After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 101 Combat power can turn the table

Chapter 101 Combat power can turn the table

The director is smiling on the surface, but crying on the inside.

He just hoped that the filming of the film would be finished safely, but the accident happened to the heroine Lin Shimeng!
Fortunately, Actor Wen was not involved, otherwise too many people would be offended, and his career as a director might come to an imperfect end soon.

The fire at the city gate affects Chiyu!

He never thought that Lian Cheng, a supporting actress, could handle Lin Shimeng and her manager to death.

Feeling his conscience, he was also angry for Lian Cheng from the perspective of a bystander.

"Director, if I remember correctly, I still have one more scene to wrap up."


You see, can I call you daddy?
Although Lian Cheng didn't attack the director, he just didn't want to beg for mercy.

The director also shut up wisely, and gave Lin Shimeng a self-seeking look.

Lin Shimeng stood up, holding the teacup in both hands, and said softly, "Lian Cheng, I always owe you an apology for what happened to Si Chen back then, and I have never pulled down my face to apologize to you in person, it was my fault. This time it was my agent People's behavior is inappropriate, I also want to say sorry to you, I hope you can forgive me. Although we are not in the same brokerage company, but we are all in the entertainment industry, we will not see each other in the future, we are still good friends .I will replace the wine with tea and apologize to you."

The tone is slow, gentle and pleasant, humble and polite.

Lin Shimeng's approach satisfied both the director and the assistant director.

Nowadays, there are not many artists who can behave like this.

Both of them felt that it would be too wasteful for such a good artist to stay under Fan Qing's subordinates.

Lian Cheng crossed his arms and looked at Lin Shimeng.

It is impossible for a woman who can be popular in the entertainment industry until she is 30 years old to have no skills.

With just a few words, I completely wiped myself out, which is considered amazing.

It's a pity, what she met was Lian Cheng, Lian Cheng with the ability to judge appearances.

Lian Cheng said casually, "What you said is very sweet, but don't forget, everyone is an actor, and you know in your heart whether you participated in this matter or not."

It has to be said that Lin Shimeng was still very careful. The communication between her and Fan Qing was all lip service, without leaving any evidence at all.

Lin Shimeng was dying of embarrassment, Fan Qing was here, if she excused herself, she would completely offend Fan Qing.

Fan Qing can't be offended until the last moment, and Fan Qing has to bear this matter!
Lin Shimeng could only sit down with tears in her eyes.

"Lian Cheng, you have already signed a contract with Huangyu Film and Television, and your resources are better than Shimeng's. Shimeng and Sichen are also afraid to meet each other because of your relationship. What are you not satisfied with? You have to be so aggressive."

"You mean, I got a blessing in disguise."

"Is not it?"

"According to what you said, I still have to thank you?" Lian Cheng sarcastically.

Shen Xiuyan also laughed, "I didn't expect the agents trained by Jiayu Media to have such logical thinking, no wonder I'm in a hurry."

Director and Assistant Director, "..."

Why does this little assistant get the point every time!

"Lian Cheng, it's all from a brokerage company, don't go too far."

"That's right, I'm still going too far."

"Okay, okay, waiter last time, I heard that the fried chicken here is good, try it..." The director had to come out to smooth things over, and if he didn't stop it, there might be a fight.

This combat power may be able to turn the tables.

 Lian Cheng: When the tiger delivers the goods, when I say hello Katie?
  Shen Xiuyan: no no no

  Lian Cheng: Turn the table (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

  Shen Xiuyan: Baby, calm down, see if I don't kill them instantly! ! !

  (Good night, please ask for a wave of recommendation tickets. The recommendation tickets are really expensive these days! It’s important! I want it! Thank you, cute, bow and bow, okay!)

(End of this chapter)

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