After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 250 Stepping on Two Boats, Master Xiu Was Beaten

Chapter 250 Stepping on Two Boats, Master Xiu Was Beaten
When Lu Kan returned to the CEO's office, Shen Xiuyan was waiting for him standing in front of the French window.

From that seat, I could just see the figure coming out of the gate of Yun Group.

Not even a back view is spared!

I like it but I don't know what's the point of going to school to block people and staying in this tall building every day!

"Don't look at people, they have already left."


"Okay, I almost scared the head of the investment promotion department to death. I rented two stores for [-] yuan. In order to prevent Xiao Liancheng from being suspicious, I slapped my face."

"The credit is all on you." When Shen Xiuyan was speaking, he was a little upset.

Lu Kan sat on the sofa with a smile, "Why do you think you need to be an assistant to get close to her? It's hard to get off now! If I had known that you were the president of the Yun Group, or the third young master of the Shen family, you might have passed..."

"There's no chance of getting close to her at all."

"Xiao Liancheng doesn't look like a woman who dislikes the poor and loves the rich."

"Don't forget, I'm her father's deadly enemy. Besides, approaching her with a real identity, do you think she would agree to be my girlfriend so easily?"

"You're right." As a single dog, he really doesn't understand the twists and turns inside.

But one thing, he understands.

"Aren't you afraid that she will get angry and ignore you after she finds out?"

Shen Xiuyan pinched his eyebrows.

He fears.

Lian Cheng is his weakness, he is afraid that she will get angry.
After finishing the business of the store, Lian Cheng gave He Shuanglian a few health-preserving prescriptions, and then started to be the shopkeeper.

She devoted herself to studying at Peking University, but these courses were too simple for Lian Cheng. When she was in class, she mostly stayed in the back row to doze off, play with her mobile phone, or simply go to the medical laboratory for research.

Pan Jiahui listened to the class honestly.

As for Wang Xu, he didn't take his studies seriously at all. He had already figured out the whole capital, and he knew everything about the fun.

As soon as get out of class was over, I ran to Beijing University to look for Pan Jiahui and Lian Cheng.

"Let me tell you that Yilian Youmeng's dishes in the capital are quite good. Don't you have classes at night? Let me treat you when you walk around."

Pan Jiahui was a little moved, she hadn't been to Yilian Youmeng yet, "Lian Cheng, why don't we go together?"

The relationship between the three is relatively good, and Lian Cheng didn't disappoint, and agreed.

The three of them took a taxi to Yilian Youmeng.

Follow the waiter to the small box that Wang Xu ordered.

"It's hard to book a box here, and I only booked one week in advance." Wang Xu said as he walked.

"You are really amazing, hey, where is Lian Cheng?"

The two found Lian Cheng stopped at the turning in front, and Wang Xu and Pan Jiahui turned back.

Lian Cheng narrowed his eyes, his face was livid, and the breath around him became suffocating.

"What's the matter..." Pan Jiahui looked in the direction Lian Cheng was looking at, and was shocked, "Isn't this your boyfriend?"

"Let me see!" Wang Xu took a closer look.

The people at the table in between, Shen Xiuyan sat with his back facing them, only half of his profile was seen.

A coquettishly dressed woman sitting beside him was pouring wine for him and flirting secretly.

Wang Xu couldn't help it anymore, "Damn it! This brat actually dares to step on two boats!"

Seeing this, the waiter came to pull people, Wang Xu broke free, "Watch me teach this kid a lesson!"

"Sir, you can't go in! Sir!"

Almost at the same second, the sitting Shen Xiuyan stood up directly and stepped aside.

Avoid the approaching woman.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xu came over with a punch.

(End of this chapter)

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