Chapter 243 Vinegar King
After Lian Cheng's performance ended, Shen Xiuyan was waiting for her outside.

His little girl is too dazzled with a little make-up.

Just one glance took his soul away.

Unfortunately, there is an annoying tail.

Master Xu in the capital, has he also taken a fancy to his little girl?
Good eyesight
It's a pity that it's late.

The little girl in his family can only belong to him alone.

After Lian Cheng and Xu Xing'an separated, they arrived at the edge of the agreed grove, but there was no one at all.

Shen Xiuyan's hand landed on Lian Cheng's shoulder, and Lian Cheng was about to throw him over his shoulder when he heard his voice and stopped alive.

"it's me……"

"Scare me."

Lian Cheng was dragged into the grove by Shen Xiuyan.

The grove of Beijing University is a famous dating place, and there are many couples.

But today I went to the welcome party, and there were almost no people.

"Ayan, what are you doing..." Lian Cheng knew that he must have knocked over the vinegar vat.

"What do you say?"

"Ayan, I didn't know that Young Master Xu would play with me. I'm not familiar with him."

Shen Xiuyan didn't speak, of course he knew that he could see Lian Cheng's uncomfortable movements when Xu Shao was there last time.

If it was a pre-arranged ensemble, Lian Cheng would definitely tell him.

Lian Cheng was pulled close to Shen Xiuyan's arms, and put his fingers on Shen Xiuyan's chest, "I really don't know, don't be angry."

Shen Xiuyan couldn't bear to be angry, he held her messy fingers, "He played with you and wanted to hold your hand..."

"You're jealous, I didn't expect my Ayan to be a jealous king."

"Don't laugh at him."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Shen Xiuyan pressed him against the tree and kissed him for a long time.

After the kiss, Lian Cheng pursed his lips, "It hurts a bit."

Shen Xiuyan touched her lips lightly again.

He turned around and squatted down, "I'll carry you back."

"Ah, this..."

"Hurry up, the welcome party is not over yet, there is no one here."

Lian Cheng lay directly on Shen Xiuyan's back, allowing him to walk on his back.

Beijing University has a large area, and Shen Xiuyan carried her on his back until he was close to the gate, before letting go, and the two left the school gate together.

Shen Xiuyan took Lian Cheng to the parking place, and Lian Cheng was surprised to find that it was an ordinary SUV
"your car?"

"Well, get in the car."

Lian Cheng sat in the co-pilot, Shen Xiuyan drove and went directly to Lian Cheng's apartment.

Lian Cheng sent a message to Pan Jiahui, saying that she would not be going back to the dormitory tonight.

"I'll pick you up every Friday from now on?"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, boyfriend."

"No hard work, no hard work at all."

After arriving at the apartment, Shen Xiuyan had no intention of leaving, "Would you like me to go up for a cup of tea?"

"Would you like to drink tea for a quarter of an hour, or tea for one night?"

"one night."

Shen Xiuyan successfully moved into Liancheng's apartment.

In the cloakroom, the clothes that Lian Cheng had prepared for Shen Xiuyan were sorted and arranged, and all the daily necessities were available. Shen Xiuyan just needs to move in directly.

When Shen Xiuyan came out in her pajamas, Lian Cheng was playing with her mobile phone, her hair was still half dry.

Shen Xiuyan took the hair dryer to dry her, Lian Cheng didn't look up the whole time, and let him toss his hair.

After drying his hair, Lian Cheng applied skin care products again, seeing Shen Xiuyan's delicate face, "Do you usually take care of skin care?"

Shen Xiuyan shook his head.

Pure man, how could he have such kung fu.

Lian Cheng poured some more of his own toner, and greeted Shen Xiuyan directly, "Then use some of mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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