After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 154 A woman's mouth, a deceiving ghost

Chapter 154 A woman's mouth, a deceiving ghost

Lian Cheng looks at Wen Qi as if looking at brown sugar.

The last time she was victimized by Lin Shimeng, Wen Qi added fuel to the fire.

Because of this matter, Lian Cheng didn't like Wen Qi.

After cooperating on a film, it is inevitable to contact again.

Lian Cheng crossed his arms and glanced at Wen Qi, "What are you going to do?"

"You have never participated in a variety show, so pay more attention when the time comes, and remember to read the hints from the host..." Wen Qi patiently talked to Lian Cheng a lot.


Wen Qi, "..."

He co-authored the talk for a long time, but Cheng didn't even listen?

The moment Lin Shimeng saw Lian Cheng, it was impossible not to be jealous.

In her cognition, every woman under the light is heavy makeup + filter.

including herself.

For this variety show, she made time to go to the beauty salon yesterday.

She spent a lot of money to maintain the skin of her whole body, just to be able to participate in the variety show with the best posture.

It is said that women start to age at the age of 28 and their skin will get worse.

This is also the reason why such anti-aging skin care products are so popular.

There is no woman who doesn't care about these.

She, Lin Shimeng, was not immune either.

Her meticulous care became a joke when she met Lian Cheng.

Lin Shimeng forced her smile, walked to Lin Shimeng's side, and echoed Wen Qi's words, "Actor Wen said that it's your first time participating in a variety show, so there are still many things to pay attention to. But I have been with Actor Wen more than once. Participated, if you have any difficulties then, you can hint us..."

"No need." Lian Cheng was still cold.

"Don't be brave, there's still the host here, just play a few small games, it's fine to not be restrained at the time, fortunately it's not a live broadcast, it's a recording, and if there are any imperfections, you can cut them out. "Lin Shimeng said like a warm-hearted big sister.

When she said that, Wen Qi was not very happy.

He took care of Lian Cheng, why did he turn into showing off when he came to Lin Shimeng?
"Ms. Lin, you and I are not a brokerage company. Even if I lose face, I can't lose it on you. You can keep your heart in your stomach. Anyone who knows our past will not put us together. "Lian Cheng was blunt.

She is not like Lin Shimeng,

He likes to beat around the bush when he speaks, one sentence turns into three sentences,
Too responsive.

Lin Shimeng's face froze again.

The staff originally wanted to say a few words about Lian Cheng, but Wen Qi was also one-sided.

"That's right, it's all because of drama, don't be too demanding."

Lin Shimeng was about to cry, "Actor Wen said so."

Lian Cheng didn't want to look at these two people, her eyes fell on the distance.

Shen Xiuyan is here.

Lian Cheng walked over directly, "Why did you come, I'm almost on the stage."

A little coquettish, a little tempered,

When he approached, he saw that Shen Xiuyan's eyes were still bloodshot, and he became distressed again, "You look very tired, did you sneak around last night?"

"Well, I had insomnia last night, and I was stuck again this morning. Are you all ready? Are you nervous?"

"A little bit. After all, I have never participated in such a variety show, and I don't know how it will turn out."

"Just do as you normally would."

He heard Wen Qi in his ears without missing a word, "..."

When he explained to Lian Cheng as a professional actor, Lian Cheng was dismissive.

Are you so worried now?

A woman's mouth, a liar!
Shen Xiuyan can do it, won the heart so quickly?

 PK is kneeling, the grades are not satisfactory, and it will be put on the shelves tomorrow.

  A Yan and Xiao Liancheng were already fainted from crying.

  I didn't expect it to be put on the shelves so soon, I didn't prepare well in advance, and I will have a decisive battle until dawn tonight┓(`)┏

  Competent friends still hope to support and save this baby's broken heart, ying ying. (After it is put on the shelves, subscription and monthly pass are very important. If you tip, it still depends on your financial strength. It doesn’t matter if you don’t tip.)
  In addition, the activities on the shelves will be placed at the top of the book review area tomorrow, and the gifts are customized peripherals.

  Although it's a bit sad and the work is not perfect, each work is Yan Mama's own, and I will work hard to write it well. After it is put on the shelf, it will guarantee six updates, and I will try my best to add more drops (manually refueling)
  Thank you everyone, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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