After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 160 Standard Confession, Red Rose

Chapter 160 Standard Confession, Red Rose

After the recording was finally finished, Lian Cheng didn't go to the celebration banquet, and withdrew directly under the pretext of having something to do.

Although the final editing took just over an hour, but after recording for more than five hours, Lian Cheng was really tired.

Chen Qi bought milk tea a long time ago and put it in Shen Xiuyan's car, and then stopped by to pick Lu Kan back to work.

Shen Xiuyan picked up a ready-made bargain, took milk tea to coax Lian Cheng, and took her home.

Lian Cheng leaned on the co-pilot, "I didn't expect that variety shows are so tiring, even more tiring than the college entrance examination."

"If you don't like it, you don't have to pick it up in the future."

"I don't plan to take on the show for the time being, I'll deal with the script in my hand first."

"I just went to see the scene, and you performed very well."

"I wanted to keep a low profile, but the one named Wen Jing was not quiet at all. It was too loud, so I couldn't hold back and showed my strength." Lian Cheng was telling the truth.

She disliked such people the most, but there were quite a few of them.

Lian Cheng's low profile does not mean that she has no bottom line to tolerate other people's provocations.

"Teacher Lian, your strength is destined not to hide your brilliance."

Lian Cheng hummed and smiled lightly.

Shen Xiuyan wanted to say something, but saw that Lian Cheng was already drowsy, so he didn't say anything.

Recently, Lian Cheng has been busy working on "Deep Palace" and hasn't had a break yet. After recording today's variety show, I can take a rest.

At his age, just after the college entrance examination, other people's children are going crazy, but his Lian Cheng is working so hard.
The next day, Lian Cheng finally got his wish and slept until the sun was up.

It was already ten o'clock when she went downstairs.

There is an insulated breakfast in the kitchen, with a note from Hua Yinyin beside it.

——Miss, I made delicious food and warmed it up. I can take whatever I want. Today I am on vacation (smiley face)
Lian Cheng praised Hua Yinyin for her thoughtfulness, and filled herself with a bowl of millet porridge.

The doorbell rang, Lian Cheng put down the millet porridge and went to open the door.

It's Shen Xiuyan.

"Don't you know the password?" Lian Cheng said something was wrong.

Today, Shen Xiuyan seems to be dressed a little more formally.

White shirt, black suit, and tie.

Hair strands are all styled to the back.

A meticulous business man?
Looking down, Shen Xiuyan was holding a cake in his left hand and a bouquet of big roses in his right hand.

Lian Cheng:!
Isn't this standard for confession? !

When Lian Cheng looked down at her skirt:!

And so she came down.

wearing a nightgown,

bare feet,
no hair tied,


no makeup,
In contrast,

Shen Xiuyan is exquisite, but she is casual.

There is no harm without comparison,
Any comparison will cause harm!

Lian Cheng slammed the door shut.

Shen Xiuyan: ...

If he hadn't been so fast, he might have been embedded in the door at this moment.

He thought that no matter how late Lian Cheng got up, the latest would be ten o'clock.

What's more, he didn't want to wait another minute.

Unexpectedly, I underestimated Lian Cheng's ability to sleep late, so I came too early.

He is wrong.

Not arranged in place.

You should have checked the timing beforehand.

After closing the door, Lian Cheng's heart beat wildly.

I've seen a ghost, but it's just the man I've known for three months that makes her so excited?

Could it be that Shen Xiuyan's appearance is so in line with her taste?

Lian Cheng almost didn't understand his own heart!
Bewitched, really.

Lian Cheng quickly went upstairs to clean himself up.

I didn't even care about the remaining millet porridge.

If it takes too long, and Shen Xiuyan can't wait to leave, she might cry to death.

(End of this chapter)

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