After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 166 Too good a woman is always easy to be jealous

Chapter 166 Too good a woman is always easy to be jealous

It happened quite suddenly.

Shen Xiuyan also went, and Lian Cheng and Jiang Ying re-arranged to meet outside the Strawberry TV station.

A group of three people met, and Jiang Ying made a long story short.

"I inquired with my friends, your scene was cut, that's what the producer of "Happy You, Me, Him" ​​Liu Weimin meant."

"I shouldn't have offended him." Lian Cheng didn't know this person at all. She just came to record a variety show for half a day, so she couldn't remember so many people.

"Wen Jing's real name is Liu Jing, and she is Liu Weimin's niece."

Lian Cheng chuckled, "Oh, sister Jiang, a woman who is too good is always easy to be jealous!"

Jiang Ying, "..."

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

In the name of Huangyu Film and Television, Jiang Ying met Producer Liu.

The three of them went directly to Producer Liu's office.

Producer Liu put down his phone and looked through the documents in his hand, "I'm very busy, so hurry up and talk about something."

Jiang Ying handed over her business card, "Producer Liu, I'm taking the liberty to visit. I'm Jiang Ying, the manager of Huangyu Film and Television. I want to talk to you about the preview of the next issue of "Happy You, Me, Him". Lian Cheng didn't appear in the trailer, so I don't know how the editing of the feature film is going?"

Lian Cheng's fame is still some distance away from that of Wen Qi and Lin Shimeng.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't appear in the trailer.

But Jiang Ying had to confirm whether the main film had been cut or not.

The current cutout technology is more powerful than imagined, and it is not a troublesome thing to deduct only one person.

Liu Weimin raised his face to look at Jiang Ying, still weighing the document in his hand, "Communicate, I don't know how the beauty should communicate with me, how about going to the hotel to communicate?"

Jiang Ying's face changed instantly.

Although she is not a top agent, she is also an old man in the circle, and she has met everything.

But the greasy producer Liu in front of her made her want to curse.

As an agent, she has a principled requirement for herself and the artist, and does not accept any form of depravity!
So when Producer Liu said this, Jiang Ying had already prepared for the worst.

"Does Producer Liu mean nothing to discuss when he said such a thing?" Jiang Ying's tone was cold.

Liu Weimin directly threw the document on the table, "This is your attitude of begging for help! I think the three of you are all good-looking, why don't you wait for me, if I am happy, let someone re-edit the film?"

Liu Weimin's eyes wandered between Lian Cheng and Shen Xiuyan, "They both look quite iconic."

No wonder that girl Wen Jing is jealous.

After finally arranging for his niece to enter "Happy You, Me and Him" ​​and become the youngest gold medal host of Strawberry Channel, how could his uncle not escort him.

It's a pity for the little girl Lian Cheng, she offended someone before she became popular.

When Shen Xiuyan heard this, he clenched his hands into fists.

He was about to make a move,
Lian Cheng, who was one step away from him, quickly stepped forward,
He picked up the water from the table and splashed it on Liu Weimin's face.

"Dirty toad, with a producer like you, the variety show should go offline. It's too disgusting to have a producer like you. In order to prevent my aunt and grandma from eating, I really don't want to broadcast this variety show. Remember how much Please, two cutout brothers, detain me!"

After Lian Cheng finished speaking, he dragged Jiang Ying away.

The way Shen Xiuyan looked at Liu Weimin was piercing.

Liu Weimin was still cursing, but he knew that the outside of the office was under surveillance, if he rushed out like this, it would damage his image.

He directly released the news to block Lian Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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