After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 228 Dad, Can't You See That This Woman Is Interested In You?

Chapter 228 Dad, Can't You See That This Woman Is Interested In You?
The queen bed is more than enough for two people.

Shen Xiuyan hugged him in his arms, smelling the fragrance.

After smelling it, I pressed it to the kiss.

Lian Cheng didn't dare to move in consideration of his wound, so he was kissed just like that...

"If you are so dishonest, the wound will open." Lian Cheng pushed Shen Xiuyan away.

Shen Xiuyan approached with a smile, "I can't help it."

Lian Cheng, "..."

Later, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep.

Three days later, Shen Xiuyan was discharged from the hospital, and insisted on following the advice to accompany Lian Cheng to the filming crew. Lian Cheng locked him in a hotel and forced him to rest.

The filming of "A Life of Tossing and Turning" was full of twists and turns, but the final result was very satisfying, and it didn't take long for it to finish.
At the end of August, Lian Cheng was going to the capital.

Hua Yinyin packed a lot of luggage for her, and sent Lian Cheng to the capital with tears in her eyes. She is from Wucheng, so she didn't go with her.

I don't know if the food cooked by the eldest lady will not taste good without her.

Beijing Airport,

Lian Qingyun and his assistant arrived in a hurry.

Seeing Lian Cheng sitting on the suitcase, Shen Xiuyan pushed a suitcase forward with each hand.

Lian Qingyun smiled when he saw this scene.

The assistant Jin Yong behind him doggedly said, "Mr. Lian, it seems that the assistant recruited by the eldest lady is very dedicated."

"They have developed into a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship." Lian Qingyun stated the facts.

"Really? This young man looks physically fit and capable at first glance! He also likes his girlfriend very much, and he is also very good-looking. This is probably the one that girls like most now!"

"Well, my daughter has good eyesight!" Rainbow fart is very useful.

"Dad, Uncle Jin, why are you here in person?"

Lian Cheng jumped off the suitcase and took Lian Qingyun's arm.

Lian Qingyun rubbed her ball cap, "My precious girl is here, of course I have to pick her up."

"President Lian sent an important customer to pick up the eldest lady." Assistant Jin interjected.

"Daddy is the best."

Shen Xiuyan, who followed behind, "..."

What's the matter with being a little sour?
"President Lian?" A clear female voice sounded.

A group of people turned their heads and saw a woman.

There was a sound of a white professional suit, capable and smart, and the sunglasses were slowly taken off.

When those eyes saw Lian Qingyun, it seemed...

Lian Cheng suddenly woke up, this woman looks like she is over 30, maybe...

Bai Qin approached, "Mr. Lian, is it really you?"

"Boss Bai, why are you here?"

Bai Qin doesn't look like a female elite in the workplace at all, "I just came back from a business trip, this is..."

Her heart skipped a beat,
This little girl is holding Lian Qingyun's arm?

It looks too young!

"This is my daughter, Lian Cheng, and this is Boss Bai, calling people."

"Mr. Bai, hello."

"Hello, the little girl looks quite like you." Baiqin felt a chill in her heart. She had heard that Lian Qingyun was single all these years, but she didn't expect her daughter to be so old.

Lian Qingyun said proudly, "My own."

Lian Cheng: ...

Dad, can't you see that this woman is interested in you?
"Does Bai always wait for the car to pick him up?" Lian Cheng asked playfully.

"Yes, the driver hasn't come yet."

"Father, why don't we give Boss Bai a ride?"

"What's so funny..."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's just empty, let's go."

Lian Qingyun walked ahead, but Lian Cheng did not hold his arm, but took Shen Xiuyan's.


"Boss Bai, I forgot to introduce you. This is my boyfriend Xiuyan."

The two greeted.

(End of this chapter)

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