Supreme Allure

Chapter 546

Chapter 546
"Qingcheng, you hurried back to Ye's house, did something happen to Ye's house?" Nalan Muye changed the subject.

Qingcheng nodded and said: "My eldest brother is out of customs and was injured a little bit. My mother told me to go home quickly and have a look." Qingcheng's beautiful eyes showed a touch of worry.

"Is the injury serious? How come you are still injured after you are out of customs?" Zi Li asked with concern.

"I don't know the exact situation now, I will only know when I go back." Qingcheng said with downcast eyes.

"Qingcheng, didn't you say that your messenger jade token was destroyed in the thunder disaster? How could you still be in touch with your mother?" Nalan Muye asked in puzzlement.

"Ah? What? Qingcheng, you encountered a thunder calamity?" Zi Li and Murong Tuoxue checked Qingcheng up and down nervously upon hearing this.

"Don't be nervous, if I have something to do, I can still sit on the red peng and talk to you." Qingcheng said with a smile on his face.Reluctantly, he began to tell the general situation of Lei Jie again, but only concealed the disputes about the relationship, so as not to be asked more questions.

"It wasn't my mother who contacted me, it was Luoyan." After explaining the ins and outs of Lei Jie, Qingcheng began to talk about the jade token of communication. Her previous jade token of communication had been broken long ago, so mother naturally couldn't contact her. of.But Luoyan had contacted her mother before, saying that she was here with him, and she could just contact him if she had anything to do. Therefore, it was estimated that her mother had sent a message to Luoyan, so Luoyan sent her the general content that her mother had sent to him. up.

"It turned out to be such a thing." Everyone suddenly realized and nodded.

Chi Peng spread its wings and flew high, and soon arrived at Yefu.

As soon as Qingcheng and his party arrived at the door, the doorkeeper at the gate ran in front of Qingcheng, yelling: "Master and Madam, the eldest master and the second young master, the miss is back!"

After a while, Ye Likuang, Shui Rouyan, and Ye Qingying quickly walked out from the back room.

"Father, mother, second brother, long time no see." Reunited after a long absence, she had changed back into her daughter's outfit when she met again, Qingcheng's heart was full of emotion.

Shui Rouyan hugged Qingcheng tightly and said: "Okay, good daughter, I finally changed back to her daughter's dress. It really is the beauty of the country and the city, turning all living beings upside down." Shui Rouyan's heart is full of pride, this is her daughter , the daughter of a woman who does not give in to a man.

"Qingcheng, it's good to be back. It's rare that your elder brother has also left the customs. Our family is finally reunited." Ye Likuang nodded in relief. He doesn't have many pursuits, he only hopes that the family can live together safely and happily.

"Sister, why don't you introduce us?" Ye Qingying couldn't help teasing when she saw three handsome men beside Qingcheng.

"Father, mother, second brother, let me introduce you." Qingcheng calmed down and said, "This is Nalan Muye, this is Zi Li, and this is..."

"I know, he is Murong Tuoxue, we have known each other for a long time." Ye Qingying laughed and said, "Tuoxue, you accidentally won a move in the last competition, this time we will have another [-] rounds how?"

"I wish for it!" After hearing the competition, Murong Tuoxue said excitedly, "Last time, Tuoxue got lucky. I haven't seen you for such a long time. I believe that my second brother's skill must have improved a lot. Tuoxue just wanted to ask for advice."

"Okay, then let's go out and have a good time." Ye Qingying waved at Murong Tuoxue, signaling to go out together and have a good fight.

"En!" Murong Tuoxue nodded, and said to Qingcheng in a low voice, "I will compete with my second brother first, and I will come back after the competition."

"Okay." Qingcheng was naturally happy to see the results. With Murong Tuoxue, a cultivator lunatic, here, the second brother would not pester her all day long to compete in phantom power, and it just saved her a lot of trouble.No wonder there is a formula in mathematics where a negative is a positive, and it is not like this between people. When two big troubles collide, positive energy erupts immediately.

Ye Qingying took Murong Tuoxue out to compete in magic power, while Qingcheng and his party followed Ye Shi and his wife into the flower hall.

"Father, mother, elder brother, are you okay?" Qingcheng asked anxiously after taking a sip of Yunwu tea casually.If the elder brother was really only slightly injured, how could he not be seen?

"Qingcheng, since you've come back, mother will tell you the truth, your elder brother, he, he..." Shui Rouyan said with mist in her eyes.

"Yan'er, don't cry, you will scare Qingcheng with your appearance." Ye Likang reminded in a low voice.

"Mother, what happened to the elder brother?" Qingcheng was overwhelmed when she heard it, and she knew that the injury of the elder brother would not be as simple as what was said in the jade card of communication, minor injuries, that is impossible , but she didn't expect it to be so serious, so serious that the always strong mother shed tears.

"Qingcheng, we asked the best doctor in Rising Sun City to take a look. The doctor said that your elder brother's legs are probably going to be disabled." Ye Likang sighed helplessly.

"What?" Qingcheng stood up from his seat when he heard the words, and raised his voice excitedly, "How did this happen? Since you can escape from the Fenglei Palace, why did you lose your thigh? Then how did the elder brother get out? Woolen cloth?"

"Qingcheng, don't get excited. Your elder brother accidentally scratched his thigh by the wind blade in the Fenglei Hall when he was breaking the last door. Fortunately, Fuji Tanghui has been sending people to meet your elder brother near the Fenglei Hall. Only then did you send your eldest brother to Ye's house safely." Ye Likuang roughly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"Father, mother, I'm going to see elder brother now!" Qingcheng stood up and said anxiously when he heard that Tengtangmo's thigh was scratched by the wind blade.

Ye Likuang and Shui Rouyan nodded silently, and Qingcheng flew towards Tengtangmo's room like flying.

Zi Li and Nalan Muye were about to stand up and keep up, but they were stopped by Ye Likang and Shui Rouyan.

"Let them get together alone, okay?" Shui Rouyan said in a low voice.

Zi Li and Nalan Muye nodded helplessly, and continued to sit down in the flower hall, drinking the tea in their hands absently.

Qingcheng ran wildly all the way, wishing to see her eldest brother right away, but when she came to the door of Tengtangmo's room, she slowed down her pace instead. Maybe this is the timidity of being close to home, Qingcheng raised her hand lightly, considering whether she should knock or not. Door.

(End of this chapter)

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