Chapter 252 Trust me, okay?
Shen Xiuyan wanted to find an opportunity to confess to Lian Cheng when she came to the capital.

Haven't found a chance yet,

It was exposed.

"Trust me, okay?" Shen Xiuyan went to grab Liancheng's hand again, but this time she didn't hide.

She really didn't know how to trust the man in front of her.

He hid his identity so well that even if she had doubts, she didn't dare to think in the direction of the four major families in the capital!
"Lian Cheng, I'll explain to you slowly when I get back." Shen Xiuyan's eyes were full of pleading.

There were dense footsteps behind him.

Shen Xiuyan directly held her in his arms, covering her face.

Jun's face was filled with anger, like the arrogance of a roaring lion before breaking through the shackles.

It was because of the old man's face that he didn't leave the table and wanted to last until the family banquet was over.

Unexpectedly, his little girl came.

The housekeeper of the Shen family came over and followed Chen Qi to block him, not letting him approach.

Chen Qi only obeys Shen Xiuyan!
His master Xiu returned to the Shen family just to reassure the old man who is not in good health. As for the rest of the Shen family, they don't need to take it to heart at all!
"Third young master, the master calls you to take this young lady there." The butler said respectfully.

Shen Xiuyan turned his head, "Grandpa, I'm leaving first, and I'll come to see you another day."

After speaking, he hugged Lian Cheng horizontally, as if expressing his determination with actions.

Before Mr. Shen could speak, Shen Chongming said angrily, "Stop!"

Shen Xiuyan didn't stop at all.

"Brother Xiuyan!" Gong Yun chased after her, but she was stopped by Chen Qi just like the butler.

Wang Xu whistled at her, "Oh my sister, brother can't be called casually!"

Why does this sound of brother Xiuyan make people feel uncomfortable!
Gong Yun ignored him, "Brother Xiuyan, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, but today my parents are here, and Grandpa and Uncle Shen are here, so it's not good for you to leave like this."

Gong Yun's voice was very sweet, and she said it deliberately, which made Wang Xu's goosebumps drop.

Pan Jiahui was furious, "Stop talking, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, how can you be so shameless!"

Gong Yun snorted.

Boyfriend and girlfriend, I don't know where the bitch came from, as long as Mr. Shen doesn't admit it, I'll have to go where she came from!Shen Xiuyan couldn't help but worry about such an unknown woman.

"Brother Xiuyan..."

Shen Xiuyan's face was still cold, "Miss Gong, I don't have a younger sister. Please respect yourself too, Miss Gong!"

Shen Xiuyan strode away with Lian Cheng in his arms.

He didn't care about Shen Chongming calling him behind him, but Mr. Shen didn't say a word.

He knows his grandson, who is 22 years old, has never been in a relationship.

Looks like it's serious this time.

Pan Jiahui and Wang Xu followed.

Shen Xiuyan hugged Lian Cheng all the way, came to the parking lot, opened the co-pilot of his Bentley luxury car, and let him in, "Be good."

Pan Jiahui and Wang Xu saw this Bentley: ...


"Lian Cheng..." Pan Jiahui looked worried.

"I'm fine, Wang Xu, accompany Jiahui to eat something, and then send her back to school."

"What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm going home today, see you tomorrow."

Wang Xu and Pan Jiahui left.

With Lian Cheng expressionless, Shen Xiuyan started the car and went to Lian Cheng's apartment.

Along the way, neither of them spoke.

Shen Xiuyan looked at the little woman in the co-pilot from time to time, she looked like a person without emotions.

How to coax her?
Shen Xiuyan almost lost his mind along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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