After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 113 The Bet: The Chance to Pursue Lian Cheng

Chapter 113 The Bet: The Chance to Pursue Lian Cheng
Shen Xiuyan laughed lightly.

"Don't you dare, if you don't dare, let me get out of the way!"

"What are you looking for with her?"

Wang Xu was a rebellious young man, "What do I want to do with her, and what's none of your business? Who cares about you so leniently?"

Lian Cheng coughed twice, pointed to Lian Qingyun, "This is my father."

Wang Xu's head went blank for a while, and he shook to react.

He turned his head mechanically, "What about you, who are you? Are you Lian Cheng's uncle?"

Lian Cheng burst out laughing, and Lian Qingyun also laughed.

Shen Xiuyan didn't think it was funny at all, "No."

"Then what are you doing! I want to fight you!" Wang Xu didn't intend to let Shen Xiuyan go.

"I'm not interested." Shen Xiuyan walked towards Lian Cheng's father and daughter, losing face for the children.

"Hey, if you win, you are eligible to pursue Lian Cheng, but if you lose, you are not eligible to pursue Lian Cheng, how about it! You don't dare to block it!"

Wang Xu firmly believed that he was right, the man driving the car had a crush on Lian Cheng!This is the first to win the moon if you play close to the water?

He just fell in love with Lian Cheng 5 minutes ago, and he has no intention of giving up.

But such an unknown person as Shen Xiuyan, even if he is the driver who stays by Lian Cheng's side every day, he has a sense of crisis too much.

Hearing Wang Xu's wild words, Lian Cheng's head was full of black lines.

The fire came to her.

"Hey Wang Xu, don't...uh..."

Lian Qingyun directly covered Lian Cheng's mouth, "She has no objection."

Lian Cheng: ...

God, she has no opinion, but she has a big opinion!

Hearing Wang Xu's words, Shen Xiuyan stopped in his tracks.

"Hey, do you want to compare? If you are a man, don't shrink back. Let's have a contest between men!"

Shen Xiuyan turned his face sideways, "Compared to what?"

Wang Xu thought for a while, "Racing car, dare you?"

Not to mention anything else, but Wang Xu is good at racing, and his racing skills are the only ones he can use.

The best arena in Wucheng is run by his family.


"Let's go to the arena." Wang Xu still didn't forget to take back his schoolbag.
On the road.

Lian Cheng had a terrible headache, and Wang Xu just sat in the co-pilot and directed Shen Xiuyan to drive.

He made two phone calls.

One called home and said he would go back later.

The other one called the arena and told them to clear the arena and he wanted to use the arena.

Lian Qingyun wanted to say something when he saw his daughter's appearance, but it was difficult to say because of the presence of these two people.

Wang Xu still didn't forget to talk to Lian Cheng, "Lian Cheng, I'm really good at racing, haven't you seen it?"

He never showed it off!

"Are you so good that you still ask Ayan to race?" Lian Cheng's tone was high.

Wang Xu, "..." was careless.

"Wang Xu, you are going too far."

"It's what he wants to compare, and I didn't force him."


Seeing that Lian Cheng was worried about him, Shen Xiuyan was already happy, "It's okay."

Lian Cheng complained to Shen Xiuyan, "You are really too, Wang Xu is ignorant, and you are ignorant, just playing around."

After Lian Cheng finished speaking, he glared at Lian Qingyun.

The old man didn't know how to stop it.

Lian Qingyun, "..." I was shot innocently.

"I don't care. It's agreed that if anyone loses in the car race, he is not allowed to pursue Lian Cheng. You must keep your word!" Wang Xu confirmed with Shen Xiuyan again.

"it is good."

Isn't it just to play with a little kid!
It would be nice to be able to easily kill a potential rival in love.

Lian Cheng was about to growl, "You guys are enough!"

What the hell, can you not take her with you?
 Lian Cheng: Ayan, you are impulsive

  Shen Xiuyan: How could I be willing to lose you.Be good, and watch how my husband abuses his rival!
  Lian Cheng: ...

  (It's over, I'm going to bed. Good morning, all cuties~)

(End of this chapter)

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