After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 221 Blocking the Knife and Driving to the Doctor

Chapter 221 Blocking the Knife and Driving to the Doctor
After filming, Lian Cheng went to coax the little assistant.

"Ayan, I didn't make it, it's two centimeters away."

"Ayan Ayan, don't be angry."

"Ayan, don't be sullen, it's scary..."

Shen Xiuyan, who was pretending to be angry at first, changed his expression. He wrapped his arms around Lian Cheng's waist as quickly as possible and turned around, holding Lian Cheng in his arms.

Lian Cheng heard the sound of the knife piercing the flesh,

screaming sound,
She looked up and saw Shen Xiuyan's expression was strange, and blood was gushing from his waist.

"Ayan... Ayan..." Lian Cheng was in a hurry.

She almost forgot that she was a doctor.

"I'm fine..." He dodged quickly, and the knife missed.

"Don't talk, I..." Lian Cheng directly tore off the fabric from his skirt, and pressed Shen Xiuyan to stop the bleeding, "Ayan, I'm here, you'll be fine."

If even Shen Xiuyan couldn't save her, she would be called a miracle doctor in vain.

Wen Qi watched everything happen in front of his eyes.

He was the first to kick the assailant away.

He Yu led someone to control the opponent, and after removing the disguise, he realized that it was Qin Mier.

When Wen Qi turned his head, what he saw was that Shen Xiuyan's waist was covered in blood.

His eyes fell,
Did the Third Young Master of the Shen family die so easily?
But since he was injured, it would be easy to take his life...

Seeing Lian Cheng with an anxious face next to Shen Xiuyan, Wen Qi felt soft-hearted for some reason.

Wen Qi approached, "Send it to the hospital, hurry up."

Wen Qi carried Shen Xiuyan on his back, escorted by Lian Cheng.

When she walked past Qin Mier, she said coldly, "He Yu, Yi Chuan, help me take care of her!"

"it is good."

No one cared about why Lian Cheng called the director by his name, her appearance shocked everyone.

Wen Qi's footsteps were fast, and Lian Cheng trotted the whole way to keep up.

"Did you drive a car? Is it a sports car?"


"Drive your car!"

After finding Wen Qi's sports car, Wen Qi put Shen Xiuyan on the back seat.

Lian Cheng snatched the key from his hand, "I'll come."

Wen Qi, "???"

What the hell!

Lian Cheng's speed is too fast!
In Lian Cheng's hands, Wen Qi's sports car seemed to be equipped with an extra motor, its speed and drag racing are undoubtedly!
Wen Qi reluctantly protected Shen Xiuyan, and according to Lian Cheng's method, the two of them were about to be thrown out.

"Sister, slow down, you are about to hit me!"

"Sister, you ran a red light just now, right?"

"It's speeding, I'll tell your dad, can you slow down?"
Shen Xiuyan was pushed into the emergency room.

Both Lian Cheng and Wen Qi were covered in blood.

Lian Cheng leaned against the wall, his chest rising and falling, "Actor Wen, thank you."

Wen Qi was taken aback, "No need."

Anyway, it's a cousin, it should be saved.

After a while, the nurse came out.

"May I ask who is the family member of the patient?"

"I, I am." Lian Cheng admitted.

"The patient has type AB blood. There was an explosion just now that caused serious casualties. All the blood in the blood bank was transferred away. Currently, type AB is in short supply..."

Lian Cheng was taken aback, she is not type AB blood.

She took out her mobile phone and planned to find someone to find a solution.

"I'm type ab, smoke me." Wen Qi stood up.


"Okay, you can test again right away."

"Okay, come with me."

Wen Qi followed the nurse away, not forgetting to tell Lian Cheng, "Don't worry, he won't die."

Lian Cheng nodded.

She also knew that this injury would not kill her, but she was nervous.

At this time, she suddenly realized.

Chinese medicine is valuable, and Western medicine is also indispensable.

Like today's situation, you have to rely on surgery...

(End of this chapter)

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