire, like a goddess descending, so beautiful!

"Qingcheng!" Nalan Muye, Zi Li, Murong Zuixue, Murong Tuoxue, and Luoshui Qingchuan screamed in unison, flying towards Xuanyuanjian.

"Don't come here!" Qingcheng yelled loudly, "If you come here, I'll immediately kill myself in front of you."

Everyone stopped abruptly, not daring to act rashly again.

Bursts of flames burned Qingcheng crazily, and the huge pain engulfed Qingcheng's whole body. Fortunately, the blood on Qingcheng's body was different, otherwise, it would have been turned into a pile of ashes long ago.

"How could this be?" Luoshui Qingchuan looked at Qingcheng who was in great pain in the flames, so distressed that he couldn't do anything, he yelled like crazy.

"Qingcheng has the fire phoenix crystal fruit in her blood, so the divine fire of phoenix nirvana cannot burn her to death. Perhaps it is for this reason that Liehuo Xuanyuanjian chose her. However, if this continues, it will not kill her." I know whether Qingcheng can persist." Nalan Muye changed his usual playful smile and stared worriedly at Qingcheng in the flames, explaining in a low voice.

"I also have Sanwei Zhenhuo on my body, why don't I swallow these flames directly." Hearing this, Murong Zuixue strode forward to swallow all the flames on Xuanyuan Sword.

"This Xuanyuan sword is too wild. It's dangerous for you to forcefully swallow fire like this. Its flames will continue to emerge from the sword body. We don't know how much. It is best not to swallow half of the fire. In that case, you It will explode alive and die. Moreover, Qingcheng will also explode and die because of the sudden external force." Qingya Ruzili, who has lost her elegant image at this moment, yelled loudly to stop Murong Zuixue.

"Then do you want to watch Qingcheng be burned alive? Ah..." Suddenly, Murong Tuoxue let out a deafening roar, and immediately after, a mass of crimson fire flew out from his dantian, towards Qingcheng run.

The flame came in front of Qingcheng, and merged directly with the divine fire enveloping Qingcheng. Then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, a handsome man with red hair and red eyes slowly formed from the fire.

"Yan!" Qingcheng was so pleasantly surprised that he wanted to hold on to Huofeng's hand tightly, but Rou Ning went straight through Huofeng's hand, and what was caught in the palm of his hand was actually a cloud of air.

"Yan, what's going on?" Qingcheng looked at Huofeng in shock, Yan turned out to be an incorporeal body, is it just a soul body like Chai Zixi?
"Qingcheng, don't worry. Ever since I crossed over to this continent, I have been living in Murong Tuoxue's body and devoted myself to cultivating. Today I forcibly broke out of my body, so what you see is a phantom. This is My energy body, because there is still a lack of energy, will become an incorporeal body. When I have enough energy, I will have a solid body." Huofeng gave Qingcheng a firm look, which made Qingcheng's restless heart instantly The room became quiet.

In the past, Huofeng was her spiritual pillar. Unexpectedly, today, when she was most desperate and helpless, her pillar appeared again. God really treated her kindly.

Xuanyuanjian's divine fire burns, which is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.Those people who fought to the death and finally got the Xuanyuan Sword before were all masters among the masters, and they were all turned into powder in an instant. Although she did not die, she was burned by such divine fire. This feeling is beyond the reach of outsiders. learn.Even if his mind is strong, he still has to worry about whether this mortal body can withstand the burning of the divine fire for a long time.

"Qingcheng, with me here, don't be afraid of anything! From now on, I will guard you forever! Believe me! No matter what happens, you must live on!" The room turned into a ball of flame again, entangled with the previous flame, and then, a miracle happened, Qingcheng felt that the fire on his body was obviously not as hot as before.

(End of this chapter)

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