Chapter 174 Treasure Girl
Principal Fang asked Lian Cheng excitedly, "Would you like to give a speech as a student representative?"

"Ah," Lian Cheng was a little embarrassed, "but I wasn't prepared."

"It's okay, just improvise. In the experiment, you have a top scorer like you! You must go up!" Principal Fang said excitedly.

The principal's office was already full of teachers, and those who couldn't stand were lying on their stomachs outside the window.

Many teachers wanted to remind Principal Fang.

It's not that such a top scorer came out in the experiment.

It is the whole Hua Kingdom who has such a top scorer, this is a major event recorded in the annals of history!


"I believe you can."

"Okay." Lian Cheng could only agree.

In fact, she wanted to take the college entrance examination just to be qualified as a doctor.

Reluctantly, the admission qualifications of the medical university are very strict, so she can only try her best, but she did not expect to get a perfect score.

"How about we walk and walk, the graduation ceremony has already started?"


Before Lian Cheng left, he didn't forget to take a look at Shen Xiuyan, who nodded and followed.

Lian Cheng and Principal Fang walked in the front, followed by the teacher.

Shen Xiuyan and Chen Qi followed behind.

In the school, on the huge playground, the senior three students stood up in an orderly manner.

Halfway through the preparations for the graduation ceremony, the teachers suddenly left, and the students had to stand and wait.

Unexpectedly, it came again so soon.

The girl next to the head principal is Lian Cheng!
In the experiment, there was no one who didn't know Lian Cheng!
Under the stage, Jian Siyue's hand was tightly squeezed into the palm of his hand.

If her score was placed in previous years, it would undoubtedly be No.1 in the entire experiment.

However, he happened to meet Lian Cheng.

Lian Cheng not only won the first place in the experiment, but also took the first place in the country. Her second place in this experiment became uninterested.

Jian Siyue had no choice but to greet her with a smile.

"Principal, teacher, congratulations to Lian Cheng for doing so well in the exam!" Jian Siyue gave her generous blessings.

Lian Cheng ignored her.

She is not qualified to let herself speak.

Principal Fang also didn't care about Jian Siyue's emotions, "Jian Siyue, will Lian Cheng be the only one who speaks this time as a student representative?"

Principal Fang has already said so, can it still be true?

Jian Siyue tried her best to put on a magnanimous look again, "Lian Cheng is the champion, it's right to give her the opportunity, I don't care."

When he heard this, Lian Cheng's mood was not very good.

She said coldly, "Opportunities are for those who are capable, and there is no question of whether to let them go or not."

Jian Siyue looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry."

Lian Cheng smiled and walked onto the stage without even the manuscript.

The senior high school students in the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Lian Cheng adjusted the height of the microphone, "Hello everyone, I'm Lian Cheng. I just received a temporary assignment to speak, and I'm sorry I didn't prepare the manuscript. The college entrance examination is over, and life has just begun..."

Even without any preparation, Lian Cheng stood on top, still speaking eloquently and leisurely.

Her words inspired every young man below.

Chen Qi behind Shen Xiuyan was excited when he heard it, "Master Xiu, I finally understand why you like Miss Lian, she is simply a treasure girl."

Shen Xiuyan leaned lazily on the tree, "My baby is naturally the best."

Through the crowd, Shen Xiuyan could clearly see Lian Cheng's profile.

Her high spirits penetrated into the bottom of his heart.

In this life, the life trajectory of the little girl is completely different.

 20 more, I really can't write anymore.

  Good night, see you tomorrow, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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