After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 110 I haven't been a big brother for many years

Chapter 110 I haven't been a big brother for many years
Wang Xu was not in the mood to study, so he turned around and called Brother Lian Cheng as soon as the break came.

Chasing her and asking her about breaking the table just now, like a curious baby.

It wasn't until Lian Cheng threw the test paper in the face that it stopped.

After the evening self-study get out of class, Lian Cheng left empty-handed.

There are quite a few day students, but they are all carrying their schoolbags and test papers to go back and race against time to complete the questions.

Only Lian Cheng is a clear stream.

Never carry a book, nor a bag.

Wang Xu picked up his schoolbag, randomly stuffed a few books and test papers into it, and ran out of the classroom.

He is different from Lian Cheng, if he doesn't take the book back, his father will cut him down.

Always go back and pretend!
Pan Jiahui went back one class earlier, Lian Cheng walked out of the school gate alone, Wang Xu followed quickly.

"Brother, wait for me, wait for me!"

Lian Cheng stopped and turned to look at Wang Xu helplessly.

Wang Xu slammed on the brakes, stopped half a meter away from Lian Cheng, and stepped back another meter.

In just a few seconds, he smelled the fragrance of Lian Cheng's hair, and his heart was full of spring.

Anyway, I have been classmates with Lian Cheng for so many days, so I know that she doesn't like others getting too close.

No matter how fragrant it is, you can't get up and get beaten!

The boy's admiration suddenly burst into pink bubbles, and he couldn't hold it back!
"Big brother..."

"Don't call me big brother, I haven't been big brother for many years."

Wang Xu, "..."

But you are my big brother o(╥﹏╥)o
"Speak up quickly."

She has always been punctual, adhering to the belief of actively grabbing meals at meal times and actively leaving school after school. Being delayed for one minute will affect her mood.

"Well...then I don't call you big brother, what do you call you?"

"I have a name." It means you can call me by my name, the same as before.

"Lian Cheng, why are you so strong? Do you have any secrets?"

Lian Cheng walked towards the school gate, Wang Xu changed his hand to keep up, and kept talking, "Lian Cheng, can you tell me, I have never seen such a powerful girl. We are at the front and back tables anyway, and we are alone. It's better to be happy with everyone, how wonderful it will be to beat the bastards together in the future."

"Naturally, you are short-sighted."

"Farewell, Lian Cheng, is there any way you can make me become like that, the kind that can smash a table with a single slap."

"The ability to crush boulders in the chest can be learned in the entertainment industry."

"..." Wang Xu wanted to cover his heart.

She's obviously just a little girl, but how can she speak so sharply? He's really going to be irritated to death.

"Lian Chengcheng, Chengcheng, can you tell me..."

Lian Cheng quickened his pace, and Wang Xu trotted to keep up.

At the school gate, Lian Cheng frowned,

What about the little Buick?

Where is Ayan?
He has never been late to pick up and drop off himself, what happened today?
"Did the driver who picked you up not come? Why don't we go to the school to drink milk tea, have a supper, and talk about kung fu?"

"No." Lian Cheng pulled up his school uniform.

In the end, the salary of the little assistant must be deducted, and she is a little star standing at the gate to show her face and wait for him. What if she is besieged!
Of course, if she hadn't been besieged, wouldn't it be that her career as an artist was not well-known, and she felt cold.

"Come on, I'll treat you to eat, let's go."

Just as Wang Xu was about to pull her, Lian Cheng grabbed her wrist.

"Wow, wow, it hurts, take it easy!" Wang Xu yelled directly.

"Do you still dare to move your hands and feet?"

"Don't dare, Dad let go, my hand is about to break..."

 Woke up to type when I couldn’t sleep TT
(End of this chapter)

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