After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 163 Are You Really Together?

Chapter 163 Are You Really Together?

Lian Qingyun came back suddenly, and Shen Xiuyan fled in despair.

For the first time in his life, the third young master of the Shen family was in such a miserable state.

It seems that he chose the wrong time to confess.

When Shen Xiuyan left, Lian Qingyun's gaze kept on his daughter.

He thought that his daughter would have a good home,

He was also afraid that she would be hurt emotionally.

Father is also a tangled character!

Besides, the girl told him long ago that she likes Shen Xiuyan, so it seems that the development is not very fast?

He thought that his daughter had already taken care of the young man.

Seeing Shen Xiuyan slip away, Lian Cheng cursed secretly.

What is the vow of eternal love, the parents came, and they ran away by themselves? !
Lian Cheng felt that such a situation could not be explained clearly, "Old man, I got up too early and I'm a little sleepy, I'll go to bed later."

Lian Cheng left after finishing speaking, but was pulled back by Lian Qingyun, "Sit down, Dad has something to tell you."

"Can we wait until I wake up?" Lian Cheng bargained, as long as he could slip away first.

"No," Lian Qingyun pushed her directly on the sofa, "Dad is serious."

Lian Cheng, "..."

Dad, I'm serious too!

"You said." Who made me a daughter and you a father!

"Girl, when you grow up, falling in love is also an experience in your life, so you don't have to escape."

"How did you see that?" Lian Cheng thought that Lian Qingyun was not that smart.

"Flowers, cakes, the two of them are so close, your father is also someone from here, you can't even tell, your brain needs to be repaired."

Lian Cheng, "..."

"Are you and Xiu Yan really together?"

Lian Cheng nodded, "I agree."

"When did you get together?"

"I just agreed today. I just refrained from talking about it because of my college entrance examination."

Lian Qingyun nodded.

He is very satisfied with this.

It seems that Shen Xiuyan is not a ignorant person.

"Girl, it's okay to fall in love, but Dad wants to make an agreement with you for three chapters."

"Tell me." Lian Cheng was curious about what Lian Qingyun would say.

She has never been in love, nor has her father taught her.

No one taught her how to love.

"Girl, Dad has no other requirements, as long as you are happy. It's just a matter of feelings. Dad hopes that you can see it more clearly, and don't be too horny. Besides, my daughter Lian Qingyun has an outstanding appearance and outstanding character. It's not bad, and you don't have to worry about getting married. Dad hopes that you will not forget your original heart no matter now or in the future."

Lian Cheng blushed, "Dad, you said that."

Like I'm a scumbag!
"Also, girls have to protect themselves, understand?"

Lian Cheng understood what Lian Qingyun meant in an instant, and nodded heavily, "Well, Dad, don't worry, if you really fight, Ayan may not be able to beat me!"

Lian Qingyun, "..." What's the matter with suddenly wanting to retract what I said earlier?

After thinking about it, Lian Qingyun still asked, "I said girl, gentleness is also necessary, if you can quarrel in your life, don't do it."

This time it was Lian Cheng, "..."

"By the way, Dad will return to the capital tomorrow, so you ask Xiu Yan to drink with Dad at night."

"But he just left."

"A good boyfriend is always on call."


Lian Cheng took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shen Xiuyan,

——My old man sincerely invites you to drink and eat at home in the evening

Shen Xiuyan who just stepped into the Yunjian mansion, "..."

He told Chen Qi, "Go prepare two bottles of good wine."

(End of this chapter)

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