Supreme Allure

Chapter 556 Vampire Castle, Strong Return

Chapter 556 Vampire Castle, Strong Return (5)
"Qingcheng, where are you going?" Seeing Qingcheng getting up and about to leave, the beauties stood up one by one and asked in surprise.By the way, the barbecue has only been roasting for a short time, why is Qingcheng leaving in such a hurry?
"I'm going back to the cabin to practice, and none of you are allowed to follow. If anyone follows, you will never appear in front of me again." Before I have figured out how to deal with these difficult guys, I can only use This kind of threat and evasion is dealt with by inferior methods.

Hearing this, all the beautiful men sat down one after another as if nothing had happened, and continued to grill all kinds of game in their hands.If you can't bear it, you will make big plans. If you want to embrace the beauty in the end, you must hold your breath now.

Seeing this, Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Tengtangmo, and said in a low voice: "Brother, I'm sorry, today was a bit messy, I'll help you celebrate another day, I'll go back to practice first."

Tengtangmo nodded in understanding. These people are all dragons among men, but they are willing to lower their stance for the sake of Qingcheng, and they will stay by Qingcheng's side even if they lower their status.And Qingcheng's heart is very soft, and she can't bear to refuse people who are sincere to her, so this situation has come into being.It was a little bit better before, but three or five appeared at a party, and I don’t know what happened today, maybe it’s because everyone heard that today Qingcheng will help him celebrate the complete recovery of his thigh, so they all popped up , It is estimated that a few of them rushed over after delaying important things.In fact, everyone knew well that they did this because they were afraid that Qingcheng would be swallowed up by him.Khan, to be honest, he really has this idea.In order to let his thigh recover as soon as possible, Qingcheng rejected him time and time again, and finally waited for his thigh to recover completely. I thought that today, no matter what, my wish would come true. Unexpectedly, this group of people, guard against him. It must be like something.

In Tengtangmo's view, everyone guards against me one by one, and I guard against you. In the end, no one has a chance.So in the past two years, the biggest beneficiary is Qingcheng.Every day, he only cares about his own cultivation, and he doesn't even think about how depressed they are every day, whether he wants to be hugged or kissed, and he is still alone every night, unable to sleep alone.

"Qingcheng, you can congratulate me alone some other day. I want a gift, can you?" Tengtangmo stared at Qingcheng with a look of anticipation.

"Gift?" Qing Cheng heard it, and chuckled softly, "Okay, what gift does Big Brother want?"

"I want you..." Tengtang Mojun blushed, and the sound transmission was secret.These guys in front of me are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they will be heard no matter how softly they speak, it is safe to use sound transmission.

Hearing this, Qingcheng nodded slightly, turned around and left.

A large group of beautiful men were left staring at each other in the valley, and Qingcheng was really heartless.

After a good night's sleep, no one came to harass her, it seems that her threats are quite effective, Qingcheng couldn't stop the corners of her mouth from rising and becoming self-indulgent.

After finishing dressing, Qingcheng was about to walk out of the room to see what those guys were up to, when she inadvertently caught a letter from the corner of her eye.

Qingcheng picked up the letterhead and looked at it, and was immediately taken aback. The letterhead said that he had arrested all ten of them, elder brother, and asked her to go to a place before tonight. If she didn't show up before midnight, she would be at her own risk.Putting away the letter paper, Qingcheng searched everywhere in the cabin, but did not see a single person.Sent them a message, no reply.Returning to the valley where the barbecue was held yesterday, there was no one there.

This time, Qingcheng was really dumbfounded. He thought it was just a prank, but who would have guessed that it was true, so he quickly took out the letterhead and read it again, summoned Chipeng, followed the coordinates on the letterhead, and hurriedly gallop away.

After flying for an unknown number of hours, Qingcheng took out the coordinate device to test the specific direction. According to the display on the coordinate device, the place she was looking for should be the castle in front.

It was an ancient European-style castle. There were no roads around the castle, because it was built on a blood-red lake. The glaring blood-red made Qingcheng frightened. Looking at the style of this castle, Qingcheng couldn't stop for a while. Goose bumps, could it be...

Qingcheng gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down. No matter how gloomy and sinister the castle was, she had to break into even a dragon's den and a tiger's den.

Flying down from Chipeng's wings, he took Chipeng back into his purple jade bracelet, and flew into the castle all over the city.

The castle was as gloomy and gloomy as she had imagined, and even the air was obviously much colder than outside.It was clearly still broad daylight, but the entire castle was empty and there was no one there, and what was even more frightening was that there was not even a ray of light.

Holding the night pearl in hand, Qingcheng searched the entire castle up and down, but found no one. What's going on here? Could it be that someone was messing with her?

Just as Qingcheng bowed her head in deep thought, a huge bat suddenly appeared. In Qingcheng's mind, a thought flashed across her mind, and her beautiful eyes widened in shock. Could it be...

The black bat flapped its huge wings, turned around and flew downstairs.

Could it be that this black bat came to lead her way?

Whether it is or not, it can only follow it now.

Qingcheng followed the huge black bat to a deep and dark corner, and the bat stopped on the huge stone wall.Qingcheng's beautiful eyes froze, could it be that there are organs on this stone wall?

Qingcheng tried to move the stone wall, and sure enough, things were just as she had imagined. With her efforts, the stone wall was actually moved away, and a dark and gloomy stone staircase appeared in front of her eyes.

Gently closing her eyes, taking a deep breath, Qingcheng held the Ye Mingzhu, resolutely stepped up the eerie stairs, and walked towards the place where she didn't know what was waiting for her.

Fortunately, the stairs are not long. After walking for a long time, Qingcheng found that he came to an empty basement.

Rao had been mentally prepared for a long time. When he suddenly saw the dark coffins in the basement, Qingcheng couldn't help but took a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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