Supreme Allure

Chapter 585 The Grand Finale

Chapter 585 The Grand Finale (32)
"Muyang, come and have a look, the twins are so cute, they roll their eyes at me." The man didn't get angry when he received the babies' rolls, instead he called his companions to come and have a look with excitement.

"Danyang, when did you become so fond of children? I've never seen you be so enthusiastic about any baby before." Xue Muyang walked to Feng Danyang's side with a funny face.

Xue Muyang walked up to the baby and took a look, the smile froze on the corner of his lips on the spot, he stared dumbfounded at the pink and jade-carved child in front of him, with just one glance, he fell in love with this pair of cute babies with silver eyes .

"Cute, isn't it?" Feng Danyang looked at the stunned Xue Muyang and said proudly, as if this pair of cute babies belonged to him.

"Brother Xue, Brother Feng, long time no see." Ouyang Luzhu greeted with a light smile. It was obvious that the two people in front of them were completely fascinated by the baby, and even a man as big as him was directly ignored Lost.

Although they are in different countries, they are both contemporary elites and have met each other before, which belongs to the kind of relationship of nodding acquaintances.

"Brother Ouyang, why are you here? When did you come?" Feng Danyang asked in surprise when he saw Ouyang Luzhu.

Ouyang Luzhu's face was full of black lines, it seemed that he came in at the same time as the babies, and his body was much bigger than the babies, why did they only see the babies in their eyes?
Before Ouyang Luzhu could answer, Xue Muyang, who was looking around, said curiously: "Hey, there is no one else here. Could it be that these twins belong to Brother Ouyang? But it's not right, I really wish I had never heard of Brother Ouyang. We're married."

When Ouyang Luzhu heard the words, the corners of her lips became more and more curved, and her pride in being a father magnified infinitely in her heart, and finally she laughed out loud.

"No way? Brother Ouyang, such a cute baby can't really be yours, right? It doesn't look like you at all, with silver hair and silver eyes, does it look like the child's mother?" Feng Danyang looked shocked Looking at Ouyang Luzhu, she said, "Where's the baby's mother? Didn't you come?"

Ouyang Luzhu heard the words, and laughed softly: "Baby's mother is picking plum blossoms on the cliff."

ah?When Feng Danyang and Xue Muyang heard this, they both looked curiously at the plum blossom forest not far away, but the trees blocked their sight, and they only felt a beautiful figure moving through the wind and snow. Unclear exact appearance.

"Sister-in-law's wife is really elegant, hehe, she is really different, otherwise, brother Ouyang would not be able to catch her eye." Feng Danyang teased.

"Yes, in such a windy and snowy day, if ordinary women would hide at home and embroider." Xue Muyang also chuckled and echoed, "How many women in the world can be like Mrs. How about the one who is not afraid of the severe cold in the wind and snow, and clings to the father-in-law and the child all the time?"

When Xue Muyang said this, a magnificent face appeared in his mind, maybe, she would also be like a woman in the plum blossom forest, roaming between the sky and the earth in the wind and snow.

"Brother Ouyang, long time no see. Hey, whose child is this? He looks so pink and jade-carved, so cute." A clear voice sounded, and then, a slender and handsome figure galloped into the room. gazebo.

Ouyang Luzhu raised her eyes and looked carefully, it was Lin Huanzhi.

"Haha, thank you Brother Lin for your praise, it's the dog." Ouyang Luzhu replied as modestly as possible, but she couldn't hide her complacency between her brows.

"Ah? Brother Ouyang, when did you get married? You even have a child?" Lin Huanzhi said in shock, "I've never heard of it before. I always thought that you, like me, were silently waiting An impossible feeling."

"Haha, if you meet a girl you like, you should get married." Ouyang Luzhu said evasively, "It's time for me to get married at my age, and it's normal to have children. You guys are all making a fuss."

"That's right, brother Ouyang is right." Lin Huanzhi recovered from the shock, and started teasing the child again, "Brother Ouyang, this pair of babies is really beautiful, with silver hair and silver eyes, I feel They look familiar, as if I've seen them somewhere before. They're so cute, look, they still roll their eyes at me!"

"Brother Lin, I advise you not to get too excited. If you knew who the mother of the child is, you wouldn't be laughing so happily." Another tall and tall figure came to the gazebo, and everyone looked up. It's Chai Zixuan.

"Zixuan, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you know the child's mother?" Lin Huanzhi asked suspiciously.

Feng Danyang and Xue Muyang also pricked up their ears, curious to know what kind of woman made Ouyang Luzhu willingly marry and have children.

"Luzhu, have you been waiting for a long time?" A soft voice sounded, and everyone's hearts were shocked. This voice...all looked at it with disbelief.

In the wind and snow, a woman of peerless beauty came lightly. Hanmei is not enough to describe her innocence, peony is not enough to describe her nobility, and roses are not enough to describe her delicate beauty. When the money came, it was as if the fairy from Yaotai came to the mortal world, making the world pale and everything dark in an instant.

"Qingcheng!" Everyone exclaimed in disbelief.

"Huh." Qingcheng looked at everyone curiously, with an innocent smile on her beautiful face, "Do we know each other?"

Seeing this, everyone almost collapsed. They haven't seen each other for many years. When they were thinking about her day and night, she unexpectedly said: Do we know each other?How does this embarrass them?

"Qingcheng, you don't know me anymore? I'm Huanzhi! I used to be a super ugly monster, but you healed the scars on my face, have you forgotten?" Lin Huanzhi strode forward excitedly Grabbing Qingcheng's shoulders and shaking her, as if to shake her awake, looking at Qingcheng with an innocent face, he fell into a state of collapse again, "Qingcheng, you can beat me, scold me, or even kill me if you want to. Don't forget me, how can you be so cruel?"

"Okay, Huanzhi, it's not that Qingcheng wants to lose her memory, what are you blaming her for?" Ouyang Luzhu rescued the bewildered Qingcheng from Lin Huanzhi's clutches while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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