After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 122 I Didn't Find Lian Cheng's Good Looks

Chapter 122 I Didn't Find Lian Cheng's Good Looks

Whenever Wang Xu can sneak out to buy milk tea 10 minutes earlier, he will bring a cup to Lian Cheng.

But what he didn't know was that Shen Xiuyan would replace the milk tea in Lian Cheng's hand with more attractive food every time.

It all ended up in the trash.

Lian Cheng is concentrating on preparing for the college entrance examination, and it has reached the final juncture. He is either brushing up the questions or listening to the teacher's lectures.

Jiang Ying asked Lian Cheng to make an appointment to meet, but the one who really wanted to meet was Bai Chaolu.

Probably the matter of Lian Cheng had a great impact on Jiayu Media. Bai Chaolu was the host and invited several parties to have dinner together.

Bai Chaolu found Jiang Ying, but Jiang Ying couldn't refuse for a while, so she could only contact Lian Cheng.

They are all colleagues, no matter how you tear them up in private, you have to protect them on the surface.

The location is set at Yipinju, the most expensive hotel in Wucheng.

The poor Bai Chaolu doesn't even look down on her.

When he got up on Saturday, Lian Cheng looked at the school uniform in the closet and decisively discarded it.

She chose a black sweater with jeans.

It was still Shen Xiuyan who sent her there.

The little Buick stopped steadily at the door of Yipinju.

Yipinju is a place where rich people gather, and there are countless luxury cars. On the contrary, it is this small Buick that attracts more attention.

However, rich people also keep a low profile. The waiters of Yipinju regard everyone as a rich man and treat everyone equally.
In the box, Bai Zhaolu's complexion has begun to turn ugly.

When she asked for dinner, even she herself had arrived early, but Lian Cheng hadn't come yet.

Lin Shimeng and Si Chen on the side also noticed Bai Chaolu's anger.

Speaking of which, ever since Bai Chaolu took charge of the company in person, she has become much stricter and did not allow the artists under her to disobey her.

Lin Shimeng said softly, "President Bai, don't worry, today is the weekend, Wucheng is quite congested, and Liancheng may be blocking the road."

"Stuck in the road? You know it's blocked, but you don't know how to get out early?" Bai Zhaolu had a bad temper.

Jiang Ying looked at the two of them, "Don't worry, Mr. Bai, isn't it time yet?"

Si Chen glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was 11:58, and they made an appointment for 12 o'clock. He thought that Lian Cheng would come earlier if he said anything, but he didn't come.

Just as he was about to say something, the door of the box opened, and Lian Cheng came, followed by Shen Xiuyan.

Exactly 11:59:30, it will be 12 o'clock soon.

The moment Si Chen saw Lian Cheng, his heart skipped a beat twice.

She didn't wear makeup, she was wearing casual clothes, she looked like a girl who hadn't grown up, but she was already so stunning.

Si Chen was even thinking about how charming and alluring Lian Cheng would be when she matured.

He stared at Lian Cheng until Lian Cheng entered the box and sat down.

Shen Xiuyan glanced across and met Si Chen's eyes, and the goosebumps on Si Chen's back immediately stood up without warning!

Isn't this Lian Cheng's little assistant, with such fierce eyes?

Lian Cheng sat next to Jiang Ying, and Shen Xiuyan sat next to Lian Cheng.


"Come on, this is Boss Bai, there is no need to introduce these two."

Lian Cheng called Boss Bai, but as for Lin Shimeng and Si Chen, she didn't pay attention at all.

I'm tearing my face apart, want to get together again?
It seems that today is not for dinner, but for a fight.

Bai Chaolu was surprised when he saw Lian Cheng and Shen Xiuyan.

Lian Cheng's appearance is higher than the photos she saw, and even her little assistant has such a high appearance?
What's going on, the people in Jiayu Media are all blind, they didn't find Lian Cheng's good looks?
 Thank you Mamba, oaks for the reward, and thank you for the little cuties who helped catch the bugs, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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