After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 215 I Can't Do Without Your Little Boyfriend

Chapter 215 I Can't Do Without Your Little Boyfriend

Shen Xiuyan was not there, Lian Cheng was filming as usual, feeling bored.

Jiang Ying patted Lian Cheng on the shoulder, "I'm listless after a scene, can't you do without your little boyfriend?"

"I can't help it. I only have the desire to fight when I see the beauty of the prosperous age. None of these things will work."

Jiang Ying glanced at Wen Qi sympathetically.

The throne of actor is probably useless!

Wen Qi is handsome, and with the packaging of a celebrity actor, his popularity is naturally very high.

But Shen Xiuyan can directly knock out the packaged version of Wen Qi even if it is the unpackaged version.

Shen Xiuyan always wears a peaked cap on the set, which reduces the sense of presence and is very low-key, but the girls who see his true face will still cheer.

Lian Cheng didn't have Wen Qi in his eyes at all, only Shen Xiuyan.

He Yu came over, "The next scene, you..."

Lian Cheng straightened the hem of her skirt, "What are you worried about, I don't really fight."

Lian Cheng smiled treacherously,
In fact, she was a little upset at the thought of working with Qin Mier at first.

But when she saw Qin Mier's character, she would wake up from a dream with a smile.

Qu Shuya is the character who is tortured and cried by Nuan Nuan, and what I want to shoot today is the scene where she slaps Qu Shuya into the swimming pool.

Even if it's not a real fight, but the effect comes out, it's cool to think about it!
He Yu scratched his head speechlessly.

slap play,
It might be better if it can be played for real.

Qin Mier also came over, "Director He, Teacher Lian, it's really okay to hit me. Teacher Lian, just hit me, I won't cry out for pain."

Lian Cheng quickly refused, "No, I'll be faster, you just need to cooperate."

If Qin Mier can't do it, she will really fight.

Lian Cheng didn't intend to make a move, after all, she couldn't do it with a slap.

No matter how you say it, you will have to be beaten severely.

"Prepare first, if you can pass, you don't need to fight." He Yu greeted everyone to take their seats.
Standing at the designated position, Lian Cheng finished his lines and slapped Qin Mi'er violently, turning his head to the ground.

The director yelled Ka, and one was over.

Next, Lian Cheng just stood there motionless, and Qin Mier fell into the water by herself, and the subsequent clips will be edited into a coherent one.

Qin Mier can be regarded as up-to-date, she fell more naturally, and passed.

When she got up, the staff wrapped her in a bath towel.

Although it's summer, it's not cold at all, but it's still embarrassing to fall.

Especially when she was still wearing a white skirt, which was completely transparent at the moment.

Qin Mier wrapped her bath towel tightly, and it was very difficult for her to walk in high heels.

He Yuzheng and Lian Cheng were talking, the staff was busy packing up the props, no one noticed Qin Mier.

Qin Mier walked up to Lian Cheng, deliberately touched Lian Cheng, but screamed herself.

According to Qin Mier's plan, she fell into the water again, saying that Lian Cheng pushed her.

Unfortunately, her high heels were suddenly crooked, and she fell down, hitting the wall of the swimming pool with her face.

Heartbreaking pain came.

Lian Cheng, "Did someone fall?"

He Yu threw away the script in his hand, "Quick, save people."

Qin Mier was pulled out, her face covered with blood.

She cried and pointed at Lian Cheng, "What are you pushing me for?"

"Pengci met the crew?" Lian Cheng was sure that he didn't push her, but she felt someone touch her.

Qin Mier's face was still bleeding,

There was no obvious wound on her head, she just held her nose, the amount of blood...

Lian Cheng knew something bad was wrong at a glance, "Director He, we must be sent to the hospital."

He Yu made a decisive decision and sent it.

(End of this chapter)

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