Chapter 103 I Like Frontal Gang
Shen Xiuyan put his arm around Lian Cheng and pulled him to the other side, and clasped a bag with rivets with the other.

With a flick, Fan Qing and her bag were thrown to the ground.

"Are you sick?" Lian Cheng glared at Fan Qing, and took Shen Xiuyan's hand to check one by one.

What if such good hands are injured!
Lin Shimeng helped Fan Qing get up.

Fan Qing was very angry.

In this matter, Lian Cheng got the evidence to beat him.
In addition to Lian Cheng and Si Chen, the matter between Lin Shimeng has already become an uproar.

It is equivalent to combining two big fires together to make the fire even more prosperous.

It also implicated the actor Wen who was eating melons and bubbling the whole time.

The person who dared to offend Actor Wen has not yet appeared.

Jiayu Media could no longer hold back the pressure, and repeatedly put pressure on Fan Qing, if Lian Cheng didn't come forward to help her, she would leave.

Lin Shimeng, whom she had worked so hard to cultivate in the past, is no longer needed at this time.

Fan Qing pointed at Lian Cheng, "Lian Cheng, don't forget, I was the one who brought you in, so you're going to take revenge on me like this?"

After making sure that Shen Xiuyan's hand was fine, Lian Cheng only paid attention to her, "You took me in? Nonsense! Who doesn't know that I debuted at the age of six before I signed a contract with the company. You took me in? When I started, you were still playing in school. Mud?"

"Without me, would you be able to enter the entertainment circle and still be filming?"

"Fan Qing, you signed me because of Lin Shimeng. You clearly knew about my relationship with Sichen, but you still worked hard to pave the way for Lin Shimeng. I used to treat the entire Jiayu Media very well for Sichen's sake. You are very polite, especially you, you know how much you have benefited from me. Now it is different, Si Chen can be kicked by me, so you are an accessory, do you still want me to hold it?"

"Hmph, Si Chen doesn't like you at all! You think he is sincere to you? Let me tell you, the entire Jiayu Media is only willing to give you face because of your money. .”

Lian Cheng nodded, "That's right, I'm richer than you, so enjoy the price that your opponent's money brings!"

Lin Shimeng stood in front of Fan Qing, "Lian Cheng, Fan Qing didn't do it on purpose, can you let it go, I promise she won't appear in front of you again in the future, can you go online to clarify and let her go Just once!"

"You should think carefully about how to protect yourself. I won't accompany you in the play. This hotel is monitored. If you come to me again, I will put the monitoring on the Internet. You know, I am the least afraid of gangsters! "

After Lian Cheng finished speaking, he left with Shen Xiuyan.

Shen Xiuyan was still not convinced, "You should just put the monitoring on the Internet."

"I like to be upright." Lian Cheng said raising his eyebrows.

"As long as you like it."

Shen Xiuyan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Qi.

[Put pressure on Jiayu Media]

[inciting the media]

Chen Qi's reply was quick, 【What's wrong, Master Xiu, did you offend me? 】

【My baby wants to see a dog bite a dog】

Chen Qi: ...

After a while, Chen Qi received a surveillance video from Shen Xiuyan.

Fan Qing went to fight Liancheng, but was stopped by Shen Xiuyan, and Lin Shimeng was also there.

Chen Qi was worried that Master Xiu had hacked the hotel's surveillance again, which was much faster than following the normal procedure.

Chen Qi directly sent the surveillance to the mailboxes of the top executives of Jiayu Media, as if blowing up Jiayu Media.

You messed with Xiu Ye's little baby, can you not blow it up?

 Thank you star, Xinglan, Yusheng please advise, Le temps Qing Cheng for the reward, and thank you for the friends who voted for recommendation, ok!

(End of this chapter)

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