After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 188 What's the matter baby

Chapter 188 What's the matter baby

Seeing that Lian Qingyun was unmoved, Yu Huirong went on to say, "You and I both know what the entertainment industry is. Instead of hanging out in the entertainment industry, Lian Cheng might as well come to Jane's Group to find a job. After all, it's my own family. Everything matters." Easy to talk about."

"The entertainment industry is pretty good."

His daughter chose it herself, what's wrong?

"The entertainment industry is too chaotic. Everyone knows about her troubles with Si Chen, and actor Wen. These are all public, and there are many things we don't know about."

Yu Huirong was about to be pissed off by this father and daughter.

She took the time to persuade her, but she didn't take her seriously!
"She already has her own ideas and critical thinking, and I respect her choice."

"You have been willing to degenerate for so many years, and you still want to drag your daughter? Lian Yun, you should figure out what a good opportunity this is for Lian Cheng. She is ignorant, so are you ignorant even when you are old?" Yu Hui Rong remembered all the past and yelled at Lian Qingyun.

"Don't come to Lian Cheng if you have nothing to do in the future, she doesn't like you." Lian Qingyun left after finishing speaking.

After Yu Huirong got angry for a while, she also left.
At Wucheng Airport, Shen Xiuyan walked out quickly.

Chen Qi had been waiting in the car for a long time, and when he saw Shen Xiuyan coming, he opened the car door for him himself.

Gee tut,
Master Xiu is also true,

Whenever there is something turbulent in the capital and he has to come forward, he will fly around.

No matter how late it is, I will fly back to Wucheng, and I will not hesitate to drive a private plane back.

today too,

Race against time to come back.

Fortunately, Ms. Lian has already been admitted to Beijing University, and when the school starts in September, she won't have to travel so hard.

After Shen Xiuyan got into the car, he took out his mobile phone and called Lian Cheng.


When Shen Xiuyan heard these two words, his heart skipped a beat.

Her ending is a little vibrato, she is not happy.

And it was wronged.

If Lian Cheng doesn't care about it, then she must be disdainful,
If she feels wronged, then...

"What's wrong baby?"

The magnetic deep voice invaded Lian Cheng's heart.

In a word, all her unhappiness disappeared.

"Where are you?"

"Miss me?"

"No, I'm at Huangyu Film and Television, come pick me up?"

"Okay, come right away."

"Well..." Lian Cheng waited for a while, neither of them knew what to say, "Then... that's it, I'll wait for you..."

The phone hangs up.

Lian Cheng suddenly realized something, and found that Jiang Ying was looking at her with a complicated face.


She forgot that Jiang Ying was by her side.

"In love again?"

What does it mean to be in love again?
However, Lian Cheng and Si Chen have also been in love, and it is not wrong to say that they are in love again.


"Where is the sacred? Report it, if one day it is photographed, I will be mentally prepared."

"You know, Xiuyan, my handsome little assistant."

Jiang Ying pondered for a while, "That boy, the moon is the first to get close to the water!"

I have passed the level of appearance, but I just don’t know how people are, so I will inquire about it another day?
The car stopped at the intersection 500 meters away from Huangyu Film and Television.

The driver became Shen Xiuyan, and Chen Qi obediently got out of the car.

"Master Xiu, help me open the trunk, I have a small car inside."

Shen Xiuyan just looked at Chen Qi wearing a neat suit, and drove away in a small foldable car, which seemed to be a substitute driver.

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

Chen Qi is very smart, Shen Xiuyan will drive him out of the car at any time for the position of assistant, he must always be provided with a safe transportation!

(End of this chapter)

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