chapter 127

Shen Xiuyan spent Saturday with Lian Cheng.

After sending Lian Cheng home, Shen Xiuyan returned to the Yunjian Mansion, and Lu Kan was at his home, holding a lot of documents in his hands.

"I said, Shen Xiuyan, are you the boss or I am the boss? You don't see anyone every day, and I'm almost exhausted, you know? You need to sign these documents."

"Brothers, what a favor." Shen Xiuyan said and poured himself a glass of water.

"Hurry up and take Xiao Liancheng down, or my old life will be taken down."

Lu Kan was about to cry.

Shen Xiuyan told him to ask him to help with the work for a few days.

He agreed.

As it turns out, what Shen Xiuyan said was not just a few days, it has been two months!

He didn't care about his own career at all, so he came to help this big boss.

"Not urgent."

"Not in a hurry?! Do you know that all pretty girls will be targeted by people nowadays? Even if she is calm, other men will be tempted. This is why a strong girl is afraid of pestering her husband. When the time comes, even a little assistant like you will have no time to cry."

Shen Xiuyan thought of Si Chen and Wang Xu.

Lian Cheng's charm is probably not limited to these two people.

"Wait until her college entrance examination is over."

Lu Kan breathed a sigh of relief.

He has hope!
"You contact the capital and pay attention to the actions of the Bai family."

Lu Kan noticed something.

I'm afraid there is something wrong with this family that can be singled out.

"What's the matter, did the Bai family offend you?"


Lu Kan, "!!!"

The Bai family is so bold, do you want to die?

"If the Bai family dares to touch her, find something for them to do."

Lu Kan, "..."

That's right.

No wonder this ancestor was offended!
On Sunday, Shen Xiuyan sent Lian Cheng to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic, and rushed directly to the experiment in the evening.

Resident students will return to school in the afternoon, regardless of whether they live on campus or go to school, they have to come to study in the evening.

Lian Cheng is no exception.

Ten minutes before school ended, Wang Xu originally wanted to sneak out to buy milk tea, but was caught by Lian Cheng and refused.

He didn't buy it.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students left the school one after another.

The school gate, across the road, is very lively, and there are many onlookers.

A female student wearing school uniform, heavy makeup and long straight black hair was standing opposite Shen Xiuyan.

"Hello, I'm a student in the experiment, my name is Xie Fei." Xie Fei tried to make her tone as gentle as possible.

Although she is not as good as Colonel Jian Siyue, her beauty is the beauty of flamboyant enthusiasm, and many men like her!

She firmly believes that as long as a girl takes the initiative, there is no man she can't beat.

Shen Xiuyan was looking at his phone with his head down.

Ever since he knew what Wang Xu was thinking, he got out of the car and waited for Lian Cheng, so as to remind Wang Xu of the price of losing the car.

Suddenly a student appeared in front of him and introduced himself.

Did he ask her to introduce herself?


Shen Xiuyan looked up at her, his eyes were a little cold, and he didn't speak.

Xie Fei didn't feel embarrassed, "I see you waiting here every day, are you here to pick up your sister?"

For Shen Xiuyan's age, it's normal to have a high school student sister.

She had seen it, but she didn't see the face clearly.

Shen Xiuyan still ignored her.

"I don't know if it's an honor to add you on WeChat? I know that the new barbecue restaurant in the school's food street is very famous. We can go together and bring your sister along? Okay?"

Xie Fei didn't give up, and when she was talking, she grabbed Shen Xiuyan's arm with both hands.

 Thanks to Star and Le temps qing cheng for the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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