After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 169 Explosive news, the number one student in the college entrance examination is in the exp

Chapter 169 Explosive news, the number one student in the college entrance examination is in the experiment

At ten o'clock in the morning, as expected, the college entrance examination scoring platform crashed.

The students in the first and second grades are still studying, and the students in the third grade have not come to school.

All the senior high school teachers in the experiment went to school, fidgeting.

Every year at this time, teachers and principals of major schools are very anxious.

How many provincial champions and city champions a school can produce this year is related to the reputation of the school and also to the enrollment of the next class. Can you not be nervous?

But in the experiment, it's okay.

The teachers of the third year of high school are all stuck in a big office to check the score checking platform.

Principal Fang walked in slowly.

The children in the experiment, the top ones are compared with the first, second, and third middle schools, and they all have to be behind.

He has been the principal for many years and is very calm.

I have never won the first place in the experiment, and I never thought that there would be pie in the sky.

The head teacher of Class One, Senior Three, walked back and forth in the office.

Principal Fang smiled when he saw his appearance, "I said why are you in a hurry, the score is doomed when you rely on it."

"Principal, can I not be in a hurry? Jian Siyue is a top student. She estimated her score at 690. If she can achieve this result, it will be a record in our experiment!" Can he not be in a hurry?

So far in the experiment, the college entrance examination with a full score of 750, the highest record is 688 points.

If Jian Siyue can really break the record, she will definitely be a celebrity in the experiment!

Principal Fang, who was not in a hurry, slapped his face in an instant, "Hurry up, check the score."

The class teacher, "..."

Principal, don't worry if you say yes!

One of the teachers said, "I heard that the teachers in this year's marking group are going crazy."

"What do you mean?" Teacher Xu, the head teacher of Class [-], was not in a hurry to check the score. Hearing what other teachers said, he became interested instantly.

"It is said that every subject has a full score answer, which is even more perfect than the standard answer. Especially the Chinese composition, the Chinese teachers of the entire marking team judged it repeatedly, and it was so perfect that there was no place to deduct one point."

"No, you heard it from hearsay, right?"

"A lot of teachers are saying that."

"Probably just a few subjects with full marks, such as mathematics, science and comprehensive science. In previous years, there were occasional full marks."

Teacher Xu rested his chin on his hand, "Oh, if my student can get a perfect score, I will wake up laughing in my dreams, haha..."

All the teachers looked at her as if they were looking at someone who was daydreaming.

What is the level of class nine, don't you, the head teacher, know?

Teacher Xu coughed twice in embarrassment, "Why, the teacher is not allowed to dream, check the score and check the score."

"It's strange, it's been two hours, and I still can't access the score checking website. This system is too rubbish."

After another hour, the score can be found.

The first class teacher was excited, "Jian Siyue scored 691 points in the test! It set a record in our experiment!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

"You really deserve to be a top student!"

"Look, the Education Bureau announced that there is actually a champion with a perfect score this year!" A teacher looked at the homepage of the official website of the Education Bureau and exclaimed, and all the teachers rushed towards the computer.

"No way, since the college entrance examination system has been implemented, you haven't had a perfect score, right?"

"Is there a mistake?"

"How is it possible? This is issued by the Education Bureau, so there is no mistake."

"Could it be those famous high schools in Beijing?"

"Look back and forth, it's not right, this is written about Wucheng candidates..." The teacher who spoke held the mouse with one hand and scrolled the webpage.

In the next second, his eyes widened, he stood up abruptly, and stared at the teacher who came over to look at him.

"It's in the Wucheng experiment, and the top student in the college entrance examination is in the experiment!"

(End of this chapter)

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