After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 193 As long as you want, I will give it to you no matter what

Chapter 193 As long as you want, I will give it to you no matter what
Shen Xiuyan saw Lian Cheng's little face flushed like this.

He leaned down and kissed her again.

Lian Cheng:!
Assistant, calm down!
If this went on like this, she was afraid that she would not be able to get off the sofa.

Ayan, it's so fierce!

When he was released again, Lian Cheng's lips were red.

Shen Xiuyan helped her to sit up, and then hugged her in his arms, "When I think about not seeing you for a week, I... I just can't bear it."

A man, when he is alone, he is not afraid to travel north and south.

But when you really have a woman you love to the bottom of your heart, you can't bear to part.

"It's okay, it's only a week, and it will pass as soon as you get busy." Lian Cheng comforted Shen Xiuyan.

Why did Shen Xiuyan feel that these words were not just for him.

"How about you go too?"

Pack it up and bring Lian Cheng with you!
"No, I'm going to Huangyu Entertainment to watch the new script this week, and I'm going to the Chinese Medicine Center to make a doctor's visit."

Shen Xiuyan looked disappointed.

Like a giant lonely dog ​​abandoned by its owner.

Lian Cheng rubbed his face, "Oh, we've met in a week, I'll pick you up then? Okay? When we're free, let's call?"

"it is good."

"Ayan, you are so kind~ My little assistant is both capable and obedient."

"Well, I listen to you most. As long as you want, no matter what, I will give it with both hands."

Lian Cheng smiled and wrapped his arms around Shen Xiuyan's neck,

the other hand,

move down little by little,

In the end it fell into Shen Xiuyan's heart,

She could feel his warm heartbeat.

"Ayan, even if I want you to be careful, it's okay?"

Shen Xiuyan held Lian Cheng's tricky hand, letting her palm completely touch his heartbeat, "Okay, you are welcome to take it away at any time."

Lian Cheng rushed forward.

The two of them romped together on the sofa.
After Shen Xiuyan left, Lian Cheng received news that "Rolling and Turning Life" had received an investment of [-] million yuan.

The opponent is the Yun Group in Beijing.

Lian Cheng thought he had made a mistake and hurried to Huangyu Film and Television. Director He Yu was also dumbfounded.

"What's going on? This YUN group..." Lian Cheng only remembered that it was a huge and mysterious group, and she didn't remember any intersection with the other party.

"I don't know, I just received the contract from the other company and the payment." He Yu has not recovered from the shock.

"This is too unbelievable." Jiang Ying did the same. She has been an agent for so many years, and she has never encountered such a thing.

"By the way, I also received a call from the other party. It seems that the high-level personnel of the Yun Group really like this script. The other party said that it is just an investment. I believe it will get a return. They also let me have full control over the casting." He Yu was excited. Forgot such a crucial thing.

"Maybe, it's really our luck."

Lian Cheng didn't speak, just slumped on the sofa, staring at the ceiling speechlessly.

The answer seems to be on the verge of coming out,

But it was just a little bit worse.

He Yu took out his small notebook and flipped through it, "Lian Cheng, why don't you act as the first female lead? I saw your performance in "Deep Palace", this role is really suitable for you, you must never do it again. Playing the third female role!"

"Why do you think I'm suitable for this role?" Lian Cheng hasn't found the direction of this role yet!
"The role of Warm requires innocence in student days, confusion when entering the workplace, confidence when entering marriage, cheer up when marriage fails, and domineering when starting a career. It needs an ever-changing queen to control."

(End of this chapter)

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