After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 247 Killing Dad After Inheriting Dad's Business

Chapter 247 Killing Dad After Inheriting Dad's Business

Lian Cheng made a special phone call to Lian Qingyun, "Dad, do you know the Yun Group in the capital? It's the local tyrant group that invested [-] million in "Rolling and Turning"."

Lian Qingyun was discussing business with the people below, and when he received a call from his daughter, he signaled the other party to pause.

It was the first time for his daughter to ask a business question when she was so old.

Even if you are asking about the opponent group.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Lian Qingyun asked Lian Cheng with a smile, "Girl, why do you ask Dad this question? Do you want to inherit Dad's career and kill the opponent in one fell swoop?"

His daughter should have such courage!
"Rival company? You mean Yun Group is Huangjue's competitor?" Lian Cheng ignored the issue of inheriting the business.

"I have fought with each other for many years..."

Lian Cheng, "..."

How did He Shuanglian do it? He picked his deadly opponent in one pick.

"Then did you win?"

"It's hard to say. The Yun Group is very mysterious. I don't know how many assets Dad has. Why do you ask them?"

"No, just ask casually, hang up."
Lian Cheng and He Shuanglian went to Yun Group together, explained their intentions to the front desk, and were arranged to wait in the lounge, saying that the investment promotion department was in a meeting and asked them to wait.

He also poured coffee for the two of them.

"I didn't expect Yun Group to be so big, and this building has a lot of money, right?"

The room was a bit stuffy, Lian Cheng took off his mask, "A group that can own large shopping malls in the capital will be short of buildings?"

The real estate industry of YUN Group is one of the big ones.

"I don't know if I can get it to the store, I'm so worried."

"Why are you so obsessed with this storefront?" She even made insinuations that if He Shuanglian could change the address and arrange a storefront in Huangjue, it would be fine. Her father is also very good at real estate.

Otherwise, how could he be an opponent for so many years.

"Teacher, believe me, if you win this store, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center will be stable in the capital."

There are no similar stores nearby, and it is surrounded by high-end residential areas, and there are many people who pay attention to health preservation.

The Chinese medicine hall will definitely be popular!

The prescription in Lian Cheng's hand is still very useful.

"The premise is that you can get it."

"Teacher, you have to have confidence in us."

Lian Cheng, "..."

I'm sorry, Dad Ben doesn't have confidence in himself┓(`)┏

While talking, Lian Cheng saw a familiar figure.

She got up and took a few steps outside to make sure she read it right, "Young Master Lu?"

Lu Kan was discussing the latest project with a group of people when he was suddenly interrupted by a nice female voice.

"Xiao Liancheng!"

Lian Cheng: What are you doing as if you saw a ghost!
Lu Kan's smile is far-fetched!


Lian Cheng is here, she must be looking for Master Xiu!

Master Xiu doesn't know?

"Why are you here?"

"There is something, you..."

Lu Kan waved his hand to let the people around him go first, "I'll do something, what's the matter with you?"

"My friend took a fancy to the stores in the mall under the name of Yun Group..."

Lu Kan instantly understood.

There is a special investment promotion department in the shopping mall. It must have hit a wall there, so I came here to try it out.

"Xiao Liancheng, you go to the lounge first, I'll be right over."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work."

"Wait for me..." Lu Kan quickened his pace and withdrew.

Lian Cheng: ...

I always feel that Lu Kan is weird.

The girl at the front desk saw:!

This girl actually knew Young Master Lu, they didn't offend anyone just now, right?so scared

(End of this chapter)

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